The Cooking Master

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Cooking Master

Wangchul firstly chopped everything and nonchalantly threw all the chopped ingredients inside a boiling pot. 

The drowsy Haneul suddenly became alert and is watching him with agitation. She would occasionally open her mouth as if she wanted to advise him something but in the end, she said nothing.

After putting all the ingredients inside the pot, Wangchul casually stirred it for a while and let it cook by closing the pot. He then looked at Haneul with a 'praise me' face. Haneul just shook her head lightly, she knew what it would taste like even without tasting it. The smell itself is lingering inside her nose, it would be pleasing if it was a good smell, however, it was an awful one. She just doesn't have the heart to tell the confident amateur chef.

After being left for several minutes, Wangchul decided to take away the cover of the pot. Before opening the cover, Haneul was well aware for how much of a confidence Wangchul got. Now, however, he looked like he's starting to doubt himself. After all the chopping and estimation of ingredients, Wangchul obviously had tried his best and exerted so much effort, but it had resulted in such a disaster.

Haneul was still watching, what should he do? Was he really going to make Haneul eat something like this? He volunteered to cook for dinner to astonish Haneul but it was rather a disaster than a very well impression.

"DO YOU FELLOWS SMELL SOMETHING? CHECK OUT WHERE DOES THAT ROTTEN FOOD COMING FROM! IT WOULD BE BAD FOR THE APPETITE OF HIS MAJESTY AND HER MAJESTY!" One of the representatives ordered. It was then followed by a yes. Hearing this, Wangchul's eyebrow twitched. How dare they insult the Emperor within his presence? Wangchul looked at Haneul with his shoulder dropped to gain sympathy. 

"Han-i..." Wangchul started to whine as he throws away the pot elsewhere.

Seeing the cute side of the Emperor, Haneul can't help but to be in awe.

'What the hell? This is illegal, sir! How could the author make this main character so cute and at the same time stunning?!'

She looked away and picked up a clean pot at the side. "I'll cook, will you excuse me."

There's still plenty of ingredients left to cook for something decent. If she won't do it, who will? Wangchul already threw his cooked food without even checking how does it taste. 

Pouting, Wangchul took a seat on the side where Haneul settled down and looked at him cooking a while ago. Now, the tables have turned. 

Haneul casually picked up a knife and started to chop the ingredients needed. If she was praising the author for Wangchul's good looks earlier, she now wanted to choke her.

'Damn author, If you're going to make a main character, at least let him be good at cooking!'

After an hour, Haneul opened the pot cover and smiled in satisfaction. She then took a bowl and started making a portion for everyone. Smelling the alluring scent, Wangchul goes towards the busy Haneul and helped her.

He was still embarrassed but at the same time, he was admiring the multi-talented Haneul. Whoever knows that his first love would be this sublime.

After minutes of preparing, Wangchul gets out of the cooking area and ordered someone to relay that the dinner is ready.

Everyone then approached the cooking area with their stomachs grumbling. They never thought that it would take two hours for the Emperor to make food. They wanted to see the process, however, the Emperor did not allow them to go near the cooking area. 

As soon as they get to have to share, they immediately devour the food in their bowls. 

"So delicious, delicious! Your Majesty, we were not aware of your good cooking skills!" A subordinate commented whilst looking at the Emperor. It was worth it waiting for. They are more than willing to wait for another two hours if they could once again taste good food the Emperor himself made.

Wangchul, however, looked at him; his face cold and his mouth was chewing at a slow pace as if savoring every ingredient. "I do not dare take credits, Han-i cooked for us."

Albeit the cold face, his voice was warm. He really wanted to praise Haneul more and sweet talk if not for the people around him. 

Everyone was silent for a moment. If this was made by the Empress, then where's the food the Emperor made? Was that the awful smell awhile ago? Was that why it took two hours?

They wanted to ask yet they wanted to live that is why they praised Haneul instead of asking such questions. They would just leave it all up to their imaginations and speculations.

"No wonder... Her Majesty is the Perfect Queen Mother after all!" one of the representatives praised with a delightful laugh. 

Wangchul just nodded as if agreeing while Haneul was busy replying back to their non-stop praising. 

The dinner ended successfully without monsters showing or subordinates fighting. Now that Everyone had their fill and now ready to replenish their energy, they were about to make their own bed under the moonlight and take a good rest. However, they were not on a safe campsite, the party was divided into two groups and is assigned under Kim Daehan— the Imperial Faction Representative, and Jeon Junsoo— the Aristocratic Faction Representative. The people under Kim Daehan would be guarding up until midnight and would be replaced with the people under Jeon Junsoo would be guarding up until morning.

Yawning, Haneul approached Wangchul who was standing outside their tent, "Wangchul-ah are you not going to sleep?"

Wangchul looked at her and shook his head lightly, "Han-i, I'm afraid that I cannot accompany you inside the tent tonight for I will be guarding outside until the sun rises."  

Inviting Haneul to come with them just for his selfish reason also means that he needs to prioritize her safety over everything. That is why Wangchul planned on guarding their tent in case of emergency. It's not like it would be an exhausting job for him, Wangchul had done far more worst than staying up all night. 

Hearing this, Haneul nodded; her eyes half-closed. "Okay then. Have a good night." 

Wangchul looked at him, eyes widened. A moment later he chuckled and patted Haneul's head. "Your response will never fail to surprise me, Han-i. Go inside now, it's cold. Have a good sleep."

Wangchul was kind of expecting for Haneul to convince her to get inside but she replied bluntly at all. 

Meanwhile, Haneul was confused with Wangchul's words. However, she was so sleepy that she brushed it off and Immediately flopped on the bed to sleep.

The next morning, Haneul was greeted by the smiling Wangchul. 

"Good Morning Han-i, time for breakfast." Wangchul said in a warm voice.

Haneul fully opened her eyes and noticed that there was a tray on Wangchul's hands. On that tray were various kinds of foods. It seems like the one who was actually assigned at cooking ruled over the cooking area first thing in the morning. And it also seems like Wangchul gave up on cooking.

When the latter noticed that there was a table inside the tent, he carefully placed the tray and prepared their breakfast. Haneul was about to make herself presentable and said wait to Wangchul when he retorted, "There is no need. It's just the two of us here. Let us not make the food wait."

Haneul, who was about to tie her hair and with her hands mid-air, stopped and looked at Wangchul. "Alright then, It would also be bad if the food's cold." She got no choice but to agree. It's the Emperor who could cut her head if she disobeys him, how could she dare?

Haneul took a seat facing Wangchul and they eat silently together. One thing to say, the food was impressive. Her cooked food was not even half as good as this, why the hell did Wangchul take the responsibility for cooking dinner last night? She just missed the chance to eat a good dinner at the right time for they had dinner late.

After finishing off everything, Wangchul broke the silence, "Han-i. I'll help you get ready, there's a lake nearby, you can take a bath there while I watch over you."

Haneul looked at him with a confused face as if misunderstanding something, "No, thank you. I can handle myself." 

'Why the heck would you watch me taking a bath?! I mean, even though we're married it's still uncomfortable.'

Wangchul, however, looked at her still wearing his warm smile, "Who else do you want to guard you while you're taking your bath other than me?"

Haneul oh-ed. Seems like she misunderstood Wangchul's intention. He meant to guard the lake not literally watch her bathe.

She simply said "Alright" before turning away and prepared a set of clothes.

What the hell was she thinking!

After leaving the campsite, they marched their way and continued their journey without any appearance of monsters and guardians.

They would only stop for a little rest and during lunch but nothing dangerous really happened on the way.