The Lady Luck Always Bless Her (Sometimes).

Yup, you big brain readers guess it right, the little experiment is to touch the Elder's scale to see if the weapons would react or not. As expected, two kinds of weapons approached her, it was a flying spear and an axe.

Though, before those things reach her, Kino pulls back her right hand and those weapons halt their movements in mid air, turn around and go back.

"Hehe," Kino giggled as a plan suddenly popped out in her mind. If one guesses it, the plan would probably be a genius and cunning one, the one that was beyond everyone's expectation and unpredictable, but…

Touch, release, touch, release. Such repetitive actions happened for a few seconds straight and the weapons were moving to and fro in unison with her finger, touching the Elder's scale, the weapon turned around and moved towards her but when she released her finger from it, the weapons stopped and went back to the big ball.

Then, after she was satisfied with the 'little experiment,' she equipped herself with a bazooka but due to her petite body, it was rather hard to carry it, let alone going to shoot it.

It is a problem but it was soon solved, her high level and high status helped her a lot.

Her aim gets a bit shaky and her body slightly swaying to left and right, what's more, she is fighting with time here, if she waste any more time and misses this attack, no doubt the Elder would lose the fight with this black thing.

If anyone is in her shoes, they would get anxious. Heck, it even is normal for them to piss on their own pants.

How come they wouldn't? If they fail, the world would become chaotic and they would have to fight the Elder, what's more head on. Any ordinary person would view this as an absolute death but for Kino, it would be a meaningless fight.

If they fight however, Kino will keep trying to remove whatever inside the Elder's body. It would be hard but it's worth to try, she just doesn't want to see the Elder dead.

The reason? Aside from future benefits, she actually really admires ancient creatures. Although most of them had high pride that could pierce the heavens and their arrogance makes them hated by many.

Their existence is what keeps the world in check, even in this vast continent, many actually reap benefits because of their existence. 

Kino right now is anxious but she managed to control it and at the same time, she was able to keep her head cool and calculate everything in her mind.

The wind isn't that strong but what she worried the most is that. She doesn't know what the black balls capabilities were, like those black weapons for example, she herself doesn't expect it.

The fact it managed to form weapons, shows how strong it is in than before, still, thanks to this, Kino is able to narrow down what kind of ancient curses or illness it is.

It is true that she doesn't know about it earlier but by this, she could find out what exactly that thing is. 

If she's able to find it, she knows a person that good at it and she doesn't have to find the item that could remove any curses or illnesses.

Not that she was lazy but because she herself didn't know if the existence of the item was still there, it was more like a 50-50 percent chance.

Furthermore, the item is hidden perfectly, but it doesn't mean it can't be found.

Especially when it comes to treasure hunters, the elite team ones, there's a big chance of them found it already. They had many experiences when it comes to treasure hunting and can't be underestimated.

Thus, when Kino proposes the Elder her help, she actually gambles it on the 50-50 chance. It had high risks but who do you think she is?

A talented monster prodigy! A 1 in 6,000 years genius! A mere gamble of 50-50 is nothing to be worried of, she had many backup plans after all.

Well, after she narrows down what exactly the black ball is, one way to remove it is to meet with that person who excels at it.

A person who excels with ancient curses and illnesses, this type of person is rare to comeby. Many even had to spend all their wealth just to meet this person but Kino, the lady luck, always blesses her.

Well, most of the time…

Put aside that, a missile comes out from the bazooka and travels through the air with a speed of 254km/hours. It flies straight to the black ball and within a few seconds, it explodes as it comes into contact with.

Dark smoke scattered before goes up to the sky, a loud boom filling the quiet night. Kino's hair swaying here and there due to the wind caused by the explosion.

Deep down in her heart, she hopes it works and this leads to her lowering her guard for a mere second. Her attention was fixated on the black ball that was covered by the smoke.

She waited for it to disappear but then, something inside the smoke swung a gigantic black sword.


The smoke cut in half before finally disappeared, a strong wind could be felt and make Kino's body sway here and there.

Next, Kino's eyes narrowed when the black sword changed its attention to her. The tip is looking at her, it was like a beast locking on its prey and Kino's body stiffened for a sec, not only that, her mind went blank too.

The sword released such an intense killing intent that managed to make her body stiffened and her mind went blank, this was no ordinary gigantic sword but a powerful and cursed one.

Snap back from blank state, her mind quickly thinks at full speed and at the same time, the sword coming at her, its speed was faster than she could imagine.