1 Week Later (Part 2)

In the early morning light of the city on the coast. Ulf, the head of security for the "Business" that operated in the warehouse district was waking up from a drunken stupor that he got himself into the night before.

It had been two days since he sent those scouts out to find and bring back his men that he sent out. He expected them to be back last night but when they did not show up he began to drink out of worry and soon passed out from emptying the bar of its good scotch.

He did not have much time to ease his aching head when a few of his guards came into his room looking really worried.

Seeing them like this was not a good sign. It either meant that Sigurd (The Big Boss in part one) was pissed and was going to need someone to vent at, or perhaps there was a brawl they could not handle something along those lines.

"Ah, come on, out with it. Whats happened to where you louts are barging into my room?" (Ulf)

"The . . . the scouts are back . . . they have some bad news." (Guards)

"What kind of bad news?" (Ulf)

Both guards take a second to look at each other and then answer back back.

"I think its better if you came and saw for yourself." (Guards)

If he had to see it then more than one of the men he had sent died, and that he had to inspect them to make sure but even if that were the case they should not be this pale and worried over it.

"Well then lead me to them." (Ulf)


" . . . " (Ulf)

" . . . " (Guards)

The reason for everyone's silence was the pile of bloody belts and buckles that were laid on the table in front of them, they numbered eight in total and were in various forms of disrepair. Each member in their outfit was given a belt with a cross-guard of a sword surrounded by a circle as the belt buckle, this was the way to identify their comrades out on the streets or else where.

It was as if Ulf was looking at 8 corpses laying on the table in front of him. He knew that the only reason that only the belts would be taken back is that the bodies were in such bad shape that they could not be transported back.

But he still asked.

"What were the conditions of the bodies, and what of the other four that went with them." (Ulf)

The three men that this question was directed to could only shake their heads.

"ANSWER DAMN IT! What did it all look like!" (Ulf)

. . . . . .

"It did not leave much for the imagination, most of our guys were in small pieces scattered about along with their weapons which had also been broken. Their bodies could have been in better condition if we found them sooner perhaps. It is hard to say." (Scout 1)

"We were only able to find one of the four who had hired our guys in a recognizable condition. It was just that his left shoulder was missing and everything attached to it. Most of the goods that we had supplied were still intact except for one cart that had . . . " (Scout 2)

"Alright enough, I don't really care about the goods we sent with them. I am now more concerned about what did them in. All those guys were armed with reinforced weapons and had armor fit for a soldier, there is nothing in the first expanse that could have seriously injured them let alone kill them. I would even say they could tangle with creatures from the sea of trees beyond it." (Ulf)

"They were going after something were they not? What was it, could that have killed them?" (Guard)

"Hardly, it was only supposed to be a canine sized creature or maybe a little larger than that. No sightings of anything like it had been reported before and it could have been a really good catch. Even if our information was a bit off about the creature they were equipped well enough that nothing in the area should have been able to really hurt them." (Ulf)

"Nothing can be changed now. They are dead and someones got to report to the boss about this." (Scout)

Fuck, FUCK, this was not supposed to happen. If I go to Sigurd right now my head will roll. The only way I would be able to cover my ass even just a little was if they had some goods to bring back to sell and one man survived to tell the tail. Neither of these are possible, everyone had died and only the goods that we sent out with them are coming back a huge net loss of man power and equipment.

Well nothing I can do now but go see Sigurd.


Ulf clutching his had which was now missing several fingers was being stared down by Sigurd. Her whip drawn and unfurled.

"You have been my trusted right hand man for as long as I can remember and you have had some slip ups before but nothing to this extent. You know that I could have taken much more than just a finger or two. Now tell me how are you going to make this up to me, or am I going to have to take the other fingers and then some." (Sigurd)

Damn this hurts. But this is better than I expected, she only took the pinky and my ring finger. I might even be able to get them reattached at the magicians lodge. Alright think man, what can I possibly do to get out of this mess . . . . ok lets go with that.

"If you would allow me to hunt down whatever killed them and bring it back to you. Could that clear me of this mess?" (Ulf)

"Tell me how exactly are you going to do that. They must have died a good 4 or five days ago now and you want to some how magically hunt down what killed them." (Sigurd)

"Yes, that is exactly what I am suggesting. There are many ways to track someone or something without physically doing it. There are magical means as well, there are some divination users that I can contact immediately and we already have a tiny bit of whatever they were fighting. Now that we know what it is capable of, I will be personally going to hunt it. Everything will be good or you will never have to see me again because I will be dead." (Ulf)

"You still have some good ideas in that head of yours huh. Well we shall see." (Sigurd)

AN: Hello its been about a month now and I am doing not so well at the moment. I have caught something but thankfully its not Covid. But I am having to spend a lot of time on the can if you know what I mean. Anyways in other news I am job hunting at the moment and am having trouble getting into an interview. I have also taken the time to story board out some things, thanks to the suggestion of one of you great people. The next chapter we will be back on track with the main character.

There will be some danger but pleasant exploration as usual. See you in the next chapter and sorry for the wait.