The Girl Who Knocked Out a Monster.

"Can't believe I just said all those things." Tornado cringed as his mind recounting the words he just said earlier to those girls.

'I don't need the reward' but still accept it without hesitation after seeing what's inside.

'This is the least I can do to help' but tell them the location to the safe hidden area, furthermore, in great detail and by adding that the hidden area only known by him and Clover, it shows how much he helped those girls.

As his mind wandered for a few minutes, he saw his flying motorcycle with Asitana floating on top of it, she moved back and forth in worry. He hurriedly calls out her name and Asitana is surprised when suddenly someone calls out her name.


Asitana stops what she was doing when she heard the familiar voice, thus, looking at the source, she is surprised when seeing a human on the sky, stopping for a second before falling down.

For Asitana though, for him, it was more like losing momentum from his jump.

"Bring the bike to me." He pointed to his yellow futuristic hovering bike with his index finger as his body began to fall.

As his body falls, Asitana is panicked and quickly looks around to find the rough idea how to move this thing but nothing comes to mind.

Then, her gaze falls to the right handle and her mind remembers what it does when she sits on Tornado's lap then, without wasting much time, she places both of her tiny hands on the handle.

Tornado whose falling speed increased by seconds, noticed that Asitana did not know what to do next, shouted.

"Twist the throttle slowly! The bike will move on its own to me!"

But his voice cannot be heard due to his position below thirty feet from her, so Asitana who was barely born for about a few teen hours, twists the throttle until it can't be twisted anymore.

The speed meter increased rapidly and the motorcycle moved chaotically. Up and down like an elevator, do a barrel roll, and fly straight up, leaving white trail of clouds.

"That idiot, all she had to do was to twist it slowly!" He complained but it was futile to his situation, he can complain all he wants but the situation he was in won't change.

But even if he did something to prevent himself from falling, he will not die. Furthermore, Asitana is gone from his sight and he doesn't have to take care of her anymore!

Yes, he did think to keep her and learn more about her but after thinking it much further, it will only make things complicated for him.

He didn't do it for himself but for her own good. His current situation is a bit complicated after figuring  out that he gained a random power and also, there is a chance that it was all planned.

If it was indeed planned by someone, there is a possibility that he/she knows what Asitana is and what her capabilities aside from slowing down time. 

Think it logically, Asitana is more than that, cause she is a golden  easter egg! It was a waste to abandon her but his safety takes priority.

Where will she go and what would happen to her then? You asked. Tornado isn't a heartless human, when Asitana fell asleep after slowed down time, he secretly installed a tracking device in her body.

If she ever needs something, Tornado will use the humanoid robot to deliver it. Of course, not directly.

So, he didn't do anything and only wait for his body to fall 

However, when fate decides two people stay together, no one can stop it. Therefore, as he looked downward and saw the ground.

He heard a scream of a little girl coming closer and closer, then, a few breaths later, from the distance, he could see a yellow hovering motorcycle fly straight down and take a sharp turn to his direction.

He can see a little girl's body swaying as her little hands grab tightly the right steering wheel.

Tornado's eyes are wide open and he quickly runs away. Oh wait, he can't, he's on the air.

He was like those cartoon characters running on the air when falls down as soon look down.

The front part of the motorcycle rammed him and his body bumped to the air for a few breaths and at the same time, the motorcycle automatically hit the brake when sensing its owner is nearby.

He is nearby alright, on top of it that is with white foam on its mouth and eyes no sign of life.

Asitana when the motorcycle automatically and suddenly hit the brake, do a stoppie in other words. Her body is pushed forward with her hands on the handle.