Run! Run! Run!

Oh my head. Is this going to happen every time I get knocked out? I swear to all that I believe in that I am going to give that fucking ball a piece of my mind the next time we meet which is hopefully not any time soon the long the better. Now whats my condition looking like.

I was in the middle of getting up when I noticed that I was at least two maybe even three heads taller than I was before. I would give any full grown elephant a run for its money in mass. Then looking at my body and arms kinda gave me goosebumps (if I can still even have those). My color had changed completely replaced by a jet black sheen you would find on volcanic glass, and it was hard to tell at first but I did seem to have scales armoring parts of my body accompanying this new paint job. Its been a bit since I checked my status to so lets just go through a full check real quick.


--Race: Unknown

--Age: 0 years old

--Titles: "Thing", Ambusher, Man Hunter, Explorer

--Level: 0/80

--Passive skills:

Dark vision

Scaled Defense (new)

Serrated bite: level 6 ---> was 4

Increased perception: level 7

Swordsmanship: level 2 (inactive)

Blunt weapon mastery: level 2 (inactive)

Rage: level 5 (MAX) (new)

Major Resistance (all status effects)

--Active skills:

Slash (Claws): level 7 ----> (was 5)

Intimidating roar: level 5 ----> (was 3)

Physical enhancement: level 8

Dash: level 6 ----> (was 4)

Poisoning bite: level 1 (new)

--Unique skills:

Skill description (New) "Your welcome"


Skill points: 22


Very nice. There are quite a few level-ups and even some new skills. Best of all is that skill description skill, saying that just sounds not right but, "Your welcome" that better disappear the next time I open this panel or I am not going to be happy.

While deeply immersed in the list of new skills, titles, level-ups, and so on my senses tune out the very real low rumbling that is getting louder by the minute. Slowly at first until a few minutes pass and the rumble has transitioned into a shaking which alerts me to the very real problem that is happening around me. The gargantuan quarry that once held the obelisk that I now know was just a fragment of something oh so larger, is shaking violently. Only now are small chunks breaking off the walls and falling towards me. Oh so naive I am.

Woah, is this what he meant I should be running from. Ah, that one nearly got me I got to get out of here fast.

Climbing out of the crater was particularly easy. I do not know how I got to the center of it in the first place but that is not what I should be worrying about right now. I made my way to the large spiral walkway and began making my way up it passing by the now collapsing branch tunnels that went somewhere and the small hunts and shacks that were placed around each plateau. Halfway out of the quarry was when it emerged in all its horrific glory with a loud shriek.

On the opposite wall closer to the bottom an immense armored creature blasted through the wall showering nearly all the quarry in stone and dust. The impact caused me to trip and fall flat while the shrill cry it emitted made me not want to have ears. Getting up and continuing to move my curiosity was peeked I needed to get a better look at whatever this thing was.

Not stopping for anything while moving closer to the edge I turned my head to look down to the bottom to see pure green eyes staring back at me. This creature was serpentine with a massive head that came to a point. Its body layered with plates upon plates of I do not know what but it had the same looks as polished marble. It was as big as a commercial airliner and it was staring at me. Now I get why he said run earlier.

Breaking eye contact with the monster and moving as close to the wall as close to the wall as I could I double-time it up and out but not before the rumbling which had stopped began again with a shriek accompanying it. A bit scared and in a rush I try to remember in what direction I was originally traveling in. Looking around to try and find my tracks did not find anything but soon enough I was able to tell where I had been based on the sent trail I had been leaving oddly enough.

I had stopped where there was a lift into the hole so I went to the opposite side of where it was and just started running. Good thing too because the monster was right behind me. It did not take long at all before that thing dug up to the surface and find me. I feel like I am not expressing how on edge I am right now so I will do so.

I have never done well with stuff that scared me and something as big and dangerous as whatever this is which I now will dub the crate dragon after one of my favorite stories, is really making my heart palpitate. It is the feeling when you are afraid of heights and you look down a cliff's edge. Or if you have a really bad phobia of an insect or animal. Well, this animal is chasing me and is most likely trying to kill and eat me which I think it would have no problem doing if I was not so fast and had a small head start.

Ouch, what the hell!? IT BURNS! While still running at full speed I turn to see that a slight bubbling mist is coming off my tail as well as a large portion of the ground that I have passed. I slam my tail into the ground several times to knock whatever is on me off and manage to do so not without taking the end of my tail with it. It does not look like it's bleeding but it still hurts like hell. The carte dragon had reared its head out of the ground and shot something out of its mouth. while still keeping up with me.

God I hope they have something for my tale wherever this supposed vineyard is. Also there will be no vineyard left if this thing keeps chasing me.

AN: Sorry for the long wait I was going to post this at the begging of the month but I have had a lot of news and life stuff to take care of. Such as finding a new job. Going to parties I was invited to, and being . . . . lazy. I see that more people have checked out the story and that is awesome. Thank you for checking this out. I still have some steam in me so you might see another chapter in a few days a bit longer than this one. Please put your thoughts in the comments and so forth. Once again thank you for reading and I will say something again next time.