The Hole of Despair

Like a spiderma—, spider woman. She swings here and there with her grappling hook.

However, it was not an easy feat, not only she had to aim precisely for the grappling to hooked on something.

She also had to dodge the centipedes as it coming at her from the nearby curvy soil, they are reminiscing of a long and fierce spear and that was not the end of it.

Oh no, it wasn't, she also had to move her body quickly, a single breath of late is result in death and she needs the momentum to release the hook, shot forward her body and search another object to hooked onto.

If she makes a mistake, no doubt she will fell and end up in the stomach.

She is swinging by using these centipedes coming at her, especially from the top. They fell in one direction and open its mouth.

The next thing happened, her grappling hook pierces the skull of the creature through its mouth.

Have something to hold the hook, her body is puller upward and swings at the same time.

Of course, she quickly releases the hook when the corpse falls, and using the momentum of her swing, her body shot forward like a professional trapeze artist.

The reason why these creatures chase after her is that Kino's aura is changed to a sharp killing intent and it was fierce enough to make anyone felt stifled on their chest, legs trembling to the point it couldn't hold the upper body's weight.

It was a weapon to inflict fear without moving a single muscle.

Indeed, the aura is a terrifying weapon for humans, still, it goes without saying it didn't work for these creatures. What they probably thought right now is the existence of very delicious prey running away from them.

Their aura senses sniff the killing intent and assuming it was a very delicious meat simple process indeed.

Anyhow, seeing Kino tried to help the old man, the latter touched. He and his group tried to kill her yet she wanted to save him, such a person is rare than a diamond worth millions of dollars!

Summons another stun grenade from his inventory, materialized from pixels before finally floating in front of the old man and grab it with his right hand.

He pulls the pin with his teeth and oh, fun fact, you actually can't pull a pin grenade with your teeth but the old man's teeth is a fake one with a little bit of modification.

Making a throwing motion, the stun grenade looks like a mug but thinner with no handle, it flipping on the air before finally exploded, leaving a deafening sound and binding light.

The creatures stop what they are doing and are confused. Kino is fine though, you think she would be down just like that? She doesn't need anything to protect herself from such a weak stun grenade.

If she cannot protect herself from such a toy, then doesn't it mean she was like them? Weak and dumb. How could she, a descendant from the Ichizora Clan defeated by such a toy?

She shook her head to throw away that arrogant thought, it was a habit when she was in the main house.

Just as the stun grenade is exploded, she cloaked her body with dense aura and it has three layers, namely Ko, Ila, and Ou.

In other words, she forms a transparent barrier from an aura. These three layers of the dense aura are very hard to form even for the elders from the Ichizora Clan and in short, Kino is a rare genius.

Despite its bloodline being thin than anyone else in the clan, she was able to learn any aura technique by the age of twelve, making her the young prodigy of the Ichizora Clan.

With three layers of dense aura protecting her body from head to bottom, she is pretty much immune to all debuff items like EMP grenade, flashbang, smoke, stun grenade, you name it!

Convenient but has backlash, nothing in the world is free lunch. After she activates it, it will be hard to change her aura as an offense.

If you think that wasn't a backlash then hear this out, her Aura Energy is decreased by a massive amount and honestly, she didn't know why she would go this far just for an old man that about to kill her.

Is it because the old man's family is held as hostages by the Scavengers Guild and they told him to do something he doesn't wanna do in the first place? Maybe.

Aura Energy in a sense is very similar to qi or mana, as energy to use powers while stamina is also needed when using Aura Energy.

So when she formed the transparent barrier, her stamina bar decreased very quickly and if her stamina runs out, she can't move a finger.

It was a miracle in itself she could move that fast with a calm face.

The barrier will last approximately two minutes and it will be a waste if she deactivates it.

She is very similar to a turtle but her nimble moves are like a monkey, half turtle and half-monkey then? No, Just imagine a monkey with a shell of a turtle is creepy and weird.

Anyway, losing her stamina rapidly, she hurriedly swings towards the old man by shooting her grappling hook to a steel pipe covered by the soil in the distance on top of her.

The pipe looks like a right triangle shape and the hook then stuck on the 90°.

Raise her legs to her waist and landed on the curvy ground. Her posture is similar to this, 'L/'.

I know, bad description. Well anyway, she drinks herself an energy drink from her inventory to recover her stamina before finally asked.

"Do you have this?" She wiggles her right hand, holding the grappling hook gun and after that, she fixes her posture to most comfortable one while the old man shook his head disappointedly.

It would be weird to let an old man hug her on the waist, just imagining it somehow send shudders.

Thus, she browsed her inventory to see if there is another one.

Just to make it clear, weapons can't be stacked, only ammo, items and grenades.

After a few moments, she found it albeit its durability is fifteen points left to which if she counts it, it could be used for three times. That should be enough.

"Here, it could be used for three times." She gives it to him and the latter accepts it with delight and it didn't take long before that expression is gone, replaced with a frown.

How the hell I'm going to get out of here then? He asked himself and as if reading his thought.

"If you can't get out from here after I help you this much, then your death in this place is already settled from birth." She said coldly and the old man stunned.

Indeed, the girl is correct, she already danger herself to save this old man and he even dares to complain? How shameless could he be?

Kino is, of course, didn't mean to say it coldly, it was kind of habit. It was growing when she lives in the main house, she would say something with a cold tone every time she met a person that is not worth her time.

Habit is hard to disappear, isn't it? It slowly fades away so if it appears in the future, it would be normal, right?

She looks around to find an object to hooked at and find one.

It was a rock and she quickly aimed it and to make the location more precise, it was on top of her and also on her right.

It was half-buried within the curvy soil, the same as that pipe. She wondering how could these things keep appearing? When she searches something to hooked at, she always finds it.

She shrugs her shoulders off, probably only a series of coincidence, she said herself as she pulls the trigger towards the rock. The hook shot upwards and pierced the rock, leaving small sparks.

After that, as her body pulled upwards, she swings it fro and to, making momentum to shot upwards, do a flip and landed on top of the rock.

As all that happened, the old man stays behind, thinking.

He didn't know how he could get out from here with three use, thus he searches for a way to use it more effectively.

As he thinks, the creatures then come back to their senses and focus their target towards Kino, hissed, and then.

All of them at once move their bodies towards her either by digging or walking.

They even didn't care about the old man's presence anymore and this makes the old man relieved and at the same time makes him feeling something hard to describe.

You know that feeling when your cat chooses your friend's lap to sleep instead of yours, it was that kind of feeling.

Comes back to reality when hearing gunshots from Kino's gun.

The old man immediately thinks a way out before these fellows realized his existence and suddenly, one of the creatures passing him as a corpse, it fell right front of his eyes, about two inches away.

It gives him a jumpscare that his heartbeat rapidly increased and sweat flowing down, he also reflexively move his body to back, resulting in his back leaning on the curvy soil.

As if a ragdoll, the corpse bumped into the curvy soil, bouncing and rolling before finally stopped, hit the bottom.

Perplexed, he