The Meeting

As it continues, there is a creature drags a person into the ground as it still alive, the latter struggled his best to survive by equipping himself with his strongest weapon and use it against it, it was a bazooka, and all it took was one trigger.

Managed to get his feet free, he stands up and runs away but another creature senses his fear, it coming at him with its mouth wide open from his blind spot.

The same thing happened with the rest of the group when they thought they are safe, another one coming from their blind spot, it was one after another.

If this keeps going, the group will be wiped out, thus the old man shouted.

"Everyone! Stick together!" But his voice can't reach their ears as gunshots are everywhere. He also tried to communicate with them using the in-game chat feature, to which.

[ERROr: code 1-1.]

'F*ck!' He cursed as he remembered one of the things the rocket caused, not only it cause a devastating blow, it also interrupts any kinds of communication, whether, from radio waves, system, or frequency wave, it will not working.

The same thing isn't happening with Kino as her device is special.

These players lose their strength every second and with health decreased at a quick pace, they are dying. Even these players had a high level and had a powerful weapon and equipment, they can't be compared with these creatures when moving in a group.

One died and one come, it keeps repeating.

In truth, the group could wipe out these creatures if they are working together but panic and fear get the best of them.

It only took fifteen minutes for the group to be wiped out, and after filling their belly, all of these creatures avert their focus to the old man.

Like hell, a few mere humans would be enough for their stomach!


Shrieking all at once cause the earth to reverberate, Kino and the old man had to close their ears.

Then, these creatures digging and walking up towards the old man like they are in a race track, some even start to attack at each other, to which the one who gets attacked move its body to the side, avoiding the attacker's claw.

Didn't get an injury but left behind, those who get attacked experienced the same thing.

The curvy land with a bit steep is full of centipedes with the head of a human and sharp crab like-claws and as a result, they leave behind thick dust.


Kino is in disbelief, these creatures isn't that greedy to the point it attacking at each other, it was as if they are not themselves, that is what she thought.

Indeed, these creatures are similar to ants aside their body looks like a centipede, which is known for their solo hunting and very quick runner.

Adding the human head, still, it didn't matter that much, it felt like their head only a decoration except its mouth.

"Something's wrong." She quickly equips herself a tool for climbing up the curvy land and before she found it, she spent half a second browsing her inventory.

It was a grappling hook gun, she uses it multiple times in the past when destroying a Scavengers Guild's base on a steep mountain. The memory comes in and she dazes for a little before shaking her head, brings her to reality.

Pull the trigger, the hook shot up with rope followed behind it. Lucky enough, the hook stuck on a root of an old tree, Kino pulls the rope lightly to test if it was safe before she uses it.

Knowing it was safe, she lightly nodded when.

"Argh! Please help me! Anyone, please!" The old man shouted for help as he equips himself his remaining weapons.

Avert her gaze towards the old man, she hesitates to climb up as her moral sense kicks in, telling her to help him.

"No, don't do it. He's going to kill you in the first place, why would you have to safe him?" She told herself with a shook on her head as she continued what she doing, afterwards.

"Damn it! If only my family isn't held as hostages, I wouldn't be here in the first place! Damn it, damn it!" The old man complained as he pulled out the pin of a stun grenade with his mouth and toss it up to the air.

White light and deafening sound, all creatures stop their pace for a few seconds and the old man hurriedly eat healing pills, drinking an energy drink to recover his stamina bar and reload his guns.

At the same time, the creatures shook their heads to ease the ringing sound on their ears and debuff their senses, the stun grenade is the right card against these types of a creature who heavily relied on their senses.

Stop what she doing as soon she saw the binding light on top of her head, she sighed helplessly as her moral senses keep spamming, 'safe him! Look how pity he is!' or 'he has his family as hostages and they use it against him!'

Such voices could be heard in her head and she accepts those voices instead of rejecting it. The voices are coming from her body, whether it was from inner voices or her moral senses.

It was still coming from her, if she rejects herself, then how could she reach her goal?

Knowing her moral senses get the best of her, she said helplessly.

"Fine, you win." and makes her aura visible. Her aura is pure white and it keeps growing as seconds passed.


"Everyone has me!"

If moral senses could talk, it would talk like that.



In the Alliance Guild Headquarter, inside a spacious room with a majestic atmosphere and furniture with the best quality possible, could be seen.

In the middle of the room, there is a long table with more than a hundred empty chairs and an antique golden chandelier hanging on the ceiling.

The chairs were made with wood, and there is this black and soft cushion for people to put their a** there, its design was antique too and has European vibe from it thanks to its carving.

On the edge of the table, precisely on its right if seeing it from the door, there is a fine-looking old man with extravagant hairstyle and contrary to his hairstyle, he wears a tidy, black and white bartender suit with black tie beneath its collars.

"Good evening everyone." His voice is gentle but exuding an aura of a man with great power and capabilities, it was enough to make those who hear it to get a certain pressure.

His voice is echoed on the empty room. The wooden long table looks very lonely despite its hundred chairs on its both side, some people may think the old man is crazy, normal people would think so.

Little did they know the old man was actually talking with a hundred people when he wears circular glasses from his chest pocket.

Holographic figures generated shortly after he wears it, they are sitting on the one hundred chairs. These figures were generated from bottom to top as a circular thing slowly move up.

Simultaneously, ninety-eight people generated as they are sitting and at the same time, they greet back the old man.

"Some of you may get the rough idea of why you are all here." The old man said calmly as he analyzed everyone's expression and the rest of them nodded, some even whispered to the nearest person before someone finally said.

"It was because those undead bastards getting stronger all of the sudden, get your point already you old man." A woman with her legs on the table said impatiently, her chest area is revealing except the most important area.

"Calm down Ruin, it's not like you gonna die just because waiting for a few minutes." A man said with a smile full of sparkles.

"Hmph." The woman, whose name is Ruin harrumphed coldly, "shut up, I'm not speaking to you freak."

"Oh my, looks like the demoness had a bad day, is it because your guild couldn't survive a single wave from the eight-city?" He sneered coldly for a brief before hiding it behind his sparkling smile.

"You…" Her face is furious, "why don't we settle this on a Guild War? What? Are you afraid because of your men can't get a little girl?" She stands up from her sitting position and approached the man.

The man is stunned for a moment but managed to keep his smile, he shrugged off his shoulders.

"I don't know what you talking about." He shakes his head to left and right with a smile.

She looked at him with a gaze that is enough to pierce a soul, then.

"Enough! Especially for the two of you, you both aren't an ordinary player that could do whatever they want! Look around you!" A dignified middle-age man slaps the table, focusing all the attention towards him, including Ruin and the man.