Exploration & Level Up

Digging, it's a very calming act if I do say so myself. Finding something while digging is even better, and what do you know; I finally found another egg in this huge mound.

In front of me lay a large white egg slightly covered with dirt and old fallen foliage. It was very similar to the one that I came out of. Maybe this one looks a little bigger. It took me quite a while to get to this egg. I wonder if it will hatch soon like I did.

The hole I dug into this mound is surprisingly sturdy. I thought it would have collapsed by now or something seeing as how far I dug into it which is about 6 feet give or take. I cannot be super accurate. Well now that I have this hole for shelter, and I have found that there are more eggs what should I do? Explore? Yeah, I will get a lay of the land around me.

I exit the mound to the open air to see nothing out of the ordinary. Trees, bushes, shrubs and other flora in all directions. There are some clear parts where a person could move through unhindered in front of me and to the left. I could skirt through the underbrush with no problems if I tried . . . I think.

After a bit of thinking I decide to take the path in front of me that looks like a game trail. Froward, nothing wrong with going forward in one direction. That way I can retrace my steps easily and not get lost. Alright, first steps away from the nest, to the great unknown. Here goes nothing.


About an hour out on this trail, I happened to come upon a sand shore lake. Which was a relief because I was getting thirsty, I am also getting increasingly hungry as the day progresses as well. I should be thinking up ways I can get some food. If I don't then I am going to end up dead one way or another.

While I went to take a drink by the lake side, I spotted some creatures and normal looking animals. There were many around this lake those being a herd of about 20 or so strong looking deer; taller than a grown man (ruffly 7 to 8 feet tall) with enormous pointed antlers which was hard to believe they could carry on their head without falling over head first. Then there came these creatures which could only be described as ground sloths, slow lumbering hulks with massive jaws, blunt snouts, and powerful clawed limbs. I would not want to get in front of those things. Lastly, one of the most interesting creatures would be the enormous turtle. It looks like an enlarged alligator snapping turtle and its as big as a van. I will dub it the death turtle from this point on because nothing should survive getting bit by that.

Of course, I am some distance away from these intimidating creatures. If i did not know my place here and tried to get closer, it would be a certified death sentence. There were some other animals that were around, but they did not stand out quite like the ones I mentioned earlier. Like for example some wild hogs, a tapir or two, and some birds from time to time flying overhead.

On another note I was able to get a look at myself for the first time. In the water reflected a long oblong snout that came to a rounded tip, my jaws were lined with two rows of small needle like and serrated teeth. My eyes looked like those of a snake, with the pupil being slanted up and down and the iris a pricing yellow color. I seem to be the size of a full-grown dog. For only being about 12 hours old this is really something else. My skin was gray in color with a hint of green mixed in, which I really liked. As I mentioned before I had long forelimbs and 4 clawed fingers, as well as a nice long tail. Man do I look scary, no wonder that goblin ran away from me, I would to.

By the time I got through with everything, taking my fill of water and staying away from the dangerous looking residences of the area I had eaten up a big chunk of time. It was starting to get dark and I needed to get back to the mound before I could not see anything. Time to get going.


So here I am, on the trail halfway back to the mound, and what do I find? Three goblins, one of which is a bit familiar. It's the goblin I first met; he seems to have brought along a couple of friends with him. I can see them on the trail in front of me about 60 feet or so, but I am not sure if they can see me. The reason being is that it is dark. But why can I see them you ask? Because I have low light vision like an owl or a raccoon. I realized this after it did not get much darker after the sun went down.

Shouldn't goblins have good night vision? I guess they are not like I thought they would be. Well they exist here, and they cannot see in the dark, otherwise they would not be walking straight toward me. I stopped walking when I saw them around 100 feet from me but now there about 40 to 35 feet and getting closer.

I cannot move off the path, both sides are packed with bushes and shrubs, they would notice the noise if I went into it. I cannot get by them because they are walking side by side. I do not really feel like turning around and going back to the lake. I will have to just fight them then.

I crouched low to the ground ready to spring toward the largest goblin in the group which was standing in the middle. The one I saw before was to the left and the other one who is similar is to the right. I need to go for the bigger one first. He is the one who would do the most damage to me if given the chance, and I am not going to give him that chance.

They are only 10 feet away from me now and the big one stops, grunting something to the two others. That's my queue, I erupted from the ground and ran toward the big gob.

I got to the goblin in no time at all and bit at his neck. Blood began to pour out of the large gash I put into him, but before I could do anything else, he grabbed me and tossed me about to where I started my charge. Damn, good thing I went to him first or I might have really been in trouble.

Heavily wounded and gasping for air the big gob said something and pointed in my direction. The other two goblins hearing this ran towards me with their poorly made clubs raised high in the air. I was able to back up a few steps and dodge both of their swings easily. One of them even stumbled forward because it put too much force into its swing.

I took this golden opportunity and bit into the one that just fell snapping its neck in the process. Once that goblin died in my jaws, I heard something, a faint chime and the words (Level up). I think I am hearing things but it's no time for that I got things to deal with. The other goblin from before must have realized that its friend is dead because it just started running away as fast as it could.

The big one was on its knees now clutching the wound on his neck. He tried to grab at the goblin that was fleeing to no avail as the one that was running dodged his grasp. Me not wanting the goblin to get some type of second wind and come for me I rush him again and deliver the killing blow to the other side of his neck. It did raise an arm in protest, but the arm was too close to his body and I was still able to reach his neck.

As the big goblin took his final breath, I once again heard the light chime of a bell and the words flow into my head (Level up) a couple of times. For some reason I got tired after hearing this and I started to sway back and forth. I shook off this drowsiness the best I could and started to make my way back to the mound hoping to get some rest after this intense little scuffle.