Losing Ground and Politics

Metal, blood, and stone. Screams all around, some that call for assistance others for a valiant end then there are those that cannot utter a word; for they no longer draw breath. Sparks fly as metal connects with stone and flesh alike. Cries of an indiscernible nature are constant and incessant among the brutal fight that has been raging for what seemed like days.

Short muscular men and women dart back and forth across the tall walls manning large ballista firing at rock monsters that keep filing out of tunnels. Ammo is rushed to these mounted armaments where it is swiftly launched over the heads of those fighting in melee. Down below lines of heavily armored and deadly troops hold together an immovable shield line where axes swing from the gaps and spears longer than two men are thrust forward to skewer anything it comes into contact with. A call is heard and the shield line was broken, all those who held the line push forward knocking back the flesh rock monstrosities.

This did not come without cost as people were crushed under bolder-sized hands and run through with sharpened stone hands. But they gave more than they got thankfully, with fury in every swing stab, or throw.

A horn sounds bouncing off the walls of the cavern signaling the slow withdrawal back to the fortress's walls. Less fatigued soldiers step up and take over the fight while those that can still walk grasp those that cannot and move. Eventually, all those that can be brought back are to be given a well-deserved rest. They had lost so many, too many in fact. These clashes had been happening much too frequently and those that had not fully healed had to be stationed on the walls to bolster the already crumbling defenses. This last battle was a bit better seeing as how they actually pushed the enemy back off the walls and nearly to their tunnels, but still, there were many bodies that littered the space before the walls.

The commander of the fortress, a more courageous man no one ever knew, stood before his men and gave a rousing speech saying how they had beaten them back for the last time, that they had won the day and that respite was close at hand. He ordered that the kegs be tapped to celebrate and to mourn those that had fallen, some gave a cheer, and others reserved silence.


30 minutes later inside a side wing of the fort . . . .

The commander sat at the head of a long table while all his captains and close aids bickered about how best to fix the damages done to the now crumbling fort. This is hardly the first time this scene had played out before him but at this point, it was just par for the course. Unlike how he was on the rampart not too long ago he was frustrated and nearly ready to burst from rage because he knew that they had been losing too many men and he could do nothing to stop it. Not to say that the damage done is not important but what is the use of defenses if there are no men to man them?

Sigh, this past month has been grueling for all those stationed here. There have been near-constant fighting every other day. It's a wonder how I and my men have held on for so long and not cracked under the pressure, hopefully, ancestors willing, we will be able to keep it up.

We are the spearhead against these horrid monsters but we are being dulled and if we do not get more troops as well as supplies then we won't be able to hold on for too much longer. Now to stop this bickering.

"ENOUGH!" (Commander)

Immediate silence was followed and all those that had been at each other's throats stood at attention.

"Now that I have your attention, sit down and listen." (Commander)

The grinding of chair legs on stone was grating on the ears of everyone in the room for a moment before all present were in a seat pushed up to this long table.

"Alright, I understand your concerns and worries about the current state we are in. Supplies run low as well as manpower and morale at that. There is little we can do but send a request to those puffed-up council members and if need be the king himself. Based on the estimates that all of you have gathered I would say that if the attacks continue as they have we will be able to hold on another week at best. As a last resort if the fort is breached and is in danger of being taken then I suggest we move forward with the "Ancestors Will" what do you all think." (Commander)

All but one of the men in the room gave a solid nod to their commander while the last one exploded in anger at what was put forward.

"You cannot be serious commander! We of the House of Iron have held this fort for 5 generations beating back all that has stood in front of it and now you are suggesting that we possibly enact that plan? Have you lost your mind, we will beat back these vile monsters the same way as all the others." (Captain)

Many shook their heads as the youngster among them blurted these words out. He was untarnished by the grim reality of battle and had only just come to the front from training. The only battle that he had seen was the one today. It was a victory but a costly one, if only he knew how many men staffed this fort previously then he might not have said anything.

"Look here youngin, we all understand what you have said and none here would let this fort fall without us going with it. The reason I even suggested it is for everyone here to make peace with the fact that it might have to come to it. I will be the first to throw myself off the ramparts into the sea of enemies to stall for time if need be, but that is only in the worst-case scenario. Now I would like to cover some strategy's for the oncoming . . ." (Commander)

Interrupting his talk was the sound of a steam whistle and many ringing bells followed by loud bangs which rocked the entire fort. All those that were present rearmed themselves and filed out the door into a corridor. The bangs persisted and rubble started coming loose from the walls. When every person exited the interior what greeted them was a massive opening in the fortress wall with a monstrosity of metal and stone stepping through the gap, all troops were fighting in melee with the smaller variants but they seemed different somehow.

Many of the once dull-looking clay or stone-looking monsters now had a clear sheen to them that reflected the light. Others had different forms that seemed to fit for certain combat purposes whether that be for defense or offense. Ballista which was still functional launched bolts as fast as they could toward these new enemies it seemed to be much less effective. All of this was happening in the span of a minute before the commander's eyes. From what he saw he knew that the worst outcome had come to be.

He turned to his men and gave his final order to them before rushing down to meet the enemy.

"Youngin, go and tell those of the council what has happened here. Men enact the Ancestors Will and may they guide us to victory always! YAAAAAAAA!!" (Commander)

The men around did not dally and immediately ran to do what needed to be done. The "Ancestors Will" was a last-ditch effort in the case that the fort is taken or falls completely where blasting charges were primarily used for only mining or expanding the Great Road at key points around the fort. Once set off it would collapse not only the fort but the entirety of the cavern the fort was in taking down all that had assaulted the fort and stalling any further attacks.

