Time on the Road

It has been about two weeks since I set off into the direction of my random choosing. I must say that this journey has been enlightening and much more enjoyable than I thought it was going to be. Better than sticking around in that area for sure.

Now lets get to the reasons why. First off was that I had tried to hunt down certain interesting looking creatures to see if they had any crystals in them so I could change and get back to leveling. One was a six legged deer which led a herd through the forest, it gave me nothing. Another being was a tree sprite from the looks of it, at first I thought it was friendly and I thought we might converse like me and the ent did back at the Mother Tree, turns out not all of them are intelligent and they will attack if you get to close. It did not have a crystal but it did have a golden sap like heart that I wanted to take with me but didn't because what am I going to use it for anyway? Then finally I was able to sense out a really well hidden giant stick bug, it was as long as me and was as thick as a tree limb. It camouflaged itself among the trees, if I had not leveled up my perception I would never have found it. Sadly it did not have anything either.

Secondly I had gotten hungry and thirsty for the first time. I had used my active skills a hell of a lot while walking and running because if I cannot level up I might as well train my skills. It had taken about four days worth of off and on use to get me to the point of hunger, then thirst. I had to take a brake and find something, else I felt as if I was going to starve and shrivel up. Acquiring food and finding water were simple the hard part was stomaching said food. I managed to eat part of a wolf that was alone sleeping nearby. It was more fur than meat though and I nearly hurled but I gagged it down saying in my head repeatably "Its just some old leftover, Its just some old leftovers". I stopped my liberal use of active skills for the time being and limited it to only fights that way I did not have to experience that for a while.

Thirdly was that this really big forest did not go on forever, after a week of walk/running the forest just stopped like it had hit a barrier or something and what I faced beyond was a semi desert biome. Sand and many sparse patches of green were everywhere with large rock formations up close and in the distance. Just for curiosities sake I traveled along the edge of the forest heading to where I would believe the shrubland would be and sure enough there it was. Nothing really makes sense here geographically nor climatically but I should have gotten used to oddities such as these by now and around that time I felt like I was being watched. I could not sense anything around me but it felt like I was being stared at. It only lasted a few minutes so I did not worry about it and carried on.

Lastly would be about my time spent in the desert. I have been here for about a week and nothing eventful has happened (besides the feeling of being watched). I mean I saw some new creatures like giant crabs made out of rocks, or was it covered in rocks it was hard to tell. Then there was the hairless moles and ant lion nests. The giant cones in the sand gave them away immediately. I saw and or encountered these while on the move so I have still been traveling in my destined direction because there is no way I am going to settle down here. Its not like its bad or anything its just a personal preference of mine I would rather not stay and live in a place like this.

So now that we are all caught up let me talk about my current situation. I am lying in the shade of a giant rock outcropping just chilling. Taking a moment to soak everything in you could say. I have been hoping to find monsters with crystals in them here but I feel like its going to take months, they are just to damn rare. I mean what are the conditions for a monster to even acquire said crystal in the first place? Are they born with them like some type of albino situation or do they get them from changing once they get to a certain threshold of strength like me with leveling up. Do monsters reproduce normally or do they emerge from the ground like dungeon spawns. There are just to many questions and not enough answers.

It would be better if I were to just not worry about all that stuff and shove it to the back of my mind like I have been doing but as time passes these things grind on my mind more and more. Haaaa, I think I have lounged around enough its time to start moving again, I hope something happens soon, I kinda miss that conversation I had with the tree people. Uhh what were they called again? I know it started with an A, I will just ask them if I ever go back.


Not but an hour passed before I stumbled upon a large black object rising into the sky. It seemed to be leaning to the side slightly. I would have to get closer to be able to make out anything more. And that is exactly what I did.

In-front of me stood an obelisk, pure black as if you were looking at the night sky without any stars at all. It did not look man made, but if it was they did one hell of a job. The crazy thing was that it was not on flat ground, it was in a pit several stories deep.

As I looked around the pit, it did seem to be made by someone. Everything was built and dug out like some sort of quarry, there were even some structures made of brick still standing on large flat outcroppings of hewn stone. On the far side of this massive pit was a long slope leading down and around to the base of this obelisk, closer to me was an old pulley system that went far down into the pit.

Thinking with my better judgment than usual I walked around to the far side and went down the long winding slope. Traveling down, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. It all looked like a normal mining operation but if all the workers threw their tools down and left. Heads of pickaxes and large chisels were strewn about on the path, there were some side branching tunnels that led into the sides of the quarry but I paid them no mind and continued on. I did the same with the brick buildings that I passed, gave them a glance and continued on.


Took me a little bit but I am here now. The base of this giant black stone obelisk was quite breathtaking. I wonder if this is how it felt to look at wonders of the world, because this would definitely be one of them. Is this all obsidian? Maybe its some mineral that can only be found here. I stepped closer to it and put my hand on it.

It felt cold to the touch and made me shiver for a second. That was when I heard that little voice in my head which I had not heard in a while tell me something, and OOOOOOOOOhh boy was it a surprise.

[Would you like to absorb the !@##!@%$#@@*% to progress your change?]

[WARNING absorption of !@##!@%$#@@*% could affect physical and mental state adversely in current form be advised.]

AN: Hey there its been a month I think since I uploaded anything and that is not where I would like to be. I must say that I am guilty of playing some recent games that have come out a bit too much *cough cough* but I still have my mind turning on this series. I thank you and hope you are here for the next one, it will be here sooner than later this time.