The Dark Side (2)

She immediately equips herself a handgun and raises her guard. Instead of standing, she lay low and observe the surroundings.

The golden dome still flickering and exuding a golden light, she uses the opportunity. Albeit not that long for it to remain active, she gets the rough idea where she at.

The dome's light slowly fades away which makes her surrounding turns into complete darkness, with no single light. Thus, she grabs a goggle from her inventory that allows her to see clearly in the dark.

Her vision becomes green and her position is at the most deeper part of the hole and the shack is nothing but rumbles, it was surrounding her.

If not for that dome, she would be buried under it. Thus, after observed her surroundings and is safe, she stands up.

'I hope L is fine.' She worriedly muttered, her dog is been with her when she was 12. That dog of her is the only best friend in this world.

When she takes a step forward, she could hear screams of pain and gunshots from up. She couldn't help but look up, only to find out a few figures are falling.

About three people and as they fall, a scream coming out from their mouth. They also move their bodies in a panic on the air.

Shortly after, they land hard on the rumbles, however, no heavy injuries inflicted on their body, probably thanks to their high level.

Still, a few injuries and bruises could be seen and it was probably because of something they fought.

Speck of dust soared up to the sky as everyone hit the ground and shortly after, the rest of the group follows except one man. They are falling one after another as if raindrops.

The sight makes Kino's brows narrowed, she readies her weapon and lookup to analyzed what caused these people to fell. She takes a few steps to her side to take a better look.

There, she could see a person on a suit fighting a long creature, Kino could only see its back. The creature sent a quick swing with its claws, coming to the person's chest.

The latter tried to dodge but it stroke his chest, the suit ripped, making a long line, revealing the person's skin and blood gushing out.

"Argh! You filthy creature, die!" He exclaimed. The person seems to be an old man because of his voice alone.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Four shots coming out from the old man's handgun, it flicks a light on the darkness if one sees it from the distance.

The handgun seems to be weak but in reality, every part was modified, greatly enchants its firepower, speed, fire rate and reduce recoil.

No guns in the game are weak, only players.

Receiving four shots, the creature let out a shriek of pain before running away by digging the soil behind it. The old man didn't lower his guard, he uses the time to reload his gun and eat healing pills.

In instant, the injury on his chest is closed, enough for the blood to stop flowing out but it needs medical attention.

The old man lit up a smoke as he stands on a curvy land, similar standing on a downward hill, though, a bit steep.

Kino didn't waste any time either, as soon the creature ran away, she creeps up the nearest person, the latter focuses on the old man.

After she is behind it, about 2 meters, she hit its neck, hoping to make the latter fell in an unconscious state.

Of course, it ended up with a fight before it concluded. The first victim able to put up a fight, and the victim is actually bc B.

B turned her body around as she felt a thin presence from behind, it was very thin that she doubts that there is someone else there. To erase her doubt, she turned around and find a person there.

Quickly grabbed Kino's right hand when it about to hit her neck with her left hand, she turned Kino's hand to where it shouldn't be.

Kino is surprised but that only last for a brief, she managed to calm herself as she turned her body according to where her right hand is turned.

The sudden move Kino make, leave bc B's stunned for a few seconds, she let go her hand from Kino and use it to cover her body when noticing that Kino about to make a move.

Kino quickly kicks her stomach. Leaving a loud sound and loop wind behind bc B's back.

Bc b's face turned ugly behind her mask. The sharp pain makes her mouth shot out saliva and without any mercy.

Kino turned her body around and land a kick on her face and due to that, bc B's body is fly away as if a ragdoll before finally hitting the curve land and covered her body with dust.

It was not because B is weak, it because Kino is stronger than her. She moves as fast as the wind, her movements were agile and smooth, her posture nor techniques showing no signs of openings.

The ruckus attracts the others, especially the old man on top of them. He downward his gaze and observe carefully.

"Get her! She's Ichizora Kino! If we caught her, our reputation in the guild will soar up by leaps and bounds!" The old man ordered as he points his index finger to Kino. The others immediately raise their weapons and aimed it at her.

Killing intent could be felt around Kino, their aura is changed, full of killing intent. Little did they know that they just digging their own graves.

'Bunch of fools.' She muttered nonchalantly as she makes her aura as thin as possible and raises her both hands on the air.

She had a plan in mind but it requires a few seconds and by raising her hands, it would be enough to buy her some time.

The others noticed her action and bc A couldn't help but asked, "are you surrendering yourself?"

Ichizora Kino is the most wanted person in the guild, bc A heard that Kino is a young girl full of capabilities and there is a rumour saying, 100 people sent by the guild to capture her, only to end up miserably.

"Of course I am. I can't kill all of you." She paused and with a smile, "but they can." she point her right finger to the ground and the others followed, looking at the ground.

The ground is shaking greatly before a large and long creature coming out. The group then aimed their weapons at the creature and didn't bother with Kino anymore.

Kino takes a few steps back and disappears into the darkness as she has no point staying here, she approaches the nearby curvy land and wondering if she could get out from here.

"Jun, how you doing?" She touched her left ear, there is a black earphone with blue light flickering as she speaks.

"I'm fine! I shrank the room to the microscopic size!"

Surprised hearing those words, her brows shot up in astonishment.

"You can do that?" She asked.

Before the missile hit the shack, she told Jun to hide using her imagination but didn't expect this and it makes her come up with another question.

"Then, how come I am here?"

"I am part of the room. Tornado once said that the room is under my control. I could make you stay here but I somehow can't do it."

Tornado again, she thought herself, just how strong and capable this dude is? Facing Scavengers Guild all alone.

Just think about it, he hides Jun under an old and abandoned shack as the disguise and it looks like the guild tried to attack the shack many times to which ended in vain.



"Prepare yourselves!" Bc C shouted after he equips himself a heavy machine gun and later on, the creature he facing, opens its human-like mouth at him and it was full of sharp teeth.

Pulling the trigger, the creature let out a shriek of pain and run away, this makes bc C's heart relieved but then, another one coming from behind him.

He reacts to it thanks to his senses enchanted by the suit but it was a breath late, the creature eat him whole.


A few creatures then coming out from the ground with a shriek.

They are all vicious centipedes with the head of a human, two sharp crab-like claws and one thing for sure is that they are not mutated zombies, they are a creature lives in the deep underground soil.

These things had a sensitive sense of killing intent. Kino noticed them thanks to the one that old man fought.

These creatures hunt in a group, it looks like that one is strayed and accidentally found the old man's group and mistake it as prey as they exuding a short amount of killing intent.

Their prey is Demon Ant, their size is reaching half a meter and its main characteristics is exuding a killing intent, also, these ants will kill anything on its way. Either it was humans or zombies, these fellows will eat it.

Nature will balance everything, these centipedes are like a tool to keep an eye on the population of the Demon Ants, if the latter is overpopulate, the planet will become nothing except these demons.