In an instant multiple large nets were thrown at me which I tired to dodge. I managed to avoid 3 of them but the last one got me and tangled up my arms. I was going to attempt to free my arms but I had to deal with the spears that were coming at me next.
From behind the shields spears came to strike me from every angle and at first I thought is was not going to hurt at all. In the not so distant past I had tried cutting myself with a sword that a goblin had and it did little to nothing to me. But the moment these spear tips hit me I really felt it.
I let out a yelp (roar in the case of the hunters) as I felt burning pokes hit both my sides and my rear. The only pain I could equate it to was grabbing really hot metal for to long.
I need to get the hell out of here now! I tried to get past these guys but they just would not allow it. They would close up any gap in their encirclement when I tried to get past them. I even rammed into them knocking some of them off their feet but those at a distance or those with a spear would immediately drop what they were doing pick the shield back up and take the place of the person that fell. I knew who was giving the orders but I could not get to him. I had tried but nothing I did could get to him. He would not move from where he was no matter what.
This cycle kept repeating itself until finally enough was enough. If this continued I would most likely die and if on the off chance that did not happen I would be taken away alive against my will. Its me or them, and I am going to choose me.
After the next thrust of the spears came I activated one ability after another. I roared as loud as my vocal cords allowed making all the people around me freeze. Followed by slash, my claws began to glow as I ran at one of the men with a shield. My claws tore through the wood of the shield and then the armor and flesh of the man behind it.
After that it was just all a blur of blood and splinters. I did not know what I was doing at the end of it all just that I stood over one bloody body in the middle of a well put together camp.
After watching the first man get ripped to shreds along with his reinforced shield everyone could not take the beasts presence any more and began to back off.
Up until 5 or 10 minutes ago everything was going fine. They were wearing down the beasts stamina and making sure it did not escape. It was only a matter of time before it collapsed or was tired enough to throw the nets again. But that did not happen, what came next was a roar that made us all wince from the volume and that's all the time it needed.
It rammed into one of our hired hands shields much like before but it had much more power behind it this time. There was also the fact that its claws were glowing a dull white and going right through said shield.
It tore into the man not even allowing him to scream in pain before being turned to chunks. It was only moments before it moved onto the man behind him and it continued on.
I made a run for it after telling everyone to do so as well. After what had just happened we had no chance of recuperating and taking this thing on all we could do was run and hope for the best. I was the first to go (Man1) and then those that I knew bolted after me followed by those we hired for this.
One after the other as I ran in between the brush I could hear a scream or two behind me. Death throes of those that we not fast enough, and they just kept getting closer. One of my companions happened to catch up with me while I was running. We both looked to each other and knew that one of us was not going to get out of this alive. The thing was just to fast and we could hear the yells getting closer.
I did what I had to do and tripped him while we were sprinting and he fell face first into the ground. Moments later I heard him curing my name loudly and then I heard him scream and go silent.
I had nearly made it back to the camp now I could see the yellow color of fire light that we let keep burning through the night. I could see myself getting on a horse and riding out of here to safety.
It was not meant to be though as I exited the lush shrubs to see the camp unimaginable pain shot through my shoulder.
Looking to my right large jaws were clamped around my shoulder and squeezing by the second. As the blood drained from me and I began to feel cold all I could think about was that my plan had finally gotten me killed. I was not able to get out of this one and never will again.
Everything went dark after that. The camp was mostly silent except for the horses which were neigh wildly from the presence of the creature standing near by.
Authors note: Thanks for reading this, It really means a lot. I have been doing a ton of school related projects and am having trouble writing at the moment. I will try to get another chapter out or two but until December things will be slow. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are up for some world exploration next chapter!