Exploration part 2

I went down what I would assume to be the northern path the last time I went exploring so how about I go down the southern path. It is the only other path unless I wanted to go off roading, but I will save that for a time where I am more confident in my strength.

I looked up into the sky and noticed that the sun was not very far up into the horizon so that would suggest that I have woken up quite early in the morning. Maybe I can explore a bit longer this time around. Well, here I go.


30 minutes down this path I can already spot some differences compared to the northern path I took yesterday. Like the fact that the path is, a pit overgrown. The northern path was wide enough for three goblins to walk side by side on, with some extra space included. This path would only fit about one and a half goblins and at that point they would be getting hit by a lot of underbrush on both sides.

Looking down at the ground there seems to be indentations in the ground from footprints long past. I cannot tell what they are from because they are very old, and vegetation has grown back. I'll be sure to find some opponents on this outing for sure. I'll be able to try my skills and everything.


About 4 hours on this trail, I have been seeing less and less trees as I go. Where the mound is there are very tall towering trees in all directions with large canopies that provide a ton of shade, you could compare it to the redwood forest back on earth but now it feels more like pine flatwoods. Don't get me wrong there are still quite a few trees around, but they look scrawny and their canopies do nothing to shade the ground from the harsh rays of the sun beating down.

Which brings me to my next topic. I AM HOT! Man, I'm missing the shade those huge trees provided already. It was at least 15 to 16 degrees (Fahrenheit) coolers under those. I know I am some type of reptile now seeing as how I resemble a dinosaur and all which means I should be better in the heat but man this is uncomfortable. Wait, reptiles cannot regulate their body temperature, can they? Or can they? Damn I really wish I could remember this type of stuff.

Well it does not really matter, it's not like it threatening my life or anything it's just a mild inconvenience if anything. I just like to over dramatize things. Back to walking the trail.


Not to long after that inner monologue of mine I smelled something . . .. blood . . .. and a lot of it to. I began to pick up the pace a bit into a light run to get to wherever the smell was coming from.

The smell of blood was getting more and more intense the closer I seemingly got to my destination. But I came to a stop when I found myself heading off into the underbrush. Do I really need to check this out? Can I not just pass by? It's not like I am hungry or anything, I am just curious. It's now or never and I am not going to wait, I bolt through the underbrush towards the smell.

Another 5 minutes pass of constant jogging and I can hear what would be considered battling. Cries of creatures and howls of animals resounded throughout the surrounding area as I approached and all that I can say is that it was a horrific scene.

Laid out before me was a sizeable clearing with many ramshackle huts dotted around. Some were toppled over, and some were still standing with minimal damage done to them. On the ground lay many goblins, (dead of course) at least 15 to 20 of them from what I could see from where I am as well as some dog like creatures. The ground was painted with their blood. Some bodies were ripped in half spilling their guts while others were little more than limbs scatted across the clearing. Or I would say village given that there are huts and all.

The noise was coming from the other end of this goblin village which I could not see. I'll go around the outskirts and keep out of sight while investigating this. As I headed around the perimeter the noise of the fighting increased until it hurt my ears. Once I was in a position where I could see the action, I crouched low and made my way closer.

From what I could see there were about 10 small goblins left alive as well as 4 big goblins, like the one I encountered before standing in a circle with their clubs at the ready. At the center of the circle stood their leader which was at least a foot or so taller than the big goblins and a deep shade of red instead of the dark green of the others. In its hand was a proper weapon, a sword. Although it was very crude in nature and looked a bit rusted, it could still deal out some damage if used.

What they were facing looked to be those dog-like creatures that I saw before lying dead among the other goblins. I would say they are kobolds or knolls based on their looks. Canine like head, hunched back, and a bit taller than the goblins (the regular ones). There were at least 20 of them all armed with similarly poor weapons as the goblins, like clubs, stone spears and axes. Except for the huge one that stood in front of them all which was nearing the height of an average man. That one had a different color of fur compared to the rest of its brethren, which was more of a white then brown. In its hands was also a metal weapon, a large one-sided hammer.

Once the large white knoll raised its hammer in the air and howled the fight started. All 20 of the regular knolls charged into the goblin ranks swinging their weapons wildly. While the goblins did their best to defend. The white knoll stayed where he was not moving an inch after the command was given.

This is a perfect opportunity for me. I wait till both groups exhaust themselves fighting and then I come in and finish the stragglers off and net some level ups. Although if one side just dominates the other without much of a fight then I don't think I'll get the opportunity to do much at all.

Well so far after the charge 5 knolls are down while 6 regular goblins are down. The 4 big goblins seem to be doing well for themselves while the king gob just stands there starring at the big white knoll. Oh, never mind there goes one of the big goblins, an ax to the nee and then a spear to the throat. The loss of one of his bigger goblins seems to have shaken the king a bit because I just saw him move a bit for the first time, but he went back to standing still shortly after.

About 8 minutes into the scuffle now and the results are in. There are only 7 knolls left, 4 of which are injured in some way. There are no goblins left but the king goblin which is now surrounded. The big white knoll steps forward and points his hammer at the king with a flash of his teeth. Seeing this as a challenge the king readies his weapon and all the other living knolls step away. I think shit is about to get real.

I think he just should have sicked all his underlings on him and then gone for the kill. From the beginning of the fight it did not really seem that either of the leaders really cared if their subordinates even died in the first place so why not just send them to their deaths to ensure the king here gets exhausted. Well it is not my decision so who cares, I should ready myself.

The battle between the two was fierce. They would swing their weapons around with such force I could feel it from here (give or take 60 feet). The knolls white fur was now splattered with blood, as well as his arm being cut into deeply to the point you could see the bone. The goblin king did not fare any better, his left arm hug limply to his side after his shoulder was hit by the hammer. Also, the end of his sword broke off and ended up embedding itself into his right eye.

Blood flowed profusely from both and neither seemed ready to give up in the slightest. Both readied themselves for one last clash, or that's what it seemed to me. Whoever wins this fight is going to have the surprise of their life. I got down to ground level and prepared to dash. I also was readying my slash skill on both of my claws to make sure I killed who ever survived the final clash.

I am ready.