The Acknowledgement

Though, after she thought how long the debuff status would last, it disappeared in an instant!

Slightly frowned and said, 'huh? it disappeared. What is going on?'

As far as she knew, a debuff effect will disappear after its duration hitting the limit or using an item that can remove it. However, there is one thing.

'I see, so that's what happened.' She approached the collapsed creature and in the process, her guns were turned to pixels and disappeared to the thin air.

Crouched down and observing the creature, she felt like the creature's size shrinking at a very slow pace or maybe it was just her feeling? Either way, besides that feeling, she can only tell that the creature is in an unconscious state and will not wake up for another few hours, unless the ancient creature helped it.

By this, Kino was confident that the debuff effect is caused by the creature and not by the ancient creature. However, she is still thinking how can such debuff status enter her body?

Debuff is caused either by some weapons that inflict a debuff effect, an item nor even potion, yes a potion.

A healing potion, recovery stamina potion and debuff potion, is this supposed to be a zombie vr game or an RPG? Anyhow, Kino couldn't think of anything why she got a debuff status.

Well, thinking would only waste her brain juice so she ignored it, she never saw anything like this, furthermore, everything that just happened already happened, no need to think about it any further.

Anyway, she stands up and grabs something from her right pocket, this was the item she equips earlier. It was the size of a baseball ball and a bit curvy on one side.

The plan is that she wants to use the item when fighting against the creature but didn't expect it would have ended very quickly, within two minutes if she counts it, it could be less than that!

Confident about winning but no hurt to prepare something that can turn the table around if the creature is using some kind of unknown technique and she's losing cause of it. Though, the chance of that is near three percent!

Although low possibility, it can not be denied the three percent. Luckily, the fight was fast paced and it was about speed and stamina rather than pure strength.

Anyhow, smoke comes out from the ball as she holds it, the smoke comes out as soon the ball is out of her pocket. Slowly rise to the sky, the smoke gets thicker and thicker.

'This has no use anymore,' she sighed helplessly and tossed lightly the ball a few times before it landed back to her right hand.

The smoke was actually the kind that would hide her presence completely and, what's the word here, disable all enemy's senses for fifteen seconds. Except enemies who are immune to this kind of item.

It seems the ball is activated automatically when she grabs it from her inventory, the ball is very sensitive towards killing intent. So most players had to equip it as fast as possible.

It is strange why she grabs it from her pocket but the thing is, this item can only be used once. Not twice or thrice but once.

This is because of the sensitivity of the ball towards killing intent. As soon as it senses it, it will slowly lose its durability.

An item that was used for escaping from tough situations, suitable for death seekers indeed. This item isn't rare but expensive, you can find the item on the market nor auction houses but its price can make you think twice when buying it.

Some people bought it when there was a dangerous mission that had 'high risk high reward' and some people bought it for many different reasons.

"Impressive, I never thought you can defeat it that easily," a deep voice that can make the ground tremble echoed to the air before reaching her ears.

Kino quickly turned around and equipped herself with the same gun on her left hand and at the same time, the ball exuding a thick smoke.

"No need to be wary little one, I am back to my senses after your spectacular fight." It said as it approached her. Its long body with thousands of legs is now touching the ground and at the same time, approaching Kino.

Kino's frown slightly deepened, she had no idea why the Elder be like this. A moment ago it acted like it was the king of the mountain but now more like a nice grampa that misunderstood something. It sounds weird and misleading but Kino got that feeling.

After the creature approaches her, Kino looks at it with a calm look but her action is different, fingers on the trigger and her stance is that of fighting. She also directed the barrel at the creature's head.

"I don't know what you're planning but if you take any step to get closer, I'll shoot"

Kino didn't hesitate to threaten the Elder, but still, she does it with a plan in mind.

As you can see, her opponent right now is an ancient creature, a being that can trample a city within seconds. If the ancient creature wants to kill her, it wouldn't make a move like approaching her as if some kind of old man wanted to say a piece of gratitude.

Her purpose in threatening it is to see if the Elder had no malicious intent towards her anymore. She needs to keep in mind that ancient beings had pride as high as the sky, even piercing through the heavens.

What would happen to its pride if it was being threatened by a hairless monkey? The one that can only plead and beg for mercy in the past?

The answer is obvious and Kino keeps directing her gun at the ancient creature's head and the latter keeps walking to her without averting its gaze. It keeps staring at her in the eye.

And with no any malicious intent, it stopped in front of her and lowered its head.

Kino stunned, her heartbeat gets faster and her legs slowly turned to jelly but she hold it and stand straight albeit with great difficulty. Her face is calm but she is actually screaming inside.

When an ancient being lowered its head the same height as yours, it meant that the creature acknowledged you and for humans, it was a huge honor.

'What the heck is going on?' She asked herself.