The Easy Win (Obviously)

However, Kino reloads her gun and aimed it at that creature without dropping her guard, "what are you?" She asked as she circled the creature and kept a safe distance.

"Me?" The creature pointed at itself with its right scythe, "isn't it obvious? I was born from an ancient being and since you're just a lowly human, kneel before me!" Its mouth formed this proud grin and its tone is that of pride.

In this world, just being born directly from an ancient being makes you different, you basically get what you want and it feels like the world circulates you.

However, that was an ancient rule where ancient beings ruled the continent, they were on top of the food chain while humans, well, that was for another story, of course, it wouldn't be exciting if everything were told, right?

Anyway, Kino answered with a calm look, "kneel before you? Why would I do that?"

"The strong prey on the weak, that is the most common law, surely a hairless monkey like you already understand that." It rubbed its scythes at each other, leaving sparks and high pitched noises, "now kneel!"

Kino is pondering why this thing wants her to kneel at it very badly. Is it because of personal problems or deep hatred towards humanity? Either way, she will not kneel.

"Tell me a good reason why I should? maybe I'll give it a thought but no matter how hard you tried, I'll never do it." Kino stops her pace and quickly equips herself with something.

An item or a grenade? Who knows, what's important is that her movements were quick and the creature can only see after images.

The creature didn't waste any time either and after a few brief moments of silence, with its amazing speed, it moved to behind Kino and while at it, leaving afterimages.

Kino hurriedly activated her aura technique and her speed was increased by many folds. Her aura energy immediately flows down and focuses on one body part, precisely her legs, it strengthens, improves, and enchants it, as the result, her legs are no more average.

Leaving her previous position and at the same time, the creature appears in her last position. It looks around with a baffled look when its opponent is gone to thin air, that was what it thought but when it turns its head to the left.

It sees a petite girl in the eye about fifty meters away holding a gun, aiming it at the creature, and shooting it a few times, leaving a few yellow straight lines.

The creature dodged all of the upcoming bullets instead of parried it and in the process, leaving after images. After that, its body shot to the sky. Because of that, a cloud of dust formed and as the creature shot upwards, Kino had to slightly tilt her neck to the back.

Raising its scythes upwards, Kino uses the chance to shoot the creature a few times and at the same time, the distance between them is getting closer.

"Die!" The creature shouted as its figure was about a few meters away from her. The creature is confident that it can kill Kino in this way.

You see, those who use a blade and those who use ranged weapons, if fight at each other in close range, no doubt the latter will be defeated. So the creature is confident, though, it doesn't mean the creature lowering its guard.

Thanks to memories of fighting that are worth a millennium, the creature already knows when to not lower its guard even though winning is already in front of its eyes.

"My death isn't decided by you!" Her figure then vanished to thin air, almost as if teleporting.

The creature didn't believe what it saw, it was surprised, still, with its millennium worth of memories, its mind calmed almost immediately.

'No, she didn't teleport, her movements were too quick for my eyes.' It muttered as it discovered the reason why its opponent disappeared before its own eyes.

Halt its attack and land on the ground with crack and dust, it quickly observed its surroundings, searching for Kino and a few breaths later. The creature felt a slight breeze of wind on top of its head.

The creature's body spams a bunch of warning bells and didn't have enough time to think, it reflexively dodged the upcoming attacks.

Kino shot the creature a few times and the bullets were leaving trails at high speed. Thanks to that, the creature was a few seconds late to dodging the high-speed bullets.

The creature had a thousand years' worth of memories but its body isn't used to fighting yet. It is true that its body had a tough scale, sharp blade and movements were fast enough to make people think it had disappeared.

The thing is, with a body that has only existed for a few seconds and fight a girl who is a talented prodigy, the chance of winning is rather low.

Kino already thought up above but the creature, it seems it forgot to think about it.

The first thing that was hit was its head, two bullets pierced its tough skull and came out from the other side. Normally, a creature would die if its heads were destroyed but this thing only collapsed to the ground and its head was recovered very quickly.

As if the time is rewind for its head, however, it only happens to its head. Its body was pierced by a lot of bullets and can only regenerate at a very slow pace.

Green and thick liquid gushed out and made a mini pool of it, surrounding the collapsed creature.

It ended without much drama and it is anti-climatic, still, this was to be expected, both party's movements were fast and this decreased stamina at a fast rate. If the battle lasts longer, it will do no good to both parties.

Especially for Kino, she had to fight an ancient creature after this. If the battle lasts longer, her aura energy will leave with ninety percent and it wasn't enough to win against an ancient creature.

Despite ninety percent left, using powerful and destructive aura techniques decrease a lot of aura energy.

Furthermore, her stamina. She only used it by sprinting with her legs enchanted by her aura, it was only a few seconds of running but decreased by twenty percent. This was beyond her expectations!

Turns out, this was caused by the creature she fought, she can see a status effect on her right vision. A debuff status that decreases her stamina two times faster than normal.

[Leech's Stamina - 01:21]

'A minute-long?' She asked herself as she can't believe what she just saw. A minute-long debuff status is like a person carrying five tons of heavy metal on their back.

She must erase this status debuff effect, thus she browsed her inventory but with no result, she cannot find any item that can removed this kind of debuff.

Hold on, before continuing, how the heck does this debuff enter her body in the first place? She thought to herself.