The Wrong Place To Put Your Nose Into

Somewhere in the ground, there are four players inside an underground parking lot, fighting a mini-boss. It was a hideous creature with five black tentacles wiggling on his back.

The place where a face is supposed to reside replace by a worm with its mouth wide open, full of sharp teeth, this fellow has the body of a human male.

While its legs can't be called human legs, it was still legs nevertheless. It just that, it was very disturbing to look at, but you don't have to look at it, this is not a museum or something.

A few moments ago before Asitana activates her skill, a male player threw a grenade towards it and it blows up in a very slow process. Bullets are piercing the air with high-speed moments ago are slowed down, some bullets are entering the skin of the mini-boss, leaving a hole in the process.

Another player slid through the mini boss's crotch and planted a few C4s on it, he also planted some on its legs.

Another one jumped from the rooftop of a minivan. He has two daggers on both of his hands and raises both of them. The mini-boss sends a grabbing motion to him with five black tentacles following behind.

This scene… Is quite bizarre and epic. Unlike in the air. Where the raining bullets are encircling the target but slowed down before it could reach its prey.

At first, Tornado is surprised with the sight before him, bullets in any size and forms closing him at a very slow pace, at this point, he could mistake it that time had stopped.

He turned his head towards the cute, little girl on the very back of the car and sends a thumbs up.

Seeing his praise, Asitana could not help but feel a warm sensation in her heart, and with a proud look on her face, she said.

"See? I told you I'm not useless!"

He nodded with a smile and averted his attention to the small grenade up in the air, and soon after. It starts to spin, and as time goes, it gets very fast.

As it keeps spinning, with the sound effect of a laser, the small grenade shoots red lasers and destroyed the bullets surrounding him.

In mere breaths, the bullets are wiped clean, and confirming that its objective is completed, the small grenade float back to Tornado.

Nodded in satisfaction, he looked at the young man before him and wondering what is the best way to extract information from him. Winning is already in his grasp so the only logical thing to do is to get information.

He pinches his chin then wondering and a few seconds later, his eyes lit up and his mouth formed a despicable smile as he found the way.

"Asitana, how long can you hold?" He asked.

"Around 10 minutes! After that, I'll fell into an unconscious state."

The ability takes a huge toll on her body and greatly decreases her stamina.

Two hours of rest is barely reaching half of her stamina and truth be told, she can't be certain how long she could hold.

10 minutes is only her estimation. It could last longer than that or maybe the opposite?

Tornado oblivious to up above, he said.

"Hold 10 minutes and if you can't do it, I'll feed you to the zombies! If you succeed, I'll give you a gift."

Asitana is speechless, do you know how hard I tried to activate this ability yet you take it as buying a cabbage in the market.

Still, her innocent and pure eyes lit up hearing that he'll give her a gift.

"Really? Ok!" Just like a child, she didn't put much heed to it and trusted him deeply.

While she believes his words, do you know what is in his head?

'Like I hell I would give you. I'm just messing with you.'

If she could hear his thoughts, she will choose to be feed to the zombies, this master of her can't be predicted! Sometimes kind and reliable, and sometimes a bastard and despicable.

He equips himself with a jetpack, this item right here is only one in the whole game.

He finds it after solving an Easter Egg in a mysterious mountain in the game, and this jetpack is that Easter Egg. Many players tried to solve it but with pure luck, he able to do so.


Swiftly flying in the air towards the young man. He looked around to find things to perform his 'extraction information system.'

Nine minutes later…

He clapped his hand in satisfaction and fly towards Asitana, then said with a smile.

"Okay, you could deactivate your ability now."

Not expecting his change of personality and would come to her, she is dumbfounded.

Aren't you supposed to like, don't care when I collapsed and swaying here and there. Since when you become so attentive?

Without paying much thought, she nodded and deactivate her ability, and shortly after, her eyes tightly shut and her body fell into a deep slumber.

Tornado immediately grabs her weak, small body with his hands and release her small feet from the rope.

Like a two-year-old toddler that got tired from a day of playing, she sleeps soundly on his shoulder.

He heads back to the car and slowly lay her down and command one of the humanoid robots to rescue the human spear, which is the young girl that makes him scream like a girl.

The humanoid robot nodded and go to where the girl is falling.

Turning his body over, he approached the young man before him. His gaze at him is similar to that of a person who looked at someone who killed his wife and his parents.

How could he not? He bragging that the other party's life is in his hand, but not only most of his toys are betraying him. He only wears a thin boxer covering his important part.

The toys are, of course, the drones. Tornado's perks in the field of hacking systems are almost reaching the max stage, so make a drone to submit to him is like walking in the park.

"Who are you and why you wanted her?" He asked with a smile.

Tornado's mind: Yeah bi ch! Who holds the fate of your life now? You dare to kill me then prepare to get your face slapped!

Hesitant for a moment, the young man said.

"My username is get_rekt 92. I'm here for a mission from my guild. Which is to get her."

get_rekt 92? Why is this name sounds very similar? Also, you're the one who gets rekt here, just change your username alright, you're embarrassing yourself.

Without wasting much time, he sent a message chat to UNO and he answered.

"That guy is the one who single-handedly conquered the District S on Seventha Dahara City. That causes a huge uproar in the community."

Reading UNO's answer, Tornado is surprised and soon, that small brain of his began to remember.

F ck! I put my nose to where it doesn't belong.

The young man before him is one of the top players in the game and he is one of the strongest players in his guild. If his leader finds out that his strongest member gets humiliated, would Tornado be dead meat?

He is confident that he could single-handedly destroyed this man's guild but what happens next would be very troublesome.

The other guilds will not stay idly, especially the Guild's Alliance. After knowing one of its members is destroyed, they will hunt down the culprit.

He has a lot of items in his inventory that capable of destroying a guild.

"Answer my last question. Why your guild wanted her?"

The young man turned silent and smiled. Seeing his smile, Tornado's heart leaps in excitement. This is the best part! He thought to himself.

He ordered the drone that is used as a tool to tie him up to descend to the ground and the ground is full of zombies. get_rekt 92's complexion turned dark and cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

His smile is disappeared and this is what Tornado had been waiting for.

get_rekt 92 is just like bait for fishing as it keeps gets nearer towards the horde of zombies. He was like a worm as a fishing bait that was about to jump into a lake full of hungry fishes.

get_rekt 92 began to think that tell him everything he knows might be worth than this!

"Fine fine, I'll tell you everything you wanted to know! Just stop!

"Very well." He said with a smile but for get_rekt 92, that smile sent goosebumps.

"We wanted her because she is the key to log out all of the players in the game. As you know, the game could be ended by conquering the Ten Cities of Dahara. At the current moment, we only managed to conquer The Eight city. Eright Gradibus Dahara City."

Tornado nodded, even though his level is the same as those who participate in an event to conquer the eight-city, he chose not to participate. His interest to log out from the game is nearing zero.

"But she's an Easter Egg. How come an Easter Egg be a part to log out all of the players from the game?"

"That's the thing. At first, I was confused but when you think about it from a different perspective, there is one explanation. She is the second way to log out all of the players from the game."

If the main way is already full of trouble and consumes a lot of time, some players will begin to think if there's another way to log out from this deadly game. It goes without saying, this leads them to get her.

"How do you know that she is the key to get us out from here?"

"That's... I'm sorry but the upper members didn't tell me."

His words and expression didn't seem to be lying.