A Normal Conversation

I was hoping for a more . . . you know better reception. But I guess not everyone can be calm and collected to welcome a dinosaur onto their property. Alright just play it cool, they should know that I was coming. Maybe they just forgot or something, I do that all the time, of course, it could be that damn ball giving them a cryptic message or AAAAAAA who cares I have to respond otherwise they may start to be on edge.

Both the woman and the man did not move much after I was asked the question. The animals on the other hand were getting nervous. The wolves were pacing, the bear was digging in his paws, the deer had their horns lowered ready to charge, and the sloth . . . it was chill for the most part as far as I could tell it was just standing tall behind the man and woman.

"Yes, hello there. It's nice to finally be able to talk with someone normally. I was under the impression that you knew that I was coming here. Did you get any uhh, messages like the one you are using right now recently?"

I could tell my thoughts made it to her because she seemed puzzled. She looked down at her heavily armored friend and said some things, probably relaying what I said. The man took off his helm and looked at me with the same puzzled look the woman had. Her voice once again echoed in my head saying

"We did indeed hear some entities voice a night or two ago. It said something about a champion coming to help us. Are you saying that champion is you?"

Oh good, he did send them something otherwise this would take a lot longer.

"Yes, although I don't know if you could consider me a champion or anything, I have come to help his people cause they are in danger." I pointed one claw toward the dwarf.

Another puzzled look and an exchange of words between the two lead to the dwarf stepping forward aggressively pointing at me and yelling. The woman puts an arm on his shoulder and draws another sigil in the air with the other hand once complete the rage disappeared off the face of the dwarf slowly as did his words.

I guess whatever I said might have set him off. It's not like it could be lost in translation my thoughts are being directly sent to her, I wonder why he got so mad. Well, I should ask if I could come in. Just then her voice echoed once more in my head.

"Sorry for his outburst he is a bit . . . well he just does not get along with those of his parent country. Different outlooks on the life you could say. You said you had come to help his people but the voice also said something about the champion helping mine as well, is this also the truth?"

Hmm well, I should say yes, seeing as how I visited that mother tree and the fact that she expects me to come back. Should I tell her about that?

"Yes, actually I have spoken to the Mother Tree. She asked me to help kill this big abomination that was corrupting the forest and her but I was not strong enough so . . . hello?"

I seemed to have surprised her so much by saying that she fainted. She fell backward into the arms of the dwarf who was equally dumbfounded. He laid her down next to him and readied his ax. Come on man it's not my fault she passed out I just told her where I had been, it's not the end of the world. I waved my arms back and forth and shook my head to show I was innocent, you got the wrong guy.

All the animals that had seemed to have relaxed a bit were now ready for action again. But before they all flew into a storm of teeth, steel (I think), and fur toward me the elf woman rose from her spot as if possessed and snapped her fingers. All stopped when they heard that, she did not need to voice anything all it took was a snap for her to get a handle back on the situation even I flinched a bit.

She connected to me again and said the following.

"Alright, if you are telling me the truth then there is a veritable mountain of questions I have for you that will take some time. If you would be so kind as to follow me and tell me all that you know so we both can process everything that would be good. I must warn you though if you show aggression towards anyone here you will not last long. Are we clear?"

All I could do was shake my head up and down, I was still a little stunned and surprised by what she did before. How could she make me freeze with just a snap, I looked at that giant serpent that chased me, and yeah I was scared but I did not freeze or stop.

Once I answered she walked up to the gate and opened it. She turned around and began walking to the house all the while the dwarf was on her heels talking while doing hand motions. I followed behind as all the animals flanked me and followed as well.


A few hours passed by and I was able to tell a bit of my story to the elf and dwarf who were both named Alanda/Vuander respectively. In order to talk to me at the gate she set up a magic link a rush job, to say the least. Once she had some time and my cooperation she could set up multiple links where I could talk to as many people as she could hook me up to, including the other monsters that lived here. I went about telling them that I am very young not even a year old and the fact that I was once a normal human being which was hard for them to wrap their heads around. I did not include the fact that I was not of this world because I feel like that is just going to complicate things more than they already are.

I spoke about my time in the forests a far way from here as well as the grasslands. She kind of hurried me along to talk about her people's home so I did. Recounting the fallen homes and how it seemed that all the life had been sucked out of everything. About all the bodies that were in the tree and the ents that resided inside. She adamantly corrected me when I called them that calling them grove keepers or grand elders, I will just keep calling them ents on my own time.

I told them how I was hunted for a little bit by humans and how I fled. About my time in the desert and the giant crystal. Honestly going over everything was a bit mind-boggling, I had gone through so much in such a short period of time that a normal person would not have survived but I am no one normal.

After that, it was time for me to ask them some questions like what did they call this world? Where is the nearest settlement from here I saw nothing in the desert (besides a quarry) to indicate intelligent life around? Also, why were they all alone out here?

They then told me a bit of their story that they were out here to get away from those that would use them or in other cases harm them. That the nearest settlement from here was through a path in the mountains on the side of a cliff named Shears Edge, it was a mining colony established to mine a black ore known to them as char. They told me that the desert I passed through was once a grassland that had a human kingdom in it but was eroded away by some force unknown to both of them, some said that it was some type of giant ritual that back fired on them or that it was another smaller affecting calamity that was just not far reaching enough to do damage to the mountains or forests that it was samwitched between.

They did not get much information from others nor did they receive letters or missives from those they once knew back in the major cities they had lived in before. The only news they got was when they went to the mining town in the mountains to sell their wines and brandy's. But now knowing what I did they agreed to travel with me to that town to find out what might be going on in the bigger part of the Vrac nation to see for themselves if my and the mysterious voice that foretold my coming was true.

AN: HEY there everyone HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I have been thinking about a lot of things lately on whether I should do a slight time skip or not. I feel like the story is going at a snail pace for some people unless that is just me, but I would like to ask if I should? Because I could go either way I have ideas to continue on like it is or maybe fast track it a bit and get into a bit more action. But besides that this month felt really slow for some reason, how was it for you all? Once again thank you for reading this story it really means a lot to me thank you.

PS: Sorry it took me until the last day of the month to put this out! I should have had this out a week ago!