The Contract

This gives him a tough spot. He didn't know that the easter egg he found will be playing a crucial role to log out all the players from the game.

If news were to spread, players will not stay idly. They will be coming to him and kill him, and no matter what happens, they will lay their hands to get her.

Rubbing his glabella and sighed. He asked.

"How many people know about this?"

get_rekt 92 remain silent as if tried to remembering something and answered, "no one currently, only the upper members of my guild."

He heaved a sigh of relief but it would only a matter of time till they hunt him like mad dogs, he needs a plan before that happens.

"Then do you know why Erena could enter the city?"

"Erena?" He asked doubtfully. This is the second city! Where only weak zombies spawned. He thought to himself.

But such cases where a 5 tier danger class mini-boss is spawned was not lower than 5%, and upper than that should be impossible.

"The mushroom cloud you see right there is because of her." He said as he pointed to the mushroom cloud that yet to dissipate after two hours with a casual gesture and even after a few kilometers away from it, it was still huge. Reminiscing an erupting mountain volcano.

get_rekt 92's mouth is twitching, he has been wondering what is the cause of that nuclear explosion but to think it was because of an 8 tier danger class mini-boss!


Still, how on earth Erena could enter the city? If she is spawned in it, it should be impossible.

Suddenly, a thought appears in his mind. He can't help but ask.

"Did you fought her?"

"I did but she is a despicable bit*h! I taught her a lesson or two."

A lesson or two? His eyes grow wide in disbelief and his mouth starts twitching.

Erena is the most dangerous mini-boss in the game. Her AI tier is higher than most zombies in the game. Her way of thinking is above average human and the same as a prodigy gamer!

get_rekt 92 almost died facing a weak version of Erena back then when he single-handedly conquering the District S on Seventha Dahara City. The weak version had the body of a small ant, one meter in height, and a head of a woman.

The weak one can't be underestimated either. Yet, the player in front of him taught her a lesson or two…

Furthermore, to make an explosion similar to that of a nuclear weapon, just how strong is the Erena he fought? Also.

Just how strong is he? Can it be that he is one of the top players in disguise? But I never heard his name.

"Then, when did you receive the mission to get her?"

The nuclear explosion occurred two hours ago, and Tornado is thinking that Erena is possibly dispatched from a certain guild to deal with him and get Asitana.

"An hour ago after the earthquakes!"


He has been in the air after the explosion has occurred, so he has no clue that the ground trembled in fear.

He shot a glance to the mushroom cloud before return his focus to him, thus pinch his chin. Seemingly in deep thought.

Few breaths later, he nodded.

"Okay, I get what I wanted to know. If you answer my last question, I'll delete your memory data, everything that was regarding me in any way will be deleted."

This is the best option to choose, he doesn't want to has a time bomb that is yet to defuse. If get_rekt 92 is free after deleting any information related to him, he could rest assured.

"Deleting my memories? How you do that?"


He sent a strong blow on his head, on the back part. Where memories used to store.

Before his consciousness is gone, he sent a hateful gaze.


Realized what he just does. He slaps his forehead as he closed his own eyes.

"Crap I mess up."

He didn't think that it would work and a few moments later, he breathes in a mouthful of air to calm down.

A player's consciousness is connecting to their real-world brain. There must be some kind of way in the player's body so that he could use to wake him up.

Although the world they were in is inside a game, everything is way too realistic. Tornado sometimes mistakes it if he is in the real world instead of a game after waking up.

Thus, Tornado kicked his abdomen as strong as possible, and as a result, he wakes up due to the sharp pain from his abdomen.

"Crap, I put too much strength."

Hearing his words, get_rekt 92 almost spurt his blood. You said you put much strength but your face didn't lie! You clearly enjoying it! Look at that satisfying smile.

"I'll kill you." He said as he grit his teeth.

"If you had the chance. Anyway, make a contract with me and I'll release you." Tornado just thought of another idea when kicking his abdomen, it was worth to try.

"Contract? After all you've done to me you wanted us to sign a contract?"

Tornado nodded, "of course. The contract shares a mutual benefit. I wanted you to find the party who sends Erena to the city." He then pondered for a second before adding.

"You already knew right? Even though the second city is always spawned with zombies. NPCs start to build a small city in the area, in District A and B. You do know very well what would happen if Erena is released in a city."

Not expecting he would be saying things like that. He replied.

"You're saying that the Erena you fought is sent by someone to kill you? But that's impossible!"

Erena is a zombie, a creature that wanted to eat human meat. It would do anything at its disposal to eat human flesh, giving it a hard time for humans to capture one and Erena always self explode when gets cornered.

The explosion turned their body into a red and thick mist.

Tornado nodded, "it should be, but you should know that Erena could think like humans did. I met some evolved Erena two years ago, they understand human language."

Widening his eyes in disbelief, he said. "You met evolved Erenas?"

He recalled the matter. It was said that an anonymous player kills three evolved Erena, and after a thorough investigation, those Erenas actually had a plan to destroy the core city of players, the fifth city. Ficroft Dahara City.

Is it possible that anonymous player is the one in front of him? He is curious and about to ask him the question when he said.

"Those bit*hes are actually cunning and has a lot of brainpower in their schemes, considering that. It wouldn't be possible that the one I fought two hours ago is actually sent to deal with me."

Suppressing his curiosity, he thought himself, It wouldn't hurt much to sign a contract with him.

Erena dropped a lot of exp and their body parts are very expensive. Nothing to lose!

"I am willing to sign a contract with you."

"You willing?"

Not expecting such a quick answer, Tornado is surprised.

"Very well, but keep in mind to be very careful. There are a lot of loopholes as to what is going on."

get_rekt 92 nodded. His hate and rage towards the other party are gone at this point because it would be possible that anonymous player is the guy in front of him. He always wanted to meet that person.

Afterward, he released him and give him his clothes.

"Where should I start?" He asked. If he wanted to search the party who sent Erena, he needs a starting point.

"Identify this."


He sent get_rekt 92 a picture by chat message. The picture is blurry but that doesn't matter, Tornado circles something on the picture.

He zoomed in on what is Tornado tried to tell him.

The picture is the Erena he fought two hours ago, he screenshot his view and wanted to report the matter to the base, but he didn't expect to get something.

get_rekt 92 eyes widened as he found out what is hidden in the picture.

"Is that… A code?"

A very small symbol of an eye with white wings on its back and below it are a bunch of numbers, which is.

'9 1-13 8-5-18-5.'