The Voice of Death

The girl let go of her hug from the monster's body when seeing the old man, landed on the ground with both feet, she quickly pointed her index finger to the distance.

"Why are you still here? You need to run! Here, use this potion. It allows you to hide your presence."

If the old man doesn't run and stays, it will be hard for her to confront the monster. If that thing went berserk on the surface, not only land will be obliterated, many lives will suffer.

In this continent, this monster is on the very top of the food chain, nothing can stop it as its size reaches thousands of meters and its god-like power can cause disaster.

You can say that this monster is the king of those centipede creatures.

Kino will be dead if she fought it head-on and it seems this creature just woke up. So, the very least thing to do is to talk with it.

Some monsters can communicate with humans, especially those on top of the very food chain, they are ancient and sentient creatures.

This monster is one of those, if Kino can talk and make it calm down, then the trouble will be resolved just like that but it'll be hard.

She then does a fast calculation on her head, such as plans, the possibility of success, and plans to retreat if failed. It was done in mere seconds. You can tell that her mind isn't normal from those feats.

Ancient monsters tend to have high pride, as high as the heavens and after Kino does some calculations, the chance of success is less than ten percent but as long it wasn't zero, she has the chance.

For now, she needs to make sure that the old man runs away but the latter seems hesitant, Kino did not know what he is thinking right now but the time ticks.

"Hurry! If you want to help me then this is one of them!"

Those words make the old man realize. This girl isn't an ordinary girl you see on the street, she's a prodigy from the number one clan on the continent. Surely she would be able to do something with this monster.

The old man nodded and ran away but before that, he gave Kino some stamina recovery potions. The old man is not going to run away from the battlefield, what's the point of keeping the remaining potions in his inventory?

Kino is very thankful when the old man gives her the potions, she accepts them with open hands and a smile.

However, instead of storing it in her inventory, she drank all of them at once and her stamina increased.

The stamina bar is a long horizontal bar, players can place it anywhere on their view via settings but for NPC, it stays at one spot and can't be moved. 

The bar's position, to be precise is in the middle bottom of her view. The bar has a stand out color. A red bar with the outline of white where the stamina is yellow.

Anyway, the stamina earlier was five centimetres away from reaching the left edge but it rises rapidly, almost touching the right edge of the horizontal bar. 

"Thank you, now run!"

The old man nodded in a hurry and ran. Kino turned around to the creature and looked up to find its head but its body was very long, passing through the clouds.

'Looks like this will be harder than I thought.' She muttered as she shifted her gaze from looking up to what is in front of her, a long body raised from the dark hole of the abyss.

Later, the monster stops, and Kino's brows frown slightly.

Why does it stop?

She thought it would continue until all of its body came out from the hole but it looks like that wasn't the case.

It is hard to look up when seeing something high at close range. Staying here didn't do any good.

It was like trying to see the top of a hundred meters tall building in close range.

Since staying here will not do any good, she leaps backward a few times to get a better view to see the very top of the monster.

Afterward, she stops and can see the monster's head, thousands of feet away from the ground. In her vision, it was blurry considering that it was very far, she even had to half close her eyelids.

If she wanted to talk with it, she had to let the creature notice her.

Kino then pinched her chin as she wondered how she was going to and after a few seconds of thinking. A thought appears.

> Dance gracefully with your body to make it notice you.

She quickly shakes her head, what kind of thought was that? Even if it works, she would NEVER do it. 

Wait, she missed the point, WHY did that kind of thought appear in her mind in the first place?

She has no time to think about it, therefore, she ignores it for the time being.

The first one is a no-no, next, after a few breaths of thinking, a thought appears.

> Use your ultimate skill to its body and as it feels a sharp pain, it will look at the source and it will know your presence.

She shakes her head again. If she does that, the 'peace' option will be gone.

She then thinks even harder and at the same time, she wonders why the things she thinks are different than usual ones? Furthermore, it feels like her brain speed to think is decreased by a few percent. 

She has no clue why but she wondered if this was the creature's doing.

So, from her mind, she goes back to reality and looks at the creature's head, up above the sky.

Although blurry, she can see that the mouth is open wide, as if it was about to eat something in a single breath or let out a shriek.

No certain answer as to why it opens its mouth but the first possibility is impossible since there is nothing to eat. 

The last possibility is rather big but Kino accidentally ignores it after knowing that it was not the creature's doing, she then speaks in a very low tone.

'Strange, if not because of that thing, then why is my thinking speed slower than usual?' Her gaze is looking at the ground with her right hand pinching her chin.

It was strange indeed and adding as to no explanation, she can't help but be worried.

Still, worrying about something is good and all but she should see the situation first.

As her mind is full of worry, she forgets about the creature's wide-open mouth.

At the same time, she caught sight of a small white leg, curious, she raised her head. It was a white rabbit hopping here and there happily, acting like there is nothing there. Kino is surprised by the sight.

Why didn't that rabbit run away? Can't it see that there is a top predator in front of it? She asked herself and when she was about to take a closer look.

Her body moved on its own and closed her ears with both hands.

It was very sudden that Kino was startled when seeing her body move on its own. For a second there, she thought she was possessed by an evil spirit or something.

Though confused and startled, she didn't do anything and soon enough, she understands what's happening.

Her body will move on its own to protect her from the danger it detects, this usually happens when her mind doesn't realize that there is a danger.

Soon enough.

A high pitched piercing cry reverberated through the air and shook the earth. The shriek spreads farther into the distance, reaching thousands of kilometers as a result, the ground starts to tremble, and fortunate enough, it was like a mini earthquake since its distance is very far but for those near the source, the ground trembling crazily.

Although Kino closes her ears, the sound can pass through her hands but this to be expected considering the sound can even be heard from someone hundreds of meters away, no. It was more like a miracle at this point.

The bunny she saw earlier popped and turned into million little pieces. Its pop was like a balloon hit by a needle.

That's not the end of it and as it goes. The shriek causes the ground to form a crater with a depth of five meters and to make it more precise, it was formed right outside of that hole.

So the surface that was five meters in radius from the hole is now turned into a crater with a depth of five meters and with that like right outside of the large hole, the crater was like the first step to enter the hole/pit.

Kino was stunned by the sight and cold shudders sent throughout her body. A mere shriek can make a deep crater, just imagine how powerful it would be if that creature used it with a skill that enchants it?

Would she be dead if daze only for a second? Just think the possibility makes her back and forehead flow down a cold sweat and at the same time, she swallows down her own saliva.

She is nervous after the sight but she managed to keep herself together and doing that, makes her calm for a brief. Within that brief, she gets an insight on how to make that creature notice her presence.

This is a risky move honestly, Kino didn't know why an ancient creature like this would wake up just because of a child's fight.