The System

As I saw the mound in front of me all I could think about was getting some sleep. I have never felt this drowsy before and I have no idea why I would be feeling this way. Maybe it's the stress of the situation finally getting to me. Just the fact that I am here as a creature and the fact that I just killed something with my own claws for the first time ever. I don't really know how to explain it.

Well I need some rest. I climbed into the hole I made previously in the mound and shut my eyes. I was out in no time. . . . . well I would be asleep if there wasn't this glaringly bright screen in front of me. This is what I could see.


--Race: Unknown

--Age: 0 years old

--Titles: None

--Level: 6

--Passive skills:

Dark vision

Serrated bite: level 2

Increased perception: level 1

Minor resistance (all status effects)

--Active skills:

Slash (Claws): level 1

Intimidating roar: level 1

--Unique skills:


Skill points: 12


I guess those bell noises and the "(Level up)" voice was not just in my head. I have a system now. Or I have had it up till now I just needed to do something warranting a level up in order to activate it or something. That's what I am going with anyway. I think I'll look into this more when I am well rested, I need my sleep.

Wow that was one of the best nights of sleep I have gotten in a very long time. I feel like I could run a marathon. But first I have to say that this hole feels a bit more cramped then I remember. My head is sticking out of the hole that I made which is not that odd seeing as how much I would toss and turn in my sleep. This was not the case though because my body seemed to have gotten bigger and my head poked out of the hole because of it.

I wiggle my body a bit and get myself free from the hole in the big mound to see what has happened to me. From what I can see I think I grew a foot taller and longer . . .. maybe even more. My color slightly darkened as well turning less grey and redder from what I can see from looking at my arm. I am growing up a bit too fast.

WAIT the system! It did say I leveled up and I guess a bit of growth would come with it. What matters is how I get the system screen back up and how I am going to continue this day with this new information.

The screen appeared out of nowhere when I was trying to go to sleep. So, do I need to go to sleep again? I'll try some other methods before I resort to sleeping again, even if I really do enjoy it. Okay, think think. Open status screen . . .. nothing great, OK. Uh let's try just STATUS . . .. I have a feeling I am going to be hear all day trying phrases. JUST APPEAR DAMN IT.

And there it was, in all its glowing glory. Really, really? That is all it took I mean come on it should be harder than that. Well its up now let's get a better look at it. Hmm so my race is unknown it seems, I would have liked to know what I am, but I guess that is fine for now. I am not a year old yet obviously. I can earn titles, now that is interesting. I wonder if there are preset ones where I would have to do set actions to acquire them or if they are just randomly generated based on what I accomplish. I am level 6, wonder if the big goblin was responsible for that. I do remember hearing more dings when the big one bit the dust.(A/N: Refer to the status above I do not want to keep putting it in because I find that it would annoy the reader unless you want me to then just comment.)

Then comes the skills, first the passive ones. Dark vision, that explains how I was able to see so well in the dark. Next is serrated bite huh, oh it's also already level 2 as well. I did kill both goblins with my bite so it should be from that. Increased perception huh, I have not really had much action from this skill. I guess I can feel the presence of living things around me. Here is the oddest of my passive's minor resistance to all status effects. Did I just start with this based on what I am? Yeah let's go with that, it's not like the answer even matters.

I only got two active skills. . .. well that kinda sucks but hey, I might get more by doing and trying new things, think positive. I have slash (claws), how do I activate it? I try to focus my attention to my right claw opening and closing it slowly and before I know it my claws start to glow slightly. Cool, now to use it on something, but what? Looking around I spot a tree, not one of the ones that towers into the sky but a younger one about a fourth of the size.

I walked up to the tree and drew my arm back. Then I swung as fast as I could at the tree, carving a deep 4 clawed gash into the outer bark of said tree. Stepping back to admire my work I noticed that I did not really feel any resistance when I hit the tree. It was like a knife through butter. That is just at level one, just imagine level 10 slash. Hell, I might be able to just cut one of those huge trees down. Now onto the last skill intimidating roar.

I could try it now, but I would rather wait until I have a living target to try it on besides just a tree. It's not like I can intimidate a tree, the goblins would be a great target now that I think of it but I would have to find some more.

Huh it seems that I have another skill and its unique at that. Assimilation? Well I can take a couple of guesses at what it does. I would love a detailed explanation of the skill but that is just too much right now. Then I have skill points, a total of 12, 2 for each level. I'll be saving those for later, never know what I might need or acquire down the road.

Alright I have looked over my "status" and I am ready for this new day lets go exploring again.