Chapter 5


Go ahead and check it!


Steve was naive, stupid… and fortunaly for me, easy to manipulate, to ensure my survival I had to make him my friend… or at least pretend he was, I couldn't really make any friends when all I was trying to do was take out the bomb inside of me, and… of course, destroy Hydra, two main objectives, none required friendship.

"I'm going to try and enlist," Steve chuckled with a pained expression.

"I'm sure one of these days they will say yes," I smiled as I ordered a drink in the local bar in the neighborhood.

"I don't know why you like that," Steve pointed at the drink.

"It used to numb my pain… now it's just like water…" Having a body designed to evolve was… annoying at times, for one… it took me one month to become totally immune to alcohol, being so far the easiest skill to level up.

"It's not okay to drown your pain in alcohol…." Steve scolded, ever so righteous, disgusting…

"Oh Steve, the world is not a palette of black and whites… the greys are one that fuck you up," I laughed.

"You shouldn't say bad words… is unnecessary," Steve sighed as I rolled my eyes.

"You do you, let me burn in hell," I winked at him.

"Not if I can help it," Steve chuckled.

No you can't… Hydra showed me hell, and that it's something I can't ever forget, "Thanks,"

"Oh I forgot, today I'm going to the Stark Expo with my friend Bucky, and I wanted to know if you wanted to come," Steve offered.

"I would love to," I lied.

[Lying has level up!

Lying - Passive - LV 15

The ability to lie skillfully for successful social interactions as well as for interpersonal manipulation and personal gain would seem to be a valuable skill with an evolutionary history.]

"Great!" Steve smiled, as he returned to eat his fries.

I got to say… by the amount of food he consumes… it's baffling how in the heck he stays so skinny…

As I was about to dig in on my well deserved food, a woman entered the bar, as per norm, I used observe on her.

[Petra Rok - Hydra Informant

Age: 27

Gender: F

Power: Low Tier - Memory Manipulation]

[Observe has leveled up!

Observe - Active - LV 4

Observe is a skill that helps to gain information about objects, situations, allowing the user to quickly gather information about anything. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.]

[Petra Rok — Hydra Informant

Age: 27

Gender: F

Power = Medium Tier- Memory Manipulation

——-User can control memories of oneself and others, allowing them to modify, fabricate, suppress, influence, repair, restore, erase, detect, and view them. They can change memories to confuse, wipe away certain memories to cause amnesia, discern and provoke nostalgia, and enter the victim into a psychic vision, replaying their memory, for this to happen the user needs to make physical contact.]

Well ain't that the tip fucking of the fucking iceberg, "I'll be back Steve," I excused myself, walking toward the woman.

"Oh hello!" The woman waved at me, happily.

"Hail Hydra," I whispered to her ear, making sure not to touch her.

"Follow me," Her demeanor changed in an instant.

"As you wish," I said with a forced smile.


Petra was here to… see how my mission was going, she was my handler in a way, and possible here to manipulate me… who knows what she could do with her power… god forbids she makes me a loyalist to hydra. I rather die.

"How is your mission going?" Petra asked behind the bar.

"So far I'm just waiting… don't worry, I will complete what I have been tasked," I reassured the hydra bitch.

"I see," Petra hummed deep in thought, "Who is the man you were having a drink with?"

"A nobody that I am using as a cover for my normality," I answered.

"Very well," Petra nodded, "In case you forgot… if you step out of line… kaboom," she smiled as she gestured to my chest, making an explosion gesture.

"How could I forget… don't worry… I live to serve," I said through gritted teeth.

"Very well… just making sure," Petra smiled, "I'll be checking on you… every now and then, and before I forget… how did you know I was part of Hydra… we haven't met,"

"Well… the first thing you did was to look at me, straight at me… that much was a give away," I answered begging the gods for her to eat the lie.

"I see… well, good eye," Petra hummed as she walked away.


My days before the Stark Expo continued with me grinding skills, and leveling up the ones I had.

So far my skill list was rather unimpressive, but it would do for now.



•Gamer Body - Passive - LV MAX

——Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

•Physical Endurance - Passive - LV 40

——The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken. 40% decrease in damage taken by attacks.

•Blunt Weapon Mastery - Passive - LV 10

——Allows the user to freely handle blunt weapons. 30% increase in attack damage with blunt weapons and a 15% increase in attack speed.

•Sixth Sense- Passive - LV 4

——A natural survival instinct. It allows the user to sense when something bad might happen. The higher the skill level, the earlier the user can sense danger, radius of effect 50meters.

•Sharp Weapon Mastery - Passive - LV 20

——Allows the user to freely handle sharp weapons. 40% increase in attack damage with blunt weapons and a 25% increase in attack speed.

•Running - Passive - LV 10

——It increases your running movement speed by a 100%.

•Healing Meditation - Active - LV 15

——By meditation it heals the user 10% of its missing HP per hour.

•Lying - Passive - LV 15

——The ability to lie skillfully for successful social interactions as well as for interpersonal manipulation and personal gain would seem to be a valuable skill with an evolutionary history.

•Mixed Martial Arts - Passive/Active -LV 10

——It allows the user to better handle itself in fights, giving a barehanded damage boost of 25%.


It was clear to see I needed something to set the deal… I had many skills, but none was strong enough to deliver killing blows.

"Maybe I should learn how to use a focused strike… every game has one of those," I hummed deep in thought.

[Quest Acquired!

Learn how to use focused strike!! Have a powerful skill in your arsenal!

Rewards: 200ExP, Skill Scroll

Failure: None.]

Huh, well ain't that convenient, "Very well, let's put all our attention into that," I laughed.