1 Weeks Later . . . (Part 1)

1 Week after the the demise of the hunting party . . . .

Once again we look upon the large city on the coast but this time at night. Most of the busy streets are quiet without much noise at all but the taverns are alive with light, boisterous laughter and talking of all kinds. Near the docks many large warehouses are situated all aligned and filled with goods except for one. Looking closer at one of them would reveal lamplight coming through most of the hatches that line the top of the building. 20 burly men stand at attention around the building keeping an eye out for any trouble that might occur. While a small line of people slowly make there way into the building through two heavy doors.

Inside cheering as well as jeers could be heard from spectators surrounding a large deep pit in the middle of the building. Two large creatures were fighting tooth and nail against one another. One looked like a giant armored sloth with metal plates on its chest and knuckles. The other was an equally large bear which had a face protector and some armor on the front of its body.

People were making bets getting drinks from the bar in the back, and those who were here to make deals went to see the one in charge of the place.

Sitting in an ornate office, decorated with the busts of all manner of monsters and creatures, was a woman of high stature. She wore a thick coat unnatural for this warm climate and long tailor made black pants made from some type of beast leather. She had a harden look on her face while she stared down one of her many subordinates and asked a question.

"Where is the report from my men that we sent out with those boys Ulf? An update should arrive every 4 days to us about their progress, 5 at the latest. So? Where. Is. It." (Boss)

"Don't worry, I have this under control Sig . . . uh Boss. I have sent out someone to their camp yesterday to go get the report personally. Besides the last time we had contact with them they had several products caged and ready for transport." (Ulf)

"The ones you sent should be back by tomorrow right? Send them to me when they get here, I will have a talk with them personally. Someone better have died, otherwise they will have hell to pay for being late." (Boss)

"Of course, of course, I will immediately let you know when they get back and I will send them right to you. They should actually have a surprise for you in fact which is sure to please you." (Ulf)

Once this so called "surprise" was mentioned an eyebrow was raised.

"Oh is that so? I look forward to this so called surprise then, hopefully its better than the last surprise that ended up in front of me because if that happens again you are going to be in deep shit, now get out of my office." (Boss)

The man took two large steps towards the door and left the way he came. Now in the hallway all alone with time to collect his thoughts Ulf began to organize everything that he was thinking about.

(Alright, this is all good, all good, they guaranteed me they would be able to capture that beast in that report from the guild. I bet those bastards are just celebrating about its capture and forgot to send the report.) Ulf

A few deep breaths later . . . .

(Those guys are all well trained and should have no problem in the first layer of the expanse. They have been to the second in fact. I gave them all good equipment and transports. It should be smooth sailing. But . . . . this is just not like them, they are always on time. It could be that one guy from the group of fours doing. He came to me with the idea and cashed in the favor I owed him to. Shit with him, things are always a crap shoot. I will just have to hope they did nothing to bungle this hole operation.) "HHHaaaa I need a drink." (Ulf)

With those last words the man named Ulf made his way down to the first floor where the bar is and began to hammer down shot after shot to ease the headache that was coming on. Sadly he was going to have a lot more than just a headache to deal with soon enough.

AN: I would like to thank everyone for reading this so far. I know this is a little short but I have much more to come. I have some interesting ideas for whats to happen farther down the road but it is still a ways off. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

PS: Please tell me in the comments what your genuine thoughts are of this story so far I would like to try to make it the best I can for all of you. Once again thank you for reading.