The Sudden Truth About Her.

It was a strange one indeed, especially adding its two thin legs that look like cheetah's legs. A body of feathers and legs of fur, how weird.

Erna explained that Chikara could travel two hundred kilometres per second in a single breath so capturing it recklessly would only waste time and energy.

Tornado asked how long they've been hunting it.

It must be troublesome hunting a fast animal with a pregnant woman, Tornado thought the truth in his mind, not with his mouth. If he said it out loud, it will make things complicated.

Just think about it, how come these two is still alive despite their level is lower than average. It felt like someone protect them from distance.

If someone is indeed protecting them from distance, isn't it mean they are important figures from a certain clan or city?

There are a few big cities on the ground and they are governed by landlords and most of them are NPCs, rarely players.

If these two are indeed important figures, he should help them and strike a connection and if they aren't, it wouldn't hurt to help them.

Not for now, if Clover were here, she will help them without hesitation.

Although it would be a great fortune for him if they are important figures, Jun is in danger and he didn't know how long it will take to save her considering his levels and statuses are nerfed.

"Six months, we've been hunting it for six months but not a single trap or trick worked," Saya said gloomily.

Hearing her words, Tornado is now certain. Someone is protecting them from distance but why he/she didn't help them when they are in deep trouble a couple of minutes ago?

Next, he asked a pointless question but worth the try, it's not like he would die by doing it.

He asked where they come from and both of them refused to answer. Seemingly no point staying here, he said. "See you later." prior to leaping forward.

Leaving a very small crater on the asphalt with a cloud of dust, his body shot upwards like an arrow. His body gradually becomes small and disappeared from their sight.

Saya subconsciously waves her right hand before shifting her gaze from the sky to Erna, saying.

"Should we go?" But there is no answer, Saya can only see Erna's expression, it was that of surprised and anticipation maybe?

Erna suddenly turn her neck to Saya like a doll suddenly move on its own and it startled her.

"Saya, didn't you hear what he just said?" She asked excitingly but her tone is very calm. For any other people, her tone sounds like that but for Saya, she knows that Erna is excited.

"Uhh… See you later?" Saya replied with a slight frown, she wondered why Erna would be excited by mere 'see you later.'

Which used by a person that had to go and will meet again in the future

Will meet again.


Isn't that mean he will come back and possibly helped them?

Saya realised why Erna would be excited, with a strong person like him by their side, it would be easy to catch it! It would be walking in a park!

Saya then pondered for a bit as she looks at the direction Tornado disappeared. "Still, what changed his mind to help us?"

Tornado seems to be the type of person that would not change his decision if already made one. If he wants something, he would get it no matter what other people said.

That is Saya's impression towards him through a few minutes of conversation despite his change of attitude when Erna offer him a reward

Saya can't help but give up and it didn't matter what changes his mind, the more important thing is, he would help them and that 'see you later' is the guarantee.

"What should we do about his reward?" Saya asked.

No such thing as free lunch, even five years old knows that! If they captured Chikara, what is the best reward to give?

"Hmm, he must have something in mind that makes him want to help us, we will know it by then," Erna said as she pinches her chin, wondering what was that something is but nothing comes into mind.

Saya didn't answer Erna's words quickly, instead, she processes it for a few seconds and after understand what Erna was trying to say. She said.

"So what you saying is that he has motives behind his actions?"

Erna nodded and Saya about opens her mouth to say 'that makes sense,' but then, out of nowhere.

"Aaaaarrrrgh!" Sharp pain can be felt, it was like someone pounding her head with a medium-sized hammer.

Her knees become soft and cannot hold her upper body anymore, she fell.

"Saya!" Erna panicked and grab her shoulder, preventing her from falling and at the same time be careful, avoiding Saya's body from clashing her stomach.

"Are you okay?" She helped her to stand but Saya's knees still weak, thus she holds her shoulder for the time being.

"I'm sorry, it seems my passive acting up again. I'll be troubling you, Erna." Saya closes her eyelids very slowly.

Passive abilities in the game can be turned off and on. If someone can hear anything within the radius of five kilometres as his/her passive, how come he/she sleep?

Anyway, Erna nodded and said to herself, it seems her passive ability is getting worse. We must hurry to capture Chikara.

A few breaths later, Saya opened her eyes and asked.

"Right. I have something to say regarding what you just said."

"Go ahead."

Erna didn't ask any questions like 'are you okay?' Or 'how are you feeling?'

Even if she did, Saya would only answer 'I'm fine' as if nothing happened.

Erna releases her hand from Saya's shoulder after she said 'go ahead,' and the latter stands up without a problem.

"Everyone has motives behind their actions, I still don't understand what you trying to say." She added.

No matter how hard her brain is thinking about it, no results coming out.

Normally, a fifteen-year-old girl would figure it out already but after her passive ability is turned on by itself, her brain will be different. Especially when it comes to processing upcoming information such as thoughts and questions.

Also, her brain's structure is very different than any other humans, this was the aftereffect of her passive ability and as the result, when she activates it, she couldn't answer simple questions or processing simple thoughts but on these durations.

She can answer complicated mathematics, questions, setting up a remarkable plan, and many impossible feats for the human mind achieve, is possible for her.

It sounds contrary to each other and no one knows exactly why but Erna could only think one theory.

If her theory is simplified, it would be, 'sacrifice one to get another.'

Her brief theory would be, Saya's brain decides to remove all the unnecessary information, not permanently but temporarily, which lead her to cannot processing simple things. Leaving her mind with equations, mathematics and physics formulas, physics theories etc.

Erna smiled and explained patiently, "everyone has good and bad motives, it was very similar to good and bad physics theory."

"Is that so? Then what is an example of good motives?" Saya look at Erna, whose height is above her, thus she had to back tilt her neck a little.

Grabbing Saya's hand, both of them start their way to the safe hidden area while talking.




"Can't believe I just said all those things." Tornado cringe himself as his mind recounts the words he just said earlier to those girls.