Chapter 3

Author note:

If you want to read ahead go to https://www.patreó

—-Will there be any times-skips?

One or two, but small ones.


Once again, I strained against the damned chains that held me in place, trying to get a better look around..

Five seconds ago, If I recall correctly I was on the forest fighting, and now I was in a dark room.

I couldn't see anyone around, all I could see in my cage was the dim light that came from the sealing, though thanks to my chains I wasn't able to see exactly where it originated.

At least I felt better, maybe the psychopaths healed me, once they recaptured me, 'status'

[Name: Arthur Valentine

HP: 85% MP:100%


I was definitely better, relatively speaking, but for how long, hydra was sure to start their brainwashing on me soon, I suppose I could always pretend to obey their every command, and find a way to escape, but I wasn't sure that would work.

As I was deep in thought the metal door of my cage creaked open, and a man in army fatigues walked towards me. He was cleanly shaved and had a deceiving friendly face, that if it wasn't for his eyes that were filled with an intense, burning hatred and sense of superiority, it would fool anyone.

"Rechoice, you haffe zurfiffed und haffe zee Hobordunity to pecome ein head, put first ve haffe to mold you, preak you und puild you anew…(Rejoice, you have survived and have the opportunity to become a head, but first we have to mold you, break you and build you anew)" God his accent was thick, but the message was clear enough, they would break me, I couldn't allow that… I had to escape this hell.

[Quest Alert!

Escape Hydra by any means necessary! No matter how you have to escape! Find a way!

Completion award: ???

Failure: Death


With that said the man walked away, leaving me in my cage, alone. With a new quest.

All of the sudden a loud mechanism was making a clank. Releasing me from my restraints, dropping me into the floor like some kind of baggage.

A quick glance at the door showed it was open, what in the hell were they planning? This had to be a test, but to what point?!

Well, it's obvious they want me to play, so I'll play, perhaps it will help me find some information, maybe if I was lucky enough the avengers would save me.

I walked through the door cautiously, finding a long empty corridor, with nothing but a door in the end.

No cameras, nothing, just a corridor and a door in the end, "Well, I guess I have to go there," I muttered as I walked down the corridor.

Once I was in front of the door, -Oben zee door, ve haffe much to discuss, (Open the door, we have much to discuss)- someone said through the static of an old radio that was nowhere to be seen.

With no other options left, I did as I was told, opening the door, taking a deep breath as I walked inside the room finding out that it was a spacious room with nothing but a very old TV, a table, a chair and a door in the other end.

—Take ein zeat (Take a seat)— The Tv on the table turned on, showing a man with a fair complexion, on the other side of the screen.

Knowing that I had no other choice but to obey, for now, I pulled the chair back and sat on it, watching the TV screen as I did.

—Your training pegins now, put first ve haffe to discuss your role as ein fudure memper of our family (Your training begins now, but first we have to discuss your role as a future member of our family)— The man on the tv said.

'Inspect' I thought as I focused on the TV.

[Standard TV

Item used to watch TV, broadcast information and more.

Issued in: 1935]

1935! Well… don't panic Arthur, maybe villains in this reality love old tech…

—Zee rules of zis Hinderffiew are zimble, lie und vu vill feel bain, affoid zee truth und vu vill find bain, now. Arh ! How does your bover vorks? (The rules of this interview are simple, lie and you will feel pain, avoid the truth and you will find pain, now. How does your power works?)— The man on the tv said.

Well, let's see how much I can avoid sharing, "I get stronger with each fight I win, but every time I need a bigger challenge," that was not a lie, just a partial truth.

—Vat is your name? (What is your name)— the man on the tv asked, as he was taking notes of what I had answered earlier.

So he can't tell if I tell partial truths, good, "Arthur Valentine,"

—Vat zide of zee var are vu on? (What side of the war are you on?)— The man on the TV inquired.

War… so I was really in the past, "None," a shock of pain, invaded my body, bringing me to my knees, pain like never before, yet I knew I wasn't getting hurt… my HP wasn't moving at all.

—-Lies vill take vu novere mister Falendine, (Lies will take you nowhere mister Valentine)— The man on the tv stated, with a pleasant smile.

So they do have a way to tell if I'm lying and make me feel pain without handing me, great, "I apologize," I said gasping for air.

—Now, ansver zee gueszion ( Now answer the question)— the man ordered.

"I'm not with the Nazis," I answered.

—Zee? Is zo much petder to opey, I hobe zat is zomezing vu vill zoon learn (See? Is so much better to obey, I hope that is something you will soon learn.) — the man smiled.

Motherfucker, "I understand,"

—Now vere are vu from? (Now where are you from?)— The man asked.

"I don't have a home country, I have moved around a lot," I answered truthfully.

—Vell, zat vas all, ko pack to your cell (Well that was all, go back to your cell)— The man ordered.

For now, I will obey… I just have to find a way to escape before I end up saying hail hydra or some shit, "As you wish," I said through gritted teeth.

As I walked back to my cage, I pondered what could be the best way to solve my dilemma, I was scared beyond comprehension, and for a good reason, I had read more than enough comics to know these fuckers are pure evil.

STATS, I had stats points, maybe if I had enough I would be able to escape, but first I had to solve the bomb situation, it was very probable I had a bomb inside me, after all they blew up the guy chasing me…. If I wanted to escape, I needed to make sure they didn't have anything inside of me.

'Character Sheet' I commanded inside my head, and my character sheet appeared.

[NAME: Arthur Valentine

MP = 100% —- HP = 86%


TITLE: The Gamer

EXP: 50/300

STR: 5

DEX: 6

END: 7

INT: 6

WIS: 6

LUK: 2



If I recall correctly thanks to me years of playing role games, each stat was useful depending on what I wanted to build.

Strength STR- measuring physical power and carrying capacity.

Endurance END - measuring endurance, stamina, health, health regeneration and damage reduction.

Dexterity DEX - measuring agility, speed, balance, coordination and reflexes.

Intelligence INT - measuring deductive reasoning, knowledge, memory, logic, magic capabilities and rationality.

Wisdom WIS - measuring self-awareness, common sense, restraint, perception and insight.

Luck - measuring of a character's luck. Luck might influence anything or nothing, but mostly random items, encounters and outstanding successes/failures (such as critical hits).

Now the question was… what did I want to build? A mage? A warrior? An Assassin?

Maybe I could go the tank route, and tank my way out of this shit hole…or maybe a mage? No… I didn't have time to build myself as a mage, those types of builds take longer, I had to go the physical route.

With that in mind, I used the points I had, two for END, three for DEX, four for STR and one for LUX, who knows it might prove useful in the future, and god knows I need all the luck I can get.