Chapter 4


Go ahead and check it!

Sorry for the delay I was occupied with other stuff.


I was naïve, I thought things would eventually play out for me, and that I would find a way to escape soon, that was a year ago, a year with Hydra, their methods were cruel but effective, they had tortured me almost every day, just because my ability to heal almost any damage was vexing for them.

I had experienced every possible torture, or at least that's what I thought, and even with all this torture, I hated Hydra, in fact, I actually hated them now, before this, they were fictional for me, an abstract concept, a mere bump in my path, now… they were my worst nightmare.

'Status' I suppose, even the worst things have something good.

[NAME: Arthur Valentine

MP = 100% —- HP = 100%


TITLE: The Gamer

EXP: 80/1200

STR: 15

DEX: 17

END: 30

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 3



My END had gone through the roof thanks to them, and their training in martial arts had helped my STR AND DEX by a decent margin, but their tortures were far from over, Hydra was not stupid, they had to know I wasn't loyal, meaning, they would try to break me physiologically speaking sooner or later, perhaps it would be wise to increase my WIS, to make their work a bit harder, but even without that, I had no choice but to obey them, the bomb inside me was more than enough to keep me in place, though lately, I have been fantasizing about blowing up with them, that would be a great way to go.

-Mister Falendine, ve haffe kood nevs, (Mister Valentine, we have good news)- The radio in my cage lighted up, as my personal nightmare spoke.

"What can I do for you, chief," I said with the best fake smile I could give.

--Alvays zo villing to bleaze, fery vell, ve haffe decited to zend on ein mizion, needless to zay, schould vu fail to redurn or comblete zee mizion, zee pomb inzide vu vill Hexblode, is zat clear? (Always so willing to please, very well, we have decided to send on a mission, needless to say, should you fail to return or complete the mission, the bomb inside you will explode, is that clear?)-- The man said through the radio, with amusement.

A mission, I see, clever little bastards, they wanted to see how much I was willing to do, to keep my life…. Very well, I'll play, "What do I have to do? And what are the parameters?"

--Our Hinformant in America, Heinz Kruger, has told us, zat our old friend Abraham Erskine is vorking on zee zuber-zoltier zerum vith zee Americans, your mizion is to help retrieffe zee zerum und kill zee docdor, (Our informant in America, Heinz Kruger, has told us, that our old friend Abraham Erskine is working on the super-soldier serum with the Americans, your mission is to help retrieve the serum and kill the doctor)-- Oh so that were I was timeline-wise.

"Parameters?" I asked again.

--Vait for zee zerum to pe tesded, only zen ve'll know if it vorth pringing, (Wait for the serum to be tested, only then we'll know if it worth bringing,)-- Oh but it was worth it, very much so.

"As you wish," Now I had to think, how to avoid certain death.

--Vu leaffe tomorrow, und rememper, don't fail us, (You leave tomorrow, and remember, don't fail us)-- The radio blinked one more time before turning off.

I will most definitely disappoint, and I will take immense satisfaction in doing so.


I woke up the next morning, to get my fake papers, perhaps I would have time to level up a few times during all this ordeal, I hadn't had the chance of doing so here, no missions here for my gamer power, just pain.

"Your name is Robert Williams now, you are from New York, the rest is on the papers in your bag, memorize them, and burn them, is that clear?" Finally, someone without that freaking thick accent.

"Yes," I nodded.

My ride to the plane was uneventful, though I did enjoy being out for a change, being in a cage for a year really puts things into perspective, my flight was long, and had several stops, mostly because I had to cross over the American border with a submarine waiting for me on Mexico, as to avoid the American government to notice I was infiltrating when I Robert Williams was supposed to be on the country.

[Stark's Magazine Latest Issue- 1942]

Huh, didn't know Tony's dad had a magazine, neat… well, at least I now finally now what fucking year is it.

"Enjoying the flight?" A woman asked as she sat beside me, acting… too friendly, "I can wait to be in Mexico, out of all this… nightmare," Mexico too huh, very sus.

Not today, Jesus, 'Inspect'

[ Alexandra Matrivic - Hydra Head

Gender: F

Age: 33]

I knew it, they were keeping an eye on me, "Me too, I'm excited," I smiled, playing the game the best I could.

"Oh, silly me, I forgot to introduce myself…. Mary Smith, nice to meet you," The bitch said as she extended her hand.

"Robert Williams, a pleasure to meet you miss," I wonder how many spies has Hydra deploy to keep an eye on me.

"Well, let's be flight roommates, Rob," The bitch offered.

"I don't see why not," I smiled.


After six flights and one hundred and twenty hours of road, I was finally where I had to be, about to get into the submarine, on my way here, I found thirty spies,  and each of them engaged with me, truly impressed how through this guys can be, well, maybe not that through, they had me for a year, and they didn't discover how my power works, meaning they all think I fall right into their game.

"I think this is a good time to say… I don't know how to use a submarine…" I muttered.

--We already knew that Mister Valentine, that's why inside the submarine-- The door atop the submarine opened, and a man walked out of the machine, gesturing me to get inside.

"Very thoughtful," I smiled, as I walked towards the submarine, 'Inspect'

[Heinz Kruger - Hydra Head / Assassin

Age: 33

Gender: M]

So he is my ride, well… that makes things interesting, now...  by tomorrow morning, I would be in America… perhaps there I would have a way to take the shackles these bastards had put on me so that I can kill them all. They tortured me, so… it's only fair.

[Quest Alert!

Find the brightest minds available and convince them to help you!

Rewards = ???

Failure = Death]

With that, I had two quests pending, and both overlap with each other, if I took the bomb out, I would effectively be out of Hydra, therefore I would finish the first quest I was given.

"Read the papers that were given to you," Heinz ordered.

"What happens if… I don't know… get drafted into the war? I mean for them, I'm an American right?" I inquired, as I read the papers.

"If that happens, contact your supervisor, he will update the parameters of your mission," Heinz answered in a dry and cold manner.

"Will do," I nodded, going back to my reading… huh look at that, I'm an alcoholic, and I like Golf more than American football…. What kind of psycho do I have to play…. Nobody likes golf, more than anything, heck not even golf players like golf.


Once we arrived at America, we parted ways… he had his assignment and I had mine, and they would eventually overlap each other, but for now, I had to… wait, might as well make this time worthwhile, with some training.

As I walked, something very… very light touched me, as if a sick puppy, tried to tackle me, "Huh?" I turned around out of curiosity, to see. No other than the future ass of America, Steve Rogers, God he was skinny, that can't be normal.

"I'm sorry," Steve apologized.

"Hey it's alright, I'm sure you didn't mean any harm," I chuckled as I used inspect on him

[Steve Rogers

Gender: M

Age: 20]

"You don't want to fight?" Steve asked, with a very surprised expression on his face, did they really beat him up for such… stupid mistakes, God, and here I thought the bullies in my school were mean.

"I mean, do you want to fight?" I asked with a smile.

"No, just… forget I said anything," Steve chuckled nervously.

"I need some help, I just recently moved here, and I would like a tour, and frankly you seem like a reliable guy, wanna help a poor soul?" This was perfect, first I would befriend the spaghetti standing in front of me, then I would use him to get rid of my bomb, and after of Hydra, soon those fuckers would pay every scream I gave.

"Sure!" Steven smiled

"Awesome!" Soon, all those fucking Nazis would burn, and oh, how delightful was that going to be.