The Furious Young Girl (1)

It was a trapdoor leading to an underground room or maybe storage is the right word…

Whether it was one of them, she doesn't care! She opens it by pulling the handle on the middle and holy crap it was heavy.

The trapdoor looked like made of wood so she thought it would be light, however, this heaviness is enough for her mind to doubt if this thing was made out of wood!

'Damn it! I just want to see what is inside! It's not like I'm going to destroy anything!' She thought to herself as she gritting her teeth and uses all of her strength but against the odds, the trapdoor becomes very light as a feather all of the sudden.

"You f****ing troll!" She cursed.

When she thought it wasn't heavy, the trapdoor turns out to be heavy and when she uses her full strength, the trapdoor becomes light as a feather!

Just what did I do to deserve this? She said to herself.

As a result, the trap door flies into the air with its handle left behind on her hands.

Penetrating the roof and she stood there with her lips twitching uncontrollably.

She uses too much strength, causing it to fly away. If you ask where it went, probably to the moon.

The trapdoor leaves a big hole on the roof and small debris fell to the ground while the rest scattered to the air then landed on the ground.

A loud thud could be heard around her, it happened one after another like raindrops.

She is shocked to the core. She, herself didn't expect this would happen! The roof is bad as new and she looked at the sky, didn't know what to do next.

Should she fix the roof or bail? Or maybe explore this secret passageway?

Decided. She does the latter, she equips herself with a flashlight, it was a high-intensity something, something flashlight. It was black and very bright.

After a few minutes of walking in the dark, cold, and moistened narrow passageway, only relying on her trusty flashlight while touching the wall with her left hand, she carefully advanced.

The passageway is creepy enough to make you think that a creature would appear all of the sudden from behind and kill you.

The flashlight helps a lot in this darkness but the feeling of something creeps on you from behind is impossible to ignore. She take a glance to her back every now and then.

Thankfully, it was over, she arrived at a wooden door with a torch stick on it. Yes, it proceeds very smoothly without a hitch.

Which makes her heave a sigh of relief and then look carefully at the door. Analyzing it from up to bottom.

The wooden door is just your everyday door, very ordinary except for that torch.

Paying no heed to it, she held the doorknob with her right hand and turned it to the left then push forward and as expected, it was ended in vain. The door didn't budge.

She takes a step back to take a better look, is there something that could be used to open it, maybe there is some sort of clue, like codes or puzzles.

She stood there in front of the door for a few minutes with a deep frown etched on her forehead and crossed her arm.


'There is nothing here! It was just an ordinary wooden door except for that damn torch!' She furiously thought to herself.

Doesn't waste any time, she grabs the torch with her right hand, of course, she turned off her flashlight before grabbed it. She put her trusty flashlight in her waist pocket.

After up above, she wondering what should she do next? Find the correct place for the torch to stick on or something?

Just as she about to search the correct place for the torch, the ground shook wildly and the wooden door slowly opens.

As it is, the tremble gets more intense and her body move on its own, she crouched with her face looking downward, and covered her head, the back part, with her hands.

Before she covers her head, she put the torch to the nearby wall, and contrary to her expectation, it sticks! She thought it gonna fell and the flame died out.

It seems the torch has a unique feature to be placeable at any place, it was like those torches on Minecraft, how convenient.

The door is fully opened after a few seconds straight of trembling. Making sure everything is fine by surveying the surroundings. She stands up, grabs the torch, and entered.

Before she enters, she took a deep breath and raise her guard. She looked at it and the room is like a dark abyss, she swallowed down her nervousness.

She turned on her flashlight but it didn't work, she smashed it a few times on her left wrist but didn't work.

'What a time to be useless.' She muttered and sighed. Hence, doesn't have any choice, she could only enter it with a torch.

With the dim light it exuding, she explores the room by taking a step to her right after entering the room and touch the wall as she walks.

Although dark, the room is warm and very fitting for a place to live but the lack of sunlight is a big no, no.

She would last five days if she lives here.

After taking about eight steps, the torch's flame died out as if there's a strong wind pass by and it was very strange considering the room is located under the soil and has no window.

"No, no!" She panicked but that feeling, soon replaced by fear. Her fear isn't towards the dark but she fears the unexpected.

What would happen if there is a savage zombie mutant beast locked here? What would happen if this room is actually a torture chamber?

However, the darkness only lasts a few seconds, it was replaced by white light from a lamp ceiling square. Planted on the white ceiling.

The lamp ceiling, the first one turned on is the one on top of her, then the rest followed, there are about eight of these lamps in the room. They also flick a few times.

She is surprised but at the same time heave a sigh of relief with her eyes closed and her body relaxed a little.

Still, it wasn't a good idea to lowering her guard than it is, she opens her eyes but before it happens.

"Hello, may I know who you are?" A voice of a little girl asked her politely and it sent cold shudders.

She is confident that there is no one else here thanks to her aura sense ability. It was an ability that could detect an aura of a living person, undead is an exception.

'A ghost?' She muttered under her breath.

"A ghost? What is a ghost?" The little girl asked curiously.

The voice is coming from in front of her, about 5 meters in distance. She is nervous and keeps saying in her heart that it was not a ghost.

She slowly opens her eyelids and a cute, petite girl with pink hair comes into the view.

She sits there by the corner with a cute smile and when both eyes met, the girl waved her little hand with a warm smile.

Taken aback by the view, she approached the little girl, and lowers her guard for a bit but ready herself a weapon in her waist pocket.

No matter what, this is an apocalyptic age where zombies have a lot of tricks on their sleeve just to eat human flesh.

It was not like she randomly assumes the girl is a zombie but the fact she is here all alone and her aura sense ability didn't pick up anything from her, is enough to make her raise her guard.

"Hello, my name is Ichizora Kino. I'm a traveler." She answered with a smile and sits in front of the girl.

"Hello, Ichizora Kino…" She paused for a bit before continued, "san?"

"San?" The girl, whose name is Ichizora Kino, asked with a frown. She never heard such a word before.

"Un!" The little girl nodded, "Tornado said always use that word every time you address someone older than you!"

"He also said that the word is used to show a sense of respect, but I don't know what that means." She looked at the sky with her index finger under her lips, seemingly in a daze before coming back to reality.

"Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Jun. Nice to meet you, Ichizora Kino-san." She introduced herself with a polite tone.

What a polite girl! It was a rare gem to see such a person in this apocalypse age.

She wanted to kidna- no, adopted her and give her the best life instead of in a place like this!

Who is the name she just mentioned again? Tornado? If I find you, I will pummel you to death! How dare you do this to a little girl like her!