The Ax & Grape

Yes. Yes! Yes!!! It is what I think, sweet sanctuary at last. In the distance I could spot a sprawling grassy plain with a hill and what seemed to be a white picket fence surrounding some trees. This is the place that being told me about, I will finally get a break, hell yeah!

Still following behind me was the giant serpent like dragon. But it seemed to have slowed down a bit as I was approaching the grassland. The closer I got the slower it became, until finally my feet touched the sod and it stopped. I turned to look at it. All it was doing was starring at me and moving back and forth but never an inch closer. It was like the grass and the sprouts closer to it kept it at bay for some reason like it dared not tread on it for fear of what may happen. After about 10 minutes of staring me down though it broke away and headed in the direction it had chased me.

Take that you oversized worm ha! I knew that lizard was full of it. Once I power up after helping the dwarfs I am coming for you. All the while I danced around in a circle just happy to be alive but missing a little bit of my tail which by now had healed over. Huuuu alright, its time to meet who ever is here. Hopefully it will be a warm reception, that guy did say that he would inform who ever is here about my coming so my hopes are high.

Closing the distance to the fence It would seem that I arrived on one of the sides of the vineyard. I could see row upon row of large stakes driven into the ground with bundles of grapes and other assorted fruits most being grapes I would assume but others were mixed in as well. It seemed that the people here would have a great harvest.

Not wanting to damage the fence or the plants I opt to follow the fence line to find a gate to enter. Luckily it did not take long because I was standing before an immaculately carved fence at the front, at the center of the gate was a double bladed ax that seemed to have letters carved into all the way to the blades and around the shaft was curled vines where leaves and other little fruits and vegetables grew out and around it. There was a small bell next hanging on the door signifying that if I opened the gate that is would give off a little chime.

Well I wont be rude I should ring the bell a few times and wait that is the curtius thing to do. Hmm but how are they going to hear it? Well whats another hour or so, I have been running for days I should just rest until someone comes to the gate, they have to leave sometime right?

I rang the bell on the gate and proceeded to curl up and close my eyes for a well deserved nap. That was rudely interrupted by snarling minutes later. Rising from my curled position I saw two large wolves not unlike the ones I had come to know in the shrub land although they were less green and more varied in color. One of them kept its teeth bared and barked to the other, the other wolf hearing this turned around and ran up the path that was behind the gate.

I saw no reason to be aggressive. I had become so much stronger than I was before in those shrub lands that I had nothing to fear from this seemingly normal wolf. Besides, it is probably a pet of the one I am supposed to meet, I do not think they would take kindly to one of their animals being torn apart. So I just waited, staring at the end of the path where the other wolf ran, a little jittery about the fact that I would finally be able to talk to some one that could pass as normal hopefully.

It took some time but my patience was rewarded. A host of animals huge and small came down the path at a fast pace. There was a bear nearly the size of me but slightly smaller, other wolves of different colors, there were three of those spear dears I had hunted before, and then there was a large armored sloth which carried 2 people on it. One being quite short but armored out the ass, I could only see his long beard and eyes through all of his plate, over his shoulder was a similar looking ax that was engraved on the front gate. The other was much more slender and tall, delicate features with really long hair and long pointed ears coming out off the sides of her head. She carried a spear in one hand and was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

All of them arrived in short order and proceeded to line up next to each other. Both of the humanoids of this group hopped off their mount and approached the gate. The woman seemed to be less defensive than the dwarf beside her seeing as how he had his ax gripped tightly in both of his hands ready to start hacking away at any moment. In comparison she held her spear to her side and approached me solemnly. The dwarf seeing this releases a hand off his ax and grabs her arm stopping her. Motioning towards me with his ax he began to speak in what ever language he knew.

Honestly the next time I see that sphere I need to ask him to install google translate or something into this system he made I swear he said that I would be able to communicate with them. A moment later the woman was tracing lines into the air and muttering some words to herself. Next thing I knew I could hear a voice in my head saying this:

" State your purpose here, if you have nothing to do with this place and you mean no harm then please return from where you came or we shall be forced to use force to defend ourselves." (Woman)

Well guess they did not get the memo.

AN: Another chapter, another month gone by. Honestly I wanted to get this out a few days ago but that damn hurricane hit us and we needed to prepare for it. But I am doing alright nothing to out of place that cannot be fixed with a bit of time. Anyway our intrepid main character has finally made first contact stay tuned for the next installment which shall have a lot of dialogue and other stuff. It might come out around the same time as this one in October depending on how everything at home goes. Thank you always for reading and joining me and everyone else here.