The Other Situation

Hmm, let see. A person is hit by a motorcycle at hundreds of kilometers per seconds. Even if Tornado does anything to stop that thing from crashing to his body, what else can he do?

His strength points aren't enough to stop it, his perks are the same, most of them only increase his strength by a few percent and add special privileges to his strength.

Such as hitting an enemy will deal five percent of critical damage but the chance of it is less than thirty percent, that is the normal one though but almost all of his perks are maxed.

Five percent is increased to twenty-five percent, and thirty percent to thirty-five percent. The chance barely increased but the critical damage soared by five times.

Critical damage in this game is rather easy to figure it out, let say player A deal damage 300 points, critical damage will triple that and ignore the enemy's defense by 20%

So, it is recommended to praise your enemy first before fighting, oh by the way, some players can't see the damage text. They only see the health bar decreased.

And that's not the end of it, some players even can't see the health bar. It did not make sense and unfair at first but when players knew the reason. 

The reason actually makes sense, they can't do anything about it and move on.

As what the reason is, it was for another story, well anyway.

Since Tornado's position is precisely on top of the motorcycle's seat, he landed there with his consciousness gone, therefore, his bodyweight rules.

He was like a dead person riding a motorcycle, wait no. A rag doll perhaps? Maybe.

His lower body is still on the seat but his upper body slowly slips down.

The seat isn't that big. It looks like that seat on a MotoGP bike and by that description. It was obvious that the motorcycle looks like a MotoGP bike but no tires on two points, instead, a light blue glow, reminiscing of a blue sky, can be seen as the bike hovers.

As his upper body slips down, Asitana quickly lets go of her hands from the right handle and grabs Tornado's shirt on the chest area.

Using her full strength, slowly but surely, Tornado's body pulled back to the small seat.

After that, Asitana adjusted his position albeit with great difficulty, it was her fault after all that he is like this. 

His head on the steering wheel and his legs on both sides of the bike, he looks like a tired rider and seeing this, Asitana is confused on what she should do.

Should she go in the direction where she feels connection? She asked herself and averted her sight from Tornado to the direction where she felt that connection.

Only to end up seeing a small and long beast, moving in a slow motion, seemingly fought something.

It was from a distance away she looked at it and it looked very small.

"What is that? It was so small!"

And her mind is that of a two-year old, but her A. I instinct told her that it was dangerous to go there. Asitana didn't understand why, but she decided to follow her instinct.

She didn't know what to do next after her instinct told her it was dangerous to go there but at the same time, Tornado wanted to go there. If she goes back to the city without him knowing, will he go mad and eat her alive? He definitely will!

So, she can only wait for her master to wake up, still, how long will it take? Hope it will not be that long.



Gunshots and booms echoed to the air, and following that, a loud shriek reverberated the ground.

A girl a moment ago ran around the creature, stopped what she was doing and covered her ears when the shriek occurred.

She held two guns when she covered her ears, and then the shriek slowly faded away. 

Her body then spam a bunch of warnings to her, her danger senses picking up a certain death's danger, her aura automatically form a strong barrier. This aura barrier didn't use any aura energy, instead, spiritual energy.

Spiritual and aura energy are different things.

At the same time, she can feel a sudden cold shudder spreading from top to toe, her heartbeat rises significantly and not only her danger senses tell her to get away, even her body tells her the same or she is going to die.

She quickly takes a few leaps backward, making some distance away from the source of that shriek.

Her decision is indeed wise, after she makes some distance, the ground where she used to stand is turned into a huge crater within five seconds. The crater is very large, about the diameter of twenty meters.

Kino is relieved but it didn't take long before the fight continued.

Turns out, when the creature is shrieked, it sends out millions of sharp and thin threads around the area. The thread at first takes forms of a sound and when the preparation is ready.

It changes to threads, surrounding the area and traps anything inside it and in there, nothing could escape except accept its death.

The creature is surprised when saw the fragile looking being able to get out of it without a scratch.

The sound turns into thread when the creature stops shrieking. At that time, nothing can escape but this creature, how on earth it escaped?

"Show me your true self you lowly ant!" A long black thing appeared behind her then smashed itself to the ground, intending to bring her too.

Luckily, its movements were seconds slower and Kino was able to dodge it by leaping forward, land on a tree.

"For the last time! You got it all wrong, I am not an ant," her intent was to stop there but it felt missing, thus "like literally not an ant!"

Well, if you are still confused, we must go back a few minutes ago. When she is still in the hole.

At that time, she was twenty meters away from the surface and as she was about to aim her grappling hook to the surface, the earth trembled greatly.

The sudden tremble makes her lose balance and slips, causing her to slide down through the curvy soil and in the process, she quickly unequips the grappling hook and uses both of her hands to the curvy soil behind her and sticks it there.

Leaving two trails of straight line as she slides down, her body also rapidly slows down from the slide.

She can't use the grappling hook due to the earth around her being unstable, if she uses it, the hook will be detached immediately from the earth. Not only will it waste stamina, it also will waste durability.

Currently, the grappling hook's durability is fifty out of two hundred, which means she can only use the hook for five times.

After the trembling earth, a long and large creature comes out of the deepest hole and like a fountain just turned on. It raises to the highest point.

In the process, the old man is already on the surface and takes a few steps back when seeing a horrifying beast rise from the abyss, his body sends warning bells to run but he doesn't.

He refused until he helped the girl on the hole and at the same time, the creature's body still raised up, reaching thousands of meters, piercing through the heavens.

The old man approached the hole of where the creature came from just to see how the girl was doing but before he was able to, he saw a girl tightly hugging herself to the creature's body.