The Radio Tower

That is what she remembers and after that fight, she then realised that guy didn't use his full strength and if she makes a guess, his full strength would be could compare with that strongest player on Scavengers Guild.

At this second, someone calls her name but her mind is wandering into the past but the voice continuously grows louder.


She snapped from her daze and look into the one who called her, it was the middle-aged man.

"Did you hear what we discussed?"

Everyone's eyes focused on her in bewilderment, she's not the type to daze around and sees it for the first time is a strange sight.

She didn't panic, instead, with a calm face, she changed her legs position to a comfortable one.

"Did you think I'm deaf? I heard clearly what you guys discussed. Just continue and get this over with." She said with an annoying look.

In truth, she has no idea what these guys were talking about but if she tells them the truth, no doubt the event could be used for others to mock and make fun of her.

The middle-aged man nodded after her words, he didn't ask another question like, "are you sure?" or "then what are we talking about earlier?"

He doesn't want to seek death with a woman like her. He also knows that Ruin didn't have any idea what they are talking about, so.

"Is there any other questions? If not, then I'll repeat what I just said earlier to make sure all of you get it. Me, Yaqi and Ruin will visit Tornado and gets the information from him."

Yaqi is the username for the sparkling smile man, his name is indeed weird and funny at the same time but if someone laughed his name in front of him, that person will get a golden ticket for a chocolate facto- for something worse than death.

Ruin is stunned for a few seconds straight when hearing 'Yaqi', she reflexively looks at the man and the latter smiled with his right hand moving to right and left, waving.

"Great." She breathes out a mouthful of breath, in order words, sighed helplessly.

"If we sent our members to him and make him told us what he knows, it would only have the opposite effect." The middle aged man added.

They don't know who else involved in this matter, it could be a guild making the moves behind the shadows and if the latter noticed that the Guild's Alliance already aware of their actions, it would be hard to catch them.

Sending their members are the same as letting them know that the Guild's Alliance making its move and if you think, 'wouldn't it be worse if the leader is the ones who do the job?'

Of course not, the middle-aged man has a plan and it wouldn't work if his members are the ones who do the job.

Of course, everyone here is confused by his plan but considering he said it in front of them, he must be confident and had a perfect plan in mind, thus they keep all questions in themselves.

"Very well," The old man nodded, "you three will visit him by tomorrow. Now the matter about the sudden power-up is temporarily resolved, we will discuss the Zombie Party." He then calmly sips his tea.

After he said the last words, everyone becomes silent. The only sound that could be heard is the moment after the old man sips his tea and put it to the shallow bowl that supports the cup.

"I know most of your members were heavily injured in a day, especially those who participate in today's fight to conquer the eighth city."

The sudden power-ups of those undead b*stard are not affecting the second city only, it also applied to the whole game.

The times when that undead gets power-ups is the worse time possible, especially those who join the fight in the eighth city.

Fighting the undead with an average level of 900 is hard enough and then, their strength increased by a few times? What kind of joke is this? it was chaotic when it happened.

More than two hundred players lose their lives, although the game isn't as deadly as Sao, those players will fell in a deep state of coma and no one knows when they will wake up.

Worst case scenario? They could die.

Back to laptop, I mean topic. The Zombie Party is the most fortunate event in the game for the past few years, it was a place where exp points increased by 1.2 and there were a lot of zombies to the point it looks like a sea of them if one sees it from the sky.

Now, with all the zombies gets a powerup for god knows how it would be a terrifying event.

Just imagine, a million of them is sent to every city, well sure the first, second and fifth city will last longer considering most high-level players were there but how about the rest?

Especially the seventh city, they conquer it with sweat and blood of hard work and it bears fruit after a year in the half, they able to conquer it, and to make it easier, they just conquer the city five months ago.

It was the same as building up a skill worthy of a year and a half and gets a job to require that skill but you only lasted for five months due to the huge disparity between your skills and your work partner. It was that kind of situation.

"Why don't we make contact with the developers?" Someone suggested.

The developers are still active and they prove to be innocent with the incident of players trapped in the game but they are still ended up behind the bars...

With computers that are. Although, they still working for the game and get paid, the problem is that they could not leave jail. So yeah, if players have any complaints or find a bug or a glitch, they could make contact with the developers.

The person's suggestions make others lit up in realisation and only to find out crushed.

The old man shook his head left to right with a sigh, "it was impossible to contact them. We tried and no answer from the edge."

Gasped and whispers filled the entire room. It was only their choice to facing the Zombie Party but this, it was as if the gods didn't like them have the easy way out!

"Then… then what should we do? Waiting for our doom despite years of hard work?" Someone asked worriedly with a frown on his forehead.

It was a dilemma indeed if they didn't put up a fight, the city will crumble to destruction and the city's status will comeback to unconquered.

If this event leaks out to the media when they are all free from this game, they didn't dare to show them a face! It was humiliating if you think about it!

If they fight, not only players will lose their lives, manpower would also decrease rapidly and it will be harder to conquer the city next time around.

Pride or lives, which one is more important?

Just by judging the reports from all around the city about players gets heavy injuries from zombies that are weaker than them is enough to get the idea that players will not stand a chance to face the Zombie Party. Especially those poor low-level players

"Which is why I gather all of you here, the point of this meeting is not the sudden powerup of those zombies," he sips another cup of tea until there's no more and put it back to the shallow bowl.

"We going to use the Radio Tower in the district eight of the eight-city." He snaps his finger and there are pictures of a grand and large building appeared in everyone's seat in a hologram, floating screen.

Everyone's facial expressions turned shocked! The objective is impossible, no, if there is a word more powerful than impossible, they would use it.

Conquering a single district is hard enough but to use the Radio Tower on eight districts is the same as seeking death. If they succeed then yeah they could make contact with the developers but what if they were failed?

If the eighth district of eight cities is conquered, they could use the Radio Tower to connect with the outside world and even social media! Despite its name, the tower has another function aside from what other radio towers normally do.

Still, conquering all the districts in a month is just a dream! The eight-city has eight districts in total.

"We don't need to conquer all the districts, we just need to go to the Radio Tower, fix it and use it!"



"Ugh damn it! There's no end of them!" Kino's voice echoes to the dark, deep hole as she swinging around with her grappling hook gun and shoot her enemies with SMG type of weapon with her free hand.

Dodging the upcoming creatures that are sending their body to her as if a spear. She was