I lost myself there. I only wanted to bite the mans arm and toss him into the guy behind him but that's not what happened. I only saw red after that point, I was not in real control of my body and . . . and . . . I killed all of them.
Looking down again at my feet there was the man reaching his one good arm towards the still lit fires of the camp, eyes wide and a little wet from what looked like tears. The arm I tore off was by his side in the dirt mauled beyond recognition.
How did it come to this, I never intended it to go this far. Now that I have done this unintentionally or not I feel sick. But what if this did not happen I might have ended up a head on someones wall this is good I came out alive. At the expense of many lives though.
What if this is not all of them? There could be more of them around. But there is also the chance that I did get them all.
Who sent them? It seemed like they were after me. Will more come to replace them?
There are to many questions and not enough answers right now and it is stressing me the hell out. I wish I had a skill that could just calm me down, regulate my emotions a bit you know. I need to get my mind off of this. Yeah ill search the camp that's what I'll do. Just the thing to get this off my mind for the moment.
Looking around this clearing there are 3 sets of camp fires currently burning, two large wagons, 8 horses tied to makeshift poles ( all currently freaking out by the way), half eaten meals strewn about and about ten small pyramid tents that look like they could fit one person in each.
Nothing out of the ordinary for a camp that was recently abandoned for other matters. I wanted to get closer to see what was in the wagons but while doing so I got to close to the horses and some of them collapsed foaming at the mouth. Three of them that managed to stay standing were able to rip the pole that they were attached to out of the ground and run for it. I just stood there and continued on.
In the back of one of the wagons was 4 cages, two of which were filled with light green colored wolves. I had encountered 4 or 5 of them in a group before while hunting and they worked really well in a team. Of course they could do little against my hide and were taken down eventually but still they were annoying. They were backed away from me huddled in the corner of their respective cages baring their teeth at me.
I walked away to look into the other wagon and found one large cage that took up nearly the entire bed of the wagon, inside were many chains and leather straps attached to the ends of them. I bet this was for me when they were to catch me.
Looking back at the other wagon I started to think about those wolves. There is no sense in just leaving them there to starve to death, there has been enough death tonight and I am not going to be the cause of any more right now even if it just some wolves.
Walking over to the wagon again I went to the side of it and tipped the thing over spilling the cages and other miscellaneous contents everywhere. I got to the cages the wolves were in still snarling at me but a bit more jostled around than before. Both cages had a lock on them but they seemed to be quite old from the rust that had formed on them.
I silently activated my claws ability (slash) and cut through one lock and then the other. Once the cages were open they were gone before I even knew it. They were fast, nearly as fast as me if I was jogging.
Without a second thought I left the camp heading back to my hole, with my tree and the thoughts lingering in my mind about what I had done.
Several hours later I was back at my home and I wanted nothing more to just fall asleep and forget all this but the system in all its glory gave me an update.
[You have gained the max amount of experience that is possible for the current form, eve stones required for further growth]
Huh? What so I have reached my level cap or something? Concentrating on my skills a bit brings up my menu.
--Race: Unknown
--Age: 0 years old
--Titles: "Thing", Ambusher, Man Hunter ---->(New)
--Level: 40/40 ---> (was 29)
[0/2] eve stone
--Passive skills:
Dark vision
Serrated bite: level 4 ----> (was 3)
Increased perception: level 3
Swordsmanship: level 2 (inactive)
Blunt weapon mastery: level 2 (inactive)
Major resistance (all status effects)
--Active skills:
Slash (Claws): level 5 ----> (was 3)
Intimidating roar: level 3 ----> (was 2)
Physical enhancement: level 3 ----> (was 2)
Dash: level 4 ----> (was 2)
--Unique skills:
Skill points: 72
Alright this is surprise, all my active skills went up including my passives as well. Ah there at the top it says 40/40 so I do have a cap but it just did not show it till now apparently. Also this eve stone or what ever it is what the heck is that.
Wait a minute, could it mean a mana stone or something like that, like the one I found before in that goblin king or that pack leader of the knolls? That would explain the sudden change in my body back then at least.
So that means I have to go around and try to find more monsters like them who have a rock in their heart to once again get bigger and meaner. Great another wild goose chase I have sent myself on.
Its clear to me that I need this as soon as possible considering who is after me. Those weapons hurt although I cannot see the wounds now since leveling up. I did not hear the usual chime when I level up so it must have happened when I was out of it back there.
I need some sleep I will think over what to do tomorrow.
AN: Hey, thanks for reading again and sticking with me. My semester of school is about to end so you know what that means. I will have more time. Meaning more uploads. This month sucked for me, surgery, exams, work trouble. 1 chapter is not what I was aiming for this month. The list goes on but I am thankful to see that there are still people hanging around waiting for something.
Have a good day everyone!