Its time to Roam

Another night has passed and morning sky greets me. Or is it afternoon, oh who cares. Lets start the day. I'm still kinda sore from yesterday even after my wounds healed. I just need to move around a bit to rid myself of this feeling.

Last night I had looked over my status and discovered I had maxed out my level. I had also gained a bunch of skill points from leveling up as well which looking at it again I have . . . . 72 of currently. I have yet to use any yet because I just tend to hoard these types of things until I can just blow them all on something I find really useful.

I am thinking of spending a bunch of points to level up two skills in particular at the moment just to be safe for the future. Those would be physical enhancement and Increased perception. This way I will be able to buff myself better in order to either fight or flee, then I will have better awareness of my surroundings.

I bet if my smell got any better it would be as good as a sharks nose in water. My hearing would be fantastic as well. I am gonna go ahead and do it but I am not going to use everything, only 50 points, see how far that gets me.


[Will you use 25 skill points to increase Increased perception: level 3 to level 7?]

[Will you use 25 skill points to increase Physical enhancement: level 3 to level 8?]


Yes and Yes. I would like to do both. Once I said that in my head my body started to change slowly and then rapidly. It felt like I was melting from the inside and I could not do anything about it. This lasted for over 5 minutes but it felt much longer than that, much longer. Maybe this is what being in an oven feels like.

Once that feeling past and I was able to collect my self after the pain I was assaulted by entirely new sensations. Sounds, smells, sensations, etc. things I could not very well put into words. Even more intense than the first time I got used to my body. It was jarring to say the least.

I needed a few hours or so to really adjust to the new senses. I could actually smell water from where I was in the direction of where the lake was. I could now smell the blood that was shed from the battle I had last night when I could not before. I could hear distant faint cracking of tree limbs and foot steps of things in the far distance.

I got really startled when I heard something land next to me only to realize it was a grasshopper. when it landed it sounded like a base boosted thud when it landed. I hope I get used to this, I really do.

Next would be the physical enhancement which to put lightly is overpowered. I combined it with my slash ability and I was able to cut through one of these huge trees with little effort. It did not come without its down sides though. Most likely because my claws are not that tough compared to this gargantuan tree the tips of each claw were chipped or cracked in some way after the blow was dealt. I also tested out my speed and I was able to make it to the lake and back in less than 30 minutes which is fantastic. I did bump into a few trees and maybe a goblin or two on the way there but they did not slow me down at much. The drain on my stamina has lessened as well!

So for the record, I can dish out damage now like a mad man, but depending on what I am attacking it might damage me in return. I am so much faster now it is not even comparable to before. All my senses are now heightened to a scary degree, to where I am kinda afraid of getting attacked by some kind of sound based assault. Like I feel like if I were flashbanged right now it would be the end of me.

I feel like I came out of this better than I could have hoped for. It is getting late again I spent a lot of time just testing out these things and I should get some more rest. Nothing wrong with sleep.


AAAwww mmmm I think that was the best sleep I have ever had. I am full of energy.

Looking up it seemed to be early morning the sun was just peaking over the sky.

I have made up my mind, I am moving somewhere else. There is no telling when more hunters will be back here to look for there missing people not to mention me who killed all of them. So the best thing for me to do would be to pack up everything I got (little to nothing) and leave this place.

I really don't want to head down the trail toward the lake, and even if I kept going in that direction there is the dying lands which I think I have an obligation towards. I am not heading into the shrub lands and beyond because that is where the people most likely came from. I will not head towards the jaws of a predator willingly unless it is my last option.

So my final choices are either to head into the forest one way (east) or the other (west). I got it, looking around I found a big stick and I stood it up vertically. If it falls to the right I will got that way (east) if it falls left I will go the opposite (west).

Alright moment of truth . . . . . that way it is then (east). There is no turning back, maybe one day I will come back here again and see how much has changed. Nothing is set in stone yet. Time for another adventure.


Here is another chapter. I was going to make it longer but I decided against it, I am going to split up the content into two chapters because I felt it was going to get to wordy if you get my meaning. Look forward to the next one, it should be out before Christmas for sure. On another not I will be graduating collage on Thursday!