Chapter 6


Go ahead and check it!


I covered my eyes against the sunlight that seemed determined to drive me blind, naw. Today was Saturday, the day where Steve would start walking on the path to become the first super heroes, the day of Stark Expo.

I wasn't exactly happy with what was going on, because I didn't have enough time to grind some skills, which put me on a disadvantage, but I will move forward with what I got.

If I remembered correctly… Steve was going to be recruited by the professor into the Rebirth Project, gaining… a well, established position in the army, and eventually his powers as Captain America.

Which meant I had two options, one… enlisting with him, messing up with Hydra in the process or two… avoiding the army altogether and 'following' the mission parameters to the letter.

God knows I needed some formal training, though that I could do alone… well, I'll decide on the go today.


[NAME: Arthur Valentine

MP = 100% —- HP = 100%


TITLE: The Gamer

EXP: 80/1200

STR: 17

DEX: 20

END: 30

INT: 10

WIS: 10

LUK: 3



Not bad, I suppose… for a couple months worth of training without any quests, I was well above the average human, by a long margin.

As I got ready for the convention, I couldn't help but wonder if Obserce would work on me, not that I had the chance to try it earlier… Hydra didn't give me any … mirrors on my cage, 'Observe'

[Arthur Valentine - Hydra Forced Associate - The Gamer

Gender: M

Age: 23

Power = Unknown Tier - The Gamer.

——It allows the holder to live its life as a video game, with levels and everything, while limited in some things this ability can be with time a very powerful one.

Mutant Power: Dormant - Tier High - Enhanced self-preservation.

——With this power, the user can identify any sort of danger coming at him the moment the ill will is directed.

This power would also allow the user to instinctively know how to evade an attack and know when to run without any particular planning ahead.

-Limitations = This power only works on the user and the user alone, meaning if danger threatens anyone else but the user this won't work.

Also, whenever the user is in real imminent danger, the user will feel compelled to run away, and any desire to stay would become secondary as his desire to survive will be too great for the user to suppress, unless another emotion is strong enough at the moment to war with that instinct. This power will put the user's survival as top priority always, anything else is secondary.

How to awaken (?)


Enhanced self preservation, not the most lethal power, in fact that shit is not lethal at all, but it would sure be awesome to have, wait… is the how to awaken option blinking?

With a somewhat giddy emotion leading me, I air pressed the blinking text in front of me.

[To awaken the X-gene within the user's body the user must ???????? ]

Fair enough, well at least I know it's there, one day it will be mine, for now… let's just work with what I got.

Besides I have -focused strike- now, not a nation buster skill… but good enough, maybe I can become the equivalent of Superman here, if I grind enough… by the time of Infinity War I should be more than able to do it.





"Rob! Are you ready?" Steve called out from the door.

"Yes," I shouted as I ran to open the door.

"You must be Rob, Steve's new best friend," Bucky smiled teasing Steve.

"I already told you, I don't have a quota for Best friends," Oh god… he really thinks I'm his best friend… poor anorexic idiot.

"Yes, it's me," I smiled, shaking Bucky's hand, "A pleasure to meet you, winter soldier,"

"Winter soldier?" Bucky inquired with a smile.

"Don't mind him… he gives nicknames to everyone," Steve smiled, "Mine is everyone and then, Captain America,"

"Well… that one suits you Steve, always fighting for what is right," Bucky laughed, "Winter soldier… I like it, I bet the ladies will love it,"

"That's the attitude," I hope for your own good Bucky that you keep that attitude, Hydra will break you, in more ways than one… I know that better than anyone.

"Now let's go, I got us a triple date," Bucky smiled, "Steve told me you were coming… and I couldn't let you be the third literal wheel, so… you have a date… you welcome,"

Great, social interaction with someone I couldn't care less, perhaps it's not that bad, if I play my cards right I might get to bang someone, "Who is the lucky lady?"

"Maria Collins, a rich girl from New York," Bucky answered, and well… I had no idea who this Maria Collins was...ohhhhhhhhhh it's Tony's mother isn't she.

"Very well," I smiled.

"Let's go," Bucky smiled, pushing me and his skeletic friend into the streets, eager to get to the expo.

"I'm not sure I like the idea of dating someone I don't know," Steve muttered.

Well… this gives me a repertory of jokes for when I meet Tony… like, hey Tony, call me daddy or stuff like that, I suppose even now I can enjoy the finer things in life, like yo mama jokes.


As we walked to the expo, Steve and Bucky argued, about the principles of dating, "I don't see what the problem is. You're about to be the last eligible man in New York. You know, there's three and a half million women here,"

"I'm still here…" I muttered with a fake hurt expression.

Steve nodded at me, "Yes, and besides, I'd settle for just one, a woman to love and love me," how poetic...

Bucky looked at me, and Steve and sighed, "Well… I'm pretty sure Rob will get drafted… but let's think about that later" Bucky said as he waved to our dates, Connie, Bonnie and Maria.

Lady number one smiled, "Hey, Bucky!"

Steve glared at his friend, "What did you tell her about me?"

Bucky played dumb, "Only the good stuff,"

"I must apologize, but who among you beautiful ladies is Maria?" I inquired, giving my most charming smile.

"That would be me," Maria smiled and I have to say… Tony had at one point a really hot mom.

"Wanna walk around?" I offered, extending my arm.

"It would be lovely," Maria nodded, as soon enough we were far from the group.


"I would like to clarify… I'm not currently looking for anything… I was peer pressured into this triple date ordeal," Maria informed me.