The young vrac man was left alone as the chaos around him continued to unfurl. It felt to him that his world was ending, it was hard to breathe or even move but his commander's words rang in his head telling him to go. It started as a walk then into a run and finally into a full-on sprint, he had to get away from here to complete the mission that was given to him. Passing by others that were locked in desperate combat, dodging falling rubble from the walls, etc. Nothing would stop him from getting to the mounts they kept in the stables.

Once at the stables he found the fastest mount he could that of a cave crawler. He did not have time to get a saddle he would have to just hold on for dear life. Hopping on the mount he burst through the gates to the stables and then over the short wall at the back of the fort.

It was but only a moment or two before an explosion came from behind him the blast of which nearly knocked him and his mount over from the force alone. He calmed his crawler and made it continue forward not looking back at what was now only a collapsed tunnel.

He had to tell those in power that the once gleaming bastion of the Vrac had now fallen.


Several days later . . .

In the far reaches of the mountains below the highest peak sits the capital of the Vrac people Curg. Named after its first high king Curg The Unwavering of the clan of runes. The city was a wonder to behold with all manner of great works of masonry which are continuing even now. Large walkways that extended up, down, over, and under each other all leading to different parts of the city. Columns of smoke billowed out of large workshops/blacksmiths churning out tools, arms, and all manner of trinkets. Buildings jutting in and out of walls connected to corridors and vast halls housed more public buildings around the city. As one went further in stonework would become older but even more refined than before, a person would find themselves before the Halls of The Ancestors where the council for the city met and held meetings with the current royalty who headed the council.

Currently, a meeting was being held over the reports of massive tremors that had been felt only a few days before. Heads of all the clans as well as representatives from other races that inhabited the city met in a large ovular chamber where stone seating surrounded eleven stone thrones. The clan heads all sat in these while representatives sat on the stone seating behind them. On an elevated stone platform, an immaculately carved throne was placed. Sat upon it was the king of the vrac people Thorgrim the Wise house of the Mountain, said to be one of the oldest vrac that has ever lived at the age of 961. Most only live to the age of 700 or 800 max but something just kept him going.

Of course, this meeting was not only to discuss the tremors, because they were mountain folk, but tremors also were not a rare occurrence among their people. There were many other things to discuss at this time like putting forward plans for new construction works as well as those that wanted to ask for funding for their clan projects and so on.

There were many different races that lined the seats behind those of the clan heads. One would see four other short races one of them even being green, yes goblins. There were elves and a spattering of other races scattered about the chamber all either discussing among themselves or preparing to announce their people's pleas/problems or ideas for what was coming.

This was interrupted by the main doors to the chamber opening welcoming in several armed vrac with a haggard young man between them. All conversations were silenced as this was something unexpected and never happened. The escorts took the man to the center of the chamber where a podium stood and backed away. This vrac was known to some that were there and greeted warmly.

"Hey there cousin! What are you doing here, you don't look so good? Are you not supposed to be stationed at the Great Bastion, as your graduate assignment from the academy?" (Member of house Iron)

Without the awareness of those around the man only directed his line of sight at the king and said what had happened.

"The Great Bastion headed by the house of iron has fallen, by the act of the high commander the plan "Ancestors Will" was carried out approximately 3 days ago to stall these enemies. I am all that is left of the standing forces from the last stand." (Young Vrac adviser)

The man continued on until he was shouted down by all those around saying things like impossible, how could this be, you lie, but every word he had said was true. Some could look into his eyes and see the loss that he had gone through. The king in his mighty seat rose with a hammer in hand and slammed it down just enough to not crack the floor. The court was once again as silent as when the young man had entered.

"Child of the House of Iron is what you say true." (King Thorgrim)

"Yes, the commander was the one to give me my final order to bring this information before all of you." (Young Vrac)

With a heavy sigh that made him look even older than he already was, he rested the hammer against his thrown and addressed all those in attendance.

"I do believe the boy. These are ill tidings and we must be swift. Muster all the guards as well as those that are in the king's legion. Send a confirmation party to the site of the Grand Bastion to make sure nothing has gone through yet. We must be prepared to push whatever may come back." (King Thorgrim)

Those in agreement and those opposed argued amongst themselves. While the king himself had massive power over the nation those of the council the house heads had the remaining power. They commanded their own legions besides the king himself and could disagree with his proclamations.

Many there could not believe the words of this now haggard young soldier who said the unthinkable. They wanted to make sure that this had happened and would not muster their forces until the information that this man had put forth was confirmed to be authentic.

So those on their high seats or low in this case continued to bicker not knowing what was coming for them.


1 day after the fall of the Great Bastion . . . .

I had been running for . . . so . . . long . . . this bastard of a snake will just not give up! Like how badly did I piss this thing off to make it follow me for this long? It's like I killed its entire family or something. The good news is that it ran out of acid a while ago but who knows when that might start being a problem again.

Damn, I am thirsty, where are my marathon people down the line that are supposed to give me water at a time like this? It feels good to complain like this to myself although it would be better if someone could comment on what I was doing but oh well.

Wait what is that in the distance . . . . please let it be what I think it is.

AN: Alright that is chapter 31. At first I thought of splitting this chapter cause I did not want it to be that wordy but then the dead line for the end of the month passed by 2 day ago and I just said screw it lets make this one have everything. If you could tell by my writing I really enjoy describing scenery, background, and locations. I feel like it adds to the picture you can put together in your mind. If I did a bad job describing anything please message me for any clarification that you would need. Next chapter we are back with dino boy and his meeting with some people ooooooo. Thank you for reading and I will talk to you in the next chapter.