Rumblings in the Distance

Far from our monster, on a small slope near the foot of towering mountains, there is rolling greenery much different from the landscape around it. Row upon row of blooming grape vines and other assorted trees with odd-looking fruit hanging from it all surrounded by a well-built stone wall. At the center of this sprawling green view was a cozy little house with flowers rounding the structure of all different types.

Nearby was a barn where many common animals could be seen of all different types such as chickens, cows, pigs, horses, and then some ones that did not belong. Like one of the giant sloths from the second expanse that had some armor clasped to it. Or the three large deer with spear-like horns that usually travel in herds. A few wolves that varied in color like green, white, blue, and black. Then the one that outshines them all would have to be the bear, of course, with its massive frame overtaking the sloth and all the other animals. It seemed to have patterns etched into its fur around its joints which all seemed to lead towards its head. Since it was so massive it did not fit in the barn and had to sleep to the side of it.

But back to the cottage in the center, there were two rocking chairs. One of them was filled by a short and stocky man with a long billowing beard, braided in a multitude of patterns that neared his feet. Staring out into the distance watching the sunset while puffing on a pipe calmly. A few moments pass and the front door to the home opens and a tall feminine figure steps through the doorway. If one was to describe what she looked like it would be exactly like those that were found in the titan-sized tree in the blighted and cursed Alairi (the elf's) homeland. She was an elf plain and simple, with very delicate features, long hair that reached down to her waist, and a slender frame.

Looking over to the side and seeing the man that she loved sitting down with his evening pipe she smiled and went over to sit next to him. Once in her comfortable seat she placed her hand on the man's hand hoping for the same flustered expression she had come to love but unusually that did not happen. A stern steely gaze locked on the horizon and tensed hands were all that greeted her. Surprised by this she voiced her concern,

"Now what is this? What has grabbed your attention so that my touch does not bring you out of your stupor?"

Dragged out of the daze he was in looking to his side to see his wife and then down towards his hand whereupon his wife was holding. Shaking his head and emptying his pipe he once again looked into the distance and sighed.

"There have been some unsettling rumblings in the distance. It's unnatural, to say the least, and they seem to be getting louder. I thought it might be a wandering band of mountain giants from the upper spines but once I checked more carefully I found that it was coming from out that way (gesturing with the pipe) and that has never happened."

Although still concerned and looking into the sunset over the barren wastes she noticed that her husband's expression softened a bit and the hand that was on her husband was being clasped strongly. She smiled knowing how paranoid he can be sometimes, the last time something like this happened was when a few large boulders tumbled down the mountain nothing to be concerned about, but the next thing she knew there were 4 new sturdy walls each a bit taller than the last erected around the back of the homestead. He said they were to protect against possible landslides or an avalanche during the winter. Of course, I had him take it down but only after a consensus that he could put a wall up around the entire area.

"Is this something we have to prepare for you think? Or is it just one of your bad feelings?"

"Hmm, I will keep an ear out and hope nothing comes of this but my gut is telling me that something got stirred out there."

"You know that we are fully capable of defending ourselves, honey. You and I as well as all of our friends over there (points at the barn) can take care of whatever problem that might come our way and let us not forget there can always be a peaceful option while I am around."

Scratching the back of his head and sighing once again "Yeah your right, there is just so much that can happen out here it just keeps me on edge love. Let's go inside, the sun already set, and it's about time for some shut-eye, we got a long day tomorrow."

"Could not have said it better sweetie."

Once done with their evening chat both of them retreat to the bed to get some sleep. They would need it for the coming morning when they had to start harvesting the grapes and fruit. They would then begin the process of turning all that they had produced into hearty wines and other distilled drinks.

As the final candlelight dimmed and both of their eyes shut one of them had a voice whisper to them.

"A champion arrives from distant lands to aid both your people. A forest home will bloom again and a mountain kingdom will no longer fear what comes from beneath for it will come for them. Rejoice and welcome your coming savior. All shall be well once more."

AN: Here is the other chapter I talked about. I hope you all like it. Thank you for all reading once again and I will see you in the next chapter, I will have more to say next time.