The Confrontation

This is a risky move honestly, and one thing has to be added, Kino didn't know why an ancient creature like this would wake up.

Is it because of that fight? But for this creature, the fight between a human and a few of its descendants is like watching children's fight, it doesn't make sense.

It's cruel that the creature didn't care as its descendants were being killed but the strong lives and the weak died.

If its descendants died, it was their fault for being too weak. It was that simple.

Anyway, she waits until the shriek is gone and after that, she changed her aura, from an aura that was cold yet comfortable to a sharp killing intent.

However, it didn't spread like when she was inside the hole, instead, she focused it towards the creature in a straight line, her aura looked like a red and thick thread coming.

Little did she know that the creature is enraged 'cause someone wakes it up.

At the same time, when her killing intent is moving in a straight line with speed beyond the light, the creature is about to open its mouth to say.

'Who dares to wake me?' but it stopped' when it felt killing intent. An intense and sharp one at that, it immediately shifts its focus to the source with a livid face.

The intensity of the killing intent is very different than it is ever seen, if someone or something exudes such killing intent, it must be a powerful foe that has the same strength as it.

Soon enough, with its vast knowledge and experience, the creature realized something.

No wait, the killing intent isn't what I thought, it was very similar to 'that person', is it possible he already woke up from his sleep? The creature asked itself, hoping if what it said is true.

Unfortunately, its hope is crushed when seeing a little girl with a calm expression. The creature asked itself upon the sight.

Is it her? How can such a fragile small looking girl be to exude such killing intent? Furthermore, none of my descendants notices it. The creature pondered with a slight frown for a breath.

Killing intent in general spread easily to the air like a fire surrounded by flammable gas, though, some people able to control it, for example, hide it.

Some professional assassins can hide their killing intent and those who can do it are considered the most dangerous and fearsome assassins.

Though the creature still cannot believe with the sight of a little girl exuding such killing intent, the fact that she can kill all of its descendants who attacked her, what's more by herself, states the truth that she is a girl with capability.

Change its focus from pondering in his mind to reality, it looks at the girl with narrowed eyes

No matter, I will kill her. There is also the possibility that this girl is actually an evolved Demon Ant.

Its mind is full of rage and for some reason, it can't think straight. It was like an angry drunk person at this point.

"Die!" It shouted and soon after, the ground trembled, the sudden escalation surprised her! 

She thought that the creature would notice her and maybe they could have a short conversation but it looks like that wasn't the case.

Although surprised, it only lasted for a breath. It seems she already got the rough idea of why the creature attacked her.

She forgot to add one important fact into her calculation, it was that the creature just woke up from thousands of years from a deep slumber. Of course, when it wakes up, it is enraged and will kill those who disturb it.

How could she forget a simple thought like that? As a prodigy of the Ichizora Clan, this damaged her image!

The ground intensely shakes as time passes, therefore, she scans the surroundings with one of her aura techniques to see what's causing this.

The technique's name is rather simple, Aura Scan. As its name implies, it scans the surroundings thoroughly.

Since aura is a special type of energy that cannot be seen by normal people, using Aura Scan would make her aura to take the form of a very transparent mist, pass through anything and nothing can hide from it.

Anyway, she found what's the cause and quickly leap backwards for a few times and in less than three seconds, something rises. No, it was more like crawling out from the ground where she stands earlier.

Some kind of a very large and long thing. Wait no. It was the rest of the creature's body! It seems the ground is too cramped for its body to stay so it crawled out but Kino wasn't sure if that was the case.

Slowly, its body crawls out and in the process, it makes sound effects of something pulling out from the ground forcefully.

The shakes even more intensified, Kino has to crouch and touch the ground with both hands so she doesn't lose balance.

Her face is calm and her mind calculates the best way to fight it.

Her aura energy and stamina are full and if she fights that creature with her full strength, she is afraid that she would accidentally kill it. It's been a long time since she uses her full strength.

That moment inside the hole, she didn't use her full strength to not causing any disturbance on the air, if she did. It will be troublesome.

Anyhow, despite the creature is an ancient one, she is confident that she can kill it but one problem.

The consequences.

She didn't know if this creature made some kind of pact or contract with certain clans or tribes. If she kills it, it would only bring much more trouble.

Well, considering it was an ancient creature, a being who lives long enough in different eras. No doubt it already makes different contracts to survive.

However, if things go bad and her life at stake, she will kill it, though, the chance of that possibility is rather low. Her purpose is to talk with it, not to kill it.

The creature probably see Kino as disturbance and will quickly kill her so that it can go back to its sleep but Kino is confident that she will bring back that creature to its senses.

Furthermore, there is a possibility that after this creature defeats her (which is never going to happen), it will not go back to its sleep but search for food.

Its food can be anything as long it has meat, animals or humans, it will devour it and adding its monstrous size, how many animals nor humans are going to end up on its stomach? Even millions wouldn't be enough for that huge body.

Worst case possibility, all creatures in the continent will extinct.

Also, keep in mind that this creature just wakes up from its sleep. Its mind is in a slow mode as it processes something and acts with instincts.

Keep that in mind, she readies herself by equipping two small futuristic handguns. Although small, its firepower cannot be underestimated.

If you compare it with the weapons she used earlier, this weapon is ten times stronger. Though powerful, its fire rate isn't that great, especially reloading.

It can shoot six times, in other words, it has six bullets loaded inside a revolving cylinder.

In general, it looks like a revolver but more futuristic due to its design and color, what's more, this gun is crazy expensive to buy or sell in the market.

Kino looted it from one huge sized base from the Scavengers Guild, it was the best thing that happened on that day.

Anyhow, enough with the boring talk, let's move on with the interesting scene that is about to come.

The ground where she stands earlier is replaced by destruction, green grass with trees replaced by the brown color of soil, the trees' roots were out from the ground and causing the tree to fly up in the air before falling back to the ground with a sorry state.

Body with thousands or rather millions of legs crawling out from the ground and Kino has to say, that body is very flexible. Like that of a snake, it can move its body the way it likes.

Kino stands up and the creature says this with a demeaning tone.

"Just give up little one, you cannot against an ancient creature like me, your every action is that of futility."

The difference in fighting experience between them is like the heavens and earth, so vast. Kino is aware of that very, very well but if she backs down and runs, what can she gain from it? 

Even though she is powerful, experience decides everything in a fight.

"Give up? You didn't even know what I could do." She said irritatingly. She hates it if someone underestimates her.

"Also, I don't want to fight you, Elder." She added as she raised her handgun, facing the air.

Her innocent hazel eyes are filled with determination.

Anyhow, ancient being is a must to be called elder, it was an unspoken rule but everyone must follow it. Even if the ancient creature is an enemy, you must call it Elder.

No one knows who made this unspoken and mysterious rule but if someone breaks it, something worse than death will happen.

"Hmph, then why do you raise your weapons? Doesn't that mean you want to fight me?" It harrumphed coldly.

"Oh, this?" She lightly wiggled both of her hands, "only to defend myself not to fight. It was a different thing." Her tone is flat and calm.

"Come, Elder! I will bring back your senses!" She provoked it with a smirk and that tone of arrogance.

"What an arrogant mortal, then die!" The creature snapped and its body that was crawling out earlier begins to twitch as if having a stroke.

A frown etched on her brows upon the sight, she never seen anything like this before.

A battle is about to come and she tightly grips her guns.