The Past

What happened next is Ruin gets her ass beaten up by a single flick of a finger, though, before that happens.

Tornado summons a Katana from his inventory, grip tightly with his hands, the Katana facing downward, an inch away from touching the ground as it glints a sharp light under the dim subway, and when Ruin attacked him with her main weapon, the Katana do the job.

Ruin's main weapon is two small daggers instead of a big axe or big hammer.

Smoothly parried her attacks without a hitch, Tornado didn't give her a rest, every time she shows an opening, he will swing his Katana and as it continues, he sometimes parry, dodge and sometimes attack.

It was as if they are dancing, furthermore, their movements were beautiful. If they compete in a classic dance competition, they will win, no doubt.

Tornado's movements were quick and he is showing no signs of opening at all, if this continues, she will run out of stamina. She must end it before it happens.

Anxiety slowly eats her mind as her attacks didn't work. All this time, she was confident with her attacks.

Many players said her attacks is one of the most fearsome one, even for top players, they didn't dare to fight her and adding her eyes' passive ability to inflict fear, she always had the easy win.

She always had the confidence, but in this fight, she realised her attacks is futile against stronger players.

Her attacks are nimble and quick but Tornado parried her attacks with disinterest face, he even yawns with his free hand.

This further her rage to which erase the anxiety and her movement becomes faster and stronger than before but her stamina decrease as if water in a basket.

It was useless nevertheless after her attacks become faster and stronger, she tried to hit his vital spot but he parried it with a boring face.

"Heh, I already told you, your movements were sh*t!" He said with a smug as he parried her attacks with his trusty Katana, leaving a series of sparks and metal clashing to echoed the empty subway.

"You courting death!" Her face turned livid as she stops her attacks and takes a few steps backwards before finally stopped with both daggers grip tightly.

Hence, she closed her eyes and her aura, air even presence, becomes different. Tornado didn't move to attack her, they still have time, his Katana arts is a bit rusty and while at it, he needs a parring partner, since he had found one, why not take it?

The middle-aged man is in awe towards Tornado, he parries the most dangerous woman in the game as if facing a child! If not awe, what else could describe it?

But then, he noticed what Ruin is doing, his face turned dark at a quick rate.

"Tornado, run! No matter how strong you are, you can't beat her!"

Uno is dumbfounded, so is Tornado. What she just do is stand there with her eyes closed. What's the danger behind that?

It can't be she actually a Saiyan right? Focusing her attention to awaken her bloodline or some kind of sort, if that happens, it would be pretty cool and not gonna lie, he wants to see it!

Aware of their expressions, the middle-aged man said hurriedly, "Ruin will use her ultimate skill! Slashes of Heavenly Tribulation!"

'Slashes of Heavenly Tribulation?' Uno muttered after hearing his words, he looks downward with his finger pinch his chin. 'Where have I heard this… Oh no.' When saying the last words, his tone becomes low and his face turned to Tornado with panic.

"Tornado! You must take back your words or you'll die!" He shouted.

"Take back my words? Dream on! If she wants to take me down, come!" He raises his index finger, moving it fro and to.

Ruin opened her eyes after focusing her attention to find out the young man make a provocative move with his finger.

Contrary to everyone's expression, Ruin didn't enrage, instead, she was smiling and throw lightly her dagger, it flips a few times before she grabs it.

Then, the air on her is different from mere moments ago, her eyes are glint with blue light. Uno felt something stabbing his chest, his upper body becomes heavy than what his knees could handle and the same as the middle-aged man.

Uno and the middle-aged man puke a mouthful of blood cause of air pressure alone, how terrifying.

Tornado didn't take her lightly either like earlier, he quickly raises his Katana and moves his body to form a stance fight.

"You're dead for what you have done!" She dashed forward and as if teleporting, she already behind him and surprisingly, Tornado didn't panic, it was as if he expects this from the start.

Ruin swing her dagger with her left hand to his neck and unfortunately, the tip of the dagger is parried before it reaches his skin. Ruin's eyes wide in disbelief.

Her ultimate skill is copied her opponent's overall speed and increase it by 15%. It also, every time a slash is hit, her movement and attack speed will be increased by 0,5%

The fact this guy can stop her dagger before it pierces his throat is a remarkable feat. To do it, he has to pass his limit in a short amount of time and such a feat is remarkable.

'Amazing.' She thought.

Tornado's face is calm as he parried the dagger by quickly swinging his Katana to block the tip of the dagger from his skin, leaving sparks and metal clanging.

In actuality, Tornado is screaming in the inside. If one sees it carefully and closely, there is cold sweat flowing down his forehead.

As her attack is failed, she didn't waste any time and continued her assault by turning her body around, swung her other dagger to his stomach, to which end up in, well, you guessed it, vain.

Just as the dagger about to hit it. The victim, which is Tornado, grab Ruin's wrist with his left hand to the point she can't control it anymore, his grip was tight and strong.

The dagger fell, making clanking noises as it hit the ground and bounce for a few times before finally stopping. This is due to her hand is wide open after Tornado grabs her hand by the wrist.

If she didn't let go of her hand from his grip, her loss will be certain. She about to make a move when Tornado suddenly releases her.

In disbelief, she pondered for a breath as to why this happened, though, the thought disappears as she finds this as an opportunity.

She doesn't care what is the reason. For her, it was more important to teach this guy a lesson to never mess with her and set him as an example for anyone else out there.

After that, both of them fought for solid two minutes and in those minutes, Tornado gets the rough idea of how strong he was, what things he lacked, and his weaknesses. Seemingly no point continue the duel.

Tornado's figure is disappeared when Ruin about to fight him with guns instead of daggers. Her eyes alarmed in danger, she turns her head left and right, nothing.

When suddenly, the man appeared in front of her, she is stunned for a few seconds and those seconds is enough for him.

Tornado flicks his finger towards the woman's forehead, leaving a deafening sound and a flying body across the subway before it finally hit the wall.

Dust cover her figure, the middle-aged man's mouth and Uno are wide open, to think a nameless nobody would be that powerful, the middle-aged man thought.

After the fight, Tornado ignored both of them and about to venture into the deep dark tunnel when suddenly, the wall where the woman hit is formed a crack and it slowly spread.

In the process, the subway shook wildly. Uno and the middle-aged man balance their body to not fell while Tornado gets the idea about what is going on, thus, he said helplessly.

"We need to get out." He approached Ruin and summon a humanoid robot to carry her with its shoulder.