Unexpected Growth

Uh my head, what happened? OW, god my body feels like it was run through a grinder. I can barely move an inch without pain shooting through me. I remember absorbing those two crystals from the bosses and then a message saying that I was going to change. Next thing I knew was pain then darkness. How long was I unconscious for anyway?

Looking up a crescent moon hung in the sky with countless little stars dotting the night around it. Now that I get a better look at the moon it is close compared to the one, I am used to. The moon was at least 3 times larger and or closer to the planet. It's really quite a site to see.

Enough about that I got to check my situation. I tried to move my arms and legs again, but pain assaulted me the same as the last time I tried to move. Uh guess I am not going anywhere any time soon. Looking around, everything seemed smaller than before. The tents where the goblins lived used to be taller than me and the entrances that seemed passable to squeeze into now looked smaller than before.

Now that I am looking at the village a bit more there is one tent that is bigger than the rest which looking at it from here seems to maybe be bigger than me, I would have to get a closer look though first. Looking down at my body revealed that I changed color a bit again and that I bulked up quite a bit. Where I was reddish green, I am now whitish red. All my limbs seemed to gain a large amount of mass. Is this some kind of evolution? Well it could be, but I would think the system would alert me of that I would hope.

Well its night, I cannot move from my spot on the ground, there are corpses scattered about around me, and I have changed while being unconscious for who know how long. I should be lucky that nothing has come here cause of the smell and decided to kill me while I was out of it.

Hmm, what to do, what to do.

I need to at least have some cover if anything comes by. I should head to that big tent; it should be big enough for me to get in . . . I hope. Alright, time to move. Hhhhgg uh my god this is hell. I was able to get to my feet finally, but it was a struggle to stay that way. I swayed and crashed into other tents on the way to the bigger one sometimes collapsing to the ground all the while groaning and moaning about the pain. It helped me to keep my mind off it by complaining about it at least.

At last many grueling minutes later, I was in-front of the largest tent around which happily had an entrance that could just fit me! I quickly got myself in very clumsily I might add and slumped to the floor in pure exhaustion. Just moving to this spot taxed me to no end. Getting some more sleep will help my body, and if it doesn't, I am going to have some problems. I shut my eyes and let sleep take me.


As I opened my eyes from my deep sleep, I had to immediately close them. That was because of the terrible glare that was coming through the entrance of the hut. There was a cloth hanging there when I got in the hut last night but it was wrecked after I pushed through it (I only noticed now though because I could not be bothered when facing that intense pain). Looking around in this big hut there is nothing worth talking about some old bones, a few furs from animals and a throne of sorts if I were to take a wild guess.

I laid down in the dead center of the hut, but my tail had made a mess while I was asleep. The chair I mentioned was knocked over on its side and my tail was poking out from underneath the hut uprooting one of the stakes that held the whole thing upright. Luckily the entire structure stayed stable and did not collapse on my head.

Alright moment of truth, is it safe to move again? I gingerly moved my arm and hand and . . .. nothing no pain! HURRAY! Oh, I do not know what I would have done if I had to endure any more of that, well no longer let's get back home.

I got to my feet and moved through the front entrance and looked up. The sun was nearing the highest point in the sky. I would make it home before sundown for sure if I kept a steady pace and didn't slow down. Now that it was bright out and I could see myself clearly, I really grew, I might be as big as a horse now. Not just a normal one either but a shire (A/N: One of the largest horse breeds, look it up if you want to get a picture in your head).

This is just too fast. Will I just keep getting bigger and bigger or is there a stop gap somewhere? I'll get there when I get there I suppose. Although looking at how I changed color and all I feel like if I ate or took a crystal from a creature which was more compatible to me for example a reptile with a lot of armor I might get some of that, or just another color change. I like the whitish red I have now so switching it would be kinda sad if it were to happened not to long from now.

I should get going, I can think while I head back. I was able to find the path that I took to get here and got back on the old hunting trail. Once there I broke into a jog (which felt like I was sprinting) and stared my journey home.


While on the move I thought about objectives that I should accomplish. Like for example if there were an appraisal skill like in all those other world traveling tales, I should find it and acquire it if I can. Another would be to become strong enough to not be harmed by anything in the vicinity of where I am living. Then maybe trying to find some type of civilization, I would really like to see some dwarves or perhaps lizard folk, that would be interesting. I would settle for humans though if I do not manage to find either of those races. Although I might have to think up my policy on sentient races as well because they can also be classified as EXP.

Hmm . . . I will decide later.