[ Maria Collins Carbonell

Age: 23

Gender: F

—She is a bit stressed out with the current triple date… but accepted to come because her newly acquired friends peer pressured her—-


"You should really get better friends," I chuckled, "And don't worry… I was forced into this to,"

"It seems we both need better friends," Maria laughed, "I feel bad now,"

"Why would you? I still get to walk around with a pretty lady, that alone makes a night worthwhile," Really Arthur…? I already feel the cringe echoing to the future.

"What a charming man…" Maria blushed… oh god that worked… Jesus, either my game is strong or the woman of the era are easy to please, "So why aren't you on the dating game?"

"My job," I answered, "what about you?"

"I don't feel ready… to form a family, not yet," Maria answered.

"You can always have fun without compromise… but that's not for everyone," I answered.

"That might work with men… but we women have a standard to keep, at least I do, as a lady," Maria rolled her eyes.

"I suppose, is still stupid though," I chuckled.

"Perhaps," Maria nodded.

"So… how about we both explore this expo for a bit alone… and we meet here on the shooting range in two hours," I pointed to the shooting range, "To make it fun, we have to hide from our 'friends' deal?"

"That sounds so… childish, I'm in," Maria giggled.

"Good, then let's go," I chuckled.


It took me a few minutes to find where Steve was, and it seemed I was about to witness one of the most important parts of the MCU, Steve meeting the Doctor Abraham, aka my target.

[A new skill has been created by an specific action.

Stealth - Active/Passive - LV1

——Is the ability to move undetected with, well, Stealth. It also covers your ability to perform actions unobserved or unnoticed. This is the skill used for sneaking around, for pickpocketing, and even for sleight of hand tricks.

Bonus in stealth 10%]

Neat skill, will grind the bastard later.

"Is this a test?" Steve inquired, I still had no idea what part of the conversation I was.

Abraham Erskine nodded, "Yes."

Steve sighed, "I don't wanna kill anyone. I don't like bullies. I don't care where they're from." oh, so I'm here for the ending, neat.

The Doctor offered Steve a smile, "Well, there are already so many big men fighting this war. Maybe what we need now is the little guy, huh? I can offer you a chance," he said as they both walked out of the room.

Steve at this almost exploded in happiness, his eyes crying almost.

The Doctor looked at Steve once again, "Only a chance."

Steve nodded without hesitation, "I'll take it." Stupid heroic moron.

The Doctor smiled, "Good. So where is the little guy from, actually?"

Steve chuckled, "Brooklyn."

Dr. Erskine smiled as he stamped Steve's form handing Steve back his file, "Congratulations, soldier."

Steve opened up the file and sees that he's been stamped as accepted, a big smile breaks into his dangerously skinny face, "Thanks,"

Well, that history is on its course… I have a little bomb to take care of… and a doctor to peacefully convince of help me out.


I followed the Doctor around, waiting for him to be alone… I had to get him alone, I knew that he was the only one that could possibly understand me, for he also suffered in the hands of Hydra.


[Doctor Abraham Erskine

Age: 73

Gender: M

—— He feels happy that he found such a good candidate for his project—-]

"Hello Doctor," I greeted, as he entered his hotel room.

"You are…." Fear on his voice, and anger… he must already know… something is not right.

"We have a common ex-employer… and of course enemy," I answered, closing the door behind him, as I used inspect in every corner of his room, finding no microphones or other spying items, "Hydra,"

The doctor rushed to grab his gun but I was faster, and ended up immobilizing him to the floor, "Look, I really don't want to hurt you… I really don't,"

"I won't give you anything," The doctor hissed.

"Oh I don't want anything… I want you to take something from me," I whispered, "You see… hydra… is forcing me to obey with a bomb inside my chest…" I said as I let go of him, "If I don't obey… well, boom,"

"And you want me to remove the bomb," The Doctor said as he stood up.

"Yes," I nodded, "If you do so… I will give you a list of the spies Hydra has around… all I want in exchange is my freedom, something they took over… quite harshly if I might add,"

"Why me?" The doctor asked, "I'm sure many others would fit into such delicate job,"

"You are my target… I was tasked to spy on you, and well… you know the rest," I chuckled, pointing to his paperwork, "If I get close to you… they will think I'm doing my job, meaning they are less likely to blow my chest up…"

"And what do you want to do after... if I agree take the bomb out?" The Doctor inquired.

"Well… I have one dream for now… and that is destroying Hydra…" I said hissing with hate, "I will eliminate their organization from the face of the earth… after that, I don't know… go to the Bahamas?"

"Very well, I'll help… I know what is to be a slave for them…" The doctor sighed, "It's a terrible fate,"

"Oh before I forgot… this little mission of ours needs to be a secret, if you need extra personnel for it… please introduce them to me first… my power allows me to know if they are part of Hydra," I warned the doctor, the last thing I needed was to… be blown up in the middle of my operation.

"A power?... interesting… can I run some tests afterwards?" The doctor inquired.

"By all means, but after this bomb is out of my chest," I shrugged, "Can I have your number? For contact…."

"Sure… I will start working where to remove that… device.. I might need Howard for the Bomb…. knowing Hydra… they probably put a countermeasure against any type of removal,"

[Quest Completed!

Find one the brightest minds available and convince them to help you!

Rewards = 50000EXP!]

[Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!

Level UP!]

Hahahaha, Hydra was so fucked, but for now… let's continue this charade, "Probably,"

[NAME: Arthur Valentine

MP = 100% —- HP = 100%


TITLE: The Gamer

EXP: 500/49.500

STR: 27

DEX: 30

END: 40

INT: 20

WIS: 20

LUK: 13

