It feels great being home. I got my mound and my overly large trees; nothing could be better. Except maybe a nice bed, a cooked steak, and cake. Damn do I miss sugar and it has only been like 4 days, I think. Look at me I am already losing my mind over food, and I have not even eaten anything since I came out of that egg! Do I even need to eat if I level up? "Sigh" Well it could be worse I could have transferred into a rat or something in a sewer munching on rotting leftovers.
Let us get back on track. It took me about as much time as I expected it would take me to get here which was several hours. The sun is still up, and I am still full of energy after that long run. I could still do something while I wait for it to get dark.
You know what, I will cement those ideas I was thinking of on the way back in writing, so I do not forget. But I have no paper to write on and my lack of opposable thumbs will defiantly hinder me in my attempts to write . . . hmm what to do? I could just carve it on something. Yeah, that is what I'll do.
I looked around and found the largest tree that I could find that was close to me and headed over to it. I gingerly took what would be my index claw and carved into the bark "Objectives" then underlined it.
Number 1: Acquire analyze skill if possible (if it even exists).
Number 2: Increase all skill levels.
Number 3: Discover magic.
Number 4: Explore past the big lake.
Number 5: Find some good food.
Number 6: Find intelligent life (Not including monsters)
Number 7: Do not die!
Well, that is all the objectives I could think of off the top of my head. I could add some more later and take some away once I have accomplished them. I still have time and I could go night hunting just to try and get more levels. I do not necessarily need sleep; I could test my limits and see how far I can go without sleeping.
Yeah, I am going to do this. To the lake I go. I might even try to hunt one of those deer if they are there.
The trail is the same as before and it took me a bit less time to get to the lake then before. I contribute that to my size increase; longer legs mean longer strides. When I got to the tree line around the bank of the lake it was dark, and it did not seem like anything was out and about except for a couple of glowing eyes that came from the surface of the water 20 to 40 feet away from the shoreline.
Well a couple is putting it lightly; it looks like an alligator farm after dark. There are pairs of eyes dotting the water all over the place and as soon as I showed up a large portion of those eyes turned in my direction. At this moment a few have disappeared under the water but a good portion of eyes that were near me are just staring and are not moving.
I wonder if they get much company during the night. Looking to the left and right of me I can see nothing near or on the bank. I can only see so far in the dark so there might be something beyond my range of vision, I would have to move along the tree line around the lake to make sure.
How can there be so many of these, uh, things. All I can really see is their eye glow. I would think they are all like each other given that they are not attacking one another. I was thinking of hunting but looking at this I rather not provoke a 1v40 fight. I do not like those odds.
Besides, I bet there is something around the lake side I just got to be quiet and find it.
I marked a tree next to the path to make sure I do not get lost. I always have my sense of smell but who knows if that will fail me. By traveling around the edge of the tree line as carefully as possible I was able to find several goblins and dispatch them like they were nothing. No level ups sadly, I just had gotten so used to getting them that I got ahead of myself. I must really grind now.
Also, I found out what those eyes belong to. After around 30 minutes of me just walking I heard sounds of a fight. I went to investigate and found some goblins and a fish like humanoid with a rusted moss-covered spear. It had the same glowing eyes as all the others in the water and it stood as tall as the king goblin did (about as tall as an average human 5.7 ft). Its eyes were perched around where its hairline would be if it had any and it looked slimy based off the sheen it gave from the moon light.
It was cutting and skewering the goblins, 5 of them in fact, all alone. I wonder if this one is special or just normal among its kind? Once it finished killing the last one it reached down and grabbed one of the corpses and began to feed. It tore into the stomach with its mouth and went to town.
Damn, was it starving or what? As I got closer to it from where I was it shot up and dropped the goblin corpse it was holding. It stared at me with its spear pointed towards me. I could see that it kept looking down at the meal that it just dropped, it was hard to miss seeing as to look at the ground it had to angle his face downwards otherwise its forehead would block the view.
You know what, I will just wait for it to make the first move. What will you do lake man? Run? Fight? Don't keep me waiting for too long I still got the rest of the lakes edge to explore.
A minute or two passes and neither of us move. I am well out of its spear range, so it would have to come to me to attack which from the reaction it gave earlier I have a feeling it's not going to come at me. Another moment later my hunch was proven true when it reached down and grabbed its meal and bolted for the water. It made quite the splash alerting all the other eyes that were on the surface.
Some of the eyes that were close by from the beginning, must have wanted a bite to because much splashing ensued, and noises were heard which could only be described as violent. Let them fight it's got nothing to do with me, I will be on my way.