Negotiating with the Water Guardian

Chapter Twenty-One:

Negotiating with the Water Guardian

Haneul planned on talking to the water snake dragon because even if they would fight it to death, it could only end up with a defeat just like what happened in the original story. The Emperor did not join the fight just like now, however, the two officials lead the troops and they ended up losing their lives. Haneul promised to herself that the calling for new troops would not happen and no battle would take place.

A soft whine escaped the water snake dragon's mouth. Haneul pressed her lips together and closed her eyes, focusing and waiting for a voice to ring inside her head. Seconds after waiting, Haneul finally heard a faint voice. 

"Empress." It was a cold yet delicate voice. Not enraged nor delighted. 

Haneul replied mentally, "Water Guardian. Pray tell, in what way did my subordinate act to get you offended." 

The water snake dragon was quiet for a moment and then followed by a faint scoff. "Some of your subordinates picked up the pearl the water creatures placed near the shore."

Everyone was welcome to take a good rest at the Riverbend, even spending the night in there was alright. However, thou shalt not touch any things that are to be found scattered everywhere under the premises. Be it, a plain-looking feeble or mansion-worthy pearl, it is not to be touched for it is the property of the water creatures.

'This piece of chickens. If they are that desperate to gain riches, they should've just robbed me instead of picking up some unknown pearls!'

Still closing her eyes and touching the jewel on the water snake dragon's forehead, Haneul replied with an apologetic yet dignified voice, "My sincerest apologies on behalf of my people.

The water snake dragon did not reply as if not convinced with the apology. However, Haneul continued hoping for the water snake dragon to spare their lives. 

"Does the great water guardian need anything in particular? Spare my humble party and those who were ignorant of the rules of the forest." 

"Convince me more." the water snake dragon said nonchalantly as if entertained with the begging Empress of the Empire.

Haneul knew that it was coming, it's now or never. "Perhaps, a weapon?" 

That was the last straw to pick up. Guardians are shapeshifters and would often disguise themselves as humans to wander around if not guarding. Water Guardians are known for their obsession with weapons and that they would always disguise themselves as OP adventurers. She just used the weakness of the monster.

Hearing this, the water snake dragon groaned softly and commented, "I'm impressed, you know what button to push. Negotiating instead of fighting, you even know how to deal with a guardian. An extraordinary Empress indeed."

Haneul cleared her throat. 'Of course, you can blame the author for giving every single detail of every single monster in this world.'

"You flatter me." she half- sincerely replied.

"Very well, I shall accept. A sword for a life. However, I'm not that generous so of course, you would spar with me on behalf of everyone." 

Hearing this, Haneul gulped down the lump on her throat, "A spar?"

'What the heck, a spar? The great Wangchul can't even defeat you yet you are asking me, an awesome and beautiful empress, to spar with you? Are you mental?'

"I won't repeat what I had said. Fret not, I will be coming at you if I want to spar with you. As for now, I'm just going to wait until you could fix yourself." 

Haneul was about to ask the water snake dragon about what could it possibly meant about being fixed when she felt the ground was shaking. She opened her eyes and remembered that she was standing on top of the water snake dragon's nose.

It was mentioning her to get off, and so she did. Wangchul immediately helped her from going down and was about to ask what happened when the water snake dragon moved its head.

Wangchul unsheathed once again his sword and looked at the water snake dragon attentively. However, instead of attacking, it retreated and got back from the Riverbend.

Seeing this, everyone cheered and applaud, "Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress saved our lives!"

"Long live the Sun and Moon of the Empire!"

Everyone was relieved and firmly believed that they owe their life to their savior— Myung Haneul.

Meanwhile, Wangchul with his unsheathed sword in his right hand, was left dumbfounded. "What on the earth just happened?"

Wangchul's eyes were locked on the part of the water where the water snake dragon sunken itself but Haneul knows that he was asking her.

Who else moved recklessly and just jumped up to touch some shining shimmering jewel on the water snake guardian's forehead, closed and her eyes and silent as if talking to the water guardian.

Haneul, with her face pale because of the negotiation that just happened, replied in a low voice, "I just saved them."

Wangchul finally turned his head to Haneul and looked at her with confusion on his face. Haneul continued, "I begged the water guardian to spare our lives and apologize on behalf of everyone."

"The water guardian just let you go like that?" he asked, obviously not convinced.

"It was curious as to why I knew about the jewel on its forehead. In exchange for information, I saved everyone." she lied nonchalantly. 'The hell you know! Stop asking!'

Wangchul replied, "Right. I did not know about the jewel on the water guardian's forehead. How did you know about that?"

Haneul picked up her bow and placed the scattered arrows back on their container, "Let's talk about it along the way. For now, let's continue our journey."

Wangchul nodded and ordered everyone to continue marching. They immediately obeyed and thanked the Empress once again. Haneul just showed off her business smile and kept on repeating the humble lines; I was just doing my job as a ruler. I do not deserve such credits alone, the Emperor stayed by my side to protect me.

'Some small amount of sugarcoating and we good.'

"Now." Wangchul started. Haneul mounted Hualian before looking at him.

"Whence did you get the knowledge about the water guardians?" Wangchul was, of course, curious. Albeit the time they spent together was not that much, Wangchul at the very least knows that Haneul is not interested in businesses other than the Harem and Embroidery. Just how much does she know?

Haneul looked away before answering, she can't lie straightforwardly to Wangchul. She stole the identity of someone important to him, if she still got the face to lie whilst staring at him straight in the eye, just how brazen could she be?

"It is a past time..."

'...I, sometimes, feel bored and in need of something else to do other than paperwork...'  is what she wanted to say however ended up with a small reply.

Haneul can't even lie more than five words as if every time she would open her mouth, her conscience would eat her up.

Hearing that, Wangchul did not ask further. Haneul maybe not comfortable with the topic for her to have a cursory answer. 

After marching for a long time, the night greeted them with noisy cicadas and dancing fireflies. The moon was bright and beautiful together with the countless stars shining like thousands of diamonds up in the dark blue sky. They halted at a flat surface not too far from the man-made road and decided to camp for a night.

The troops set up a bonfire for everyone to feel warm and a campfire to be used in cooking as per the Emperor's order.

On the other hand, the exhausted Haneul immediately entered the tent the troops made and pulled herself onto the bed they also made. Even though the materials made were things that the forest provided, it was still comfortable. Haneul is also a person who can sleep anytime and anywhere, not minding if she's standing or sitting. She doesn't even mind different kinds of bed as long as she wants to sleep, then all is well.

 All prepared, Wangchul looked around for Haneul's silhouette but there was none. He asked the representatives about the whereabouts of Haneul and he did not fail to get an answer. 

Wangchul marched his way towards their tent and approached the sleeping Haneul; bragging, "Han-i, I'm going to cook for tonight's dinner. I do not mind having an audience." he said poking Haneul's cheeks.

Haneul felt the physical contact and slowly opened her eyes. She wasn't sleeping, Haneul was just taking a rest. But how she wished that she should've just pretended to be asleep rather than to accompany Wangchul in cooking.

She stood up and followed Wangchul quietly.

When they reached their destination, Wangchul placed all the ingredients needed and proudly started to get to work. He doesn't know where did his confidence come from when he can't remember when was the last time he cooked. Come to think of it, he doesn't have any experience in cooking even when he was still Beomseok; his mom is the one who always does the cooking. At the palace, of course, there is no need to cook. What's the use of the servants?

Needless to say, he wanted to show off in front of Haneul and remembered that Yeona mentioned about how Haneul loves people cooking for her. Now, albeit the zero percent experience, Wangchul is confident.

Maybe cooking is not that hard.