The Two Sided Battle (2)

With the shadow figure standing still as if being petrified in the middle of the magic circle with Kino, the magic circle then glows white and the thin thread is now visible for the naked eyes.

The shadow warrior didn't know what's going on but its instinct told itself to run away but considering that this thing is made from a dark and sinister curse. The black ball who is aware that its 'weapon' is trying to run away.

It then removed its instinct and mind, the shadow warrior is now similar to that of a robot. It raised its Katana and rushed forward towards Kino who focused herself on controlling the magic circle.

Both hands are on the Elder's scale and she couldn't move if she wanted to, this was because if she did. The magic circle will fade away as if nothing happened.

Not only does she waste time and energy, but she would also need another plan to kill the shadow warrior, if possible. She needed one that didn't use too much aura energy.

Cause using aura energy that was twenty times purer is just a big no for her. However, with this magic circle, it will be possible.

Within short seconds, the shadow warrior is in front of her already and swings its Katana from her right side, intending to separate her upper body from the lower part. Though, before the blade even touched her skin.

The magic circle glowed even brighter and shortly after, white tentacles came out from it.

It extends and coils the shadow warrior's four limbs, making it immobile. The shadow warrior struggled to free itself but it was futile, the tentacles were absorbing the darkness inside it and weakened it as the result.

These tentacles were also quite strong.

These flexible, mobile, elongated organs were not coming from her body but from her surroundings, so it was safe to say that she'll be fine. If she uses her aura energy to absorb the darkness within it, her aura energy will be corrupted and could be turned dark.

As that happened, she'll be a monster, a ferocious monster than any other ordinary monster.

With up above, it is safe to say that the darkness easily spreads and will corrupt any aura energy but if its opponent is a very small being, like microscopic beings.

What can it do anyway? As you know, microscopic beings are tiny and with darkness easily spread, it will take over that being's body, and then it'll cease to exist.

To make it easy to understand, just imagine a technology that needs the energy to activate. If the energy it got is normal and not excessive, it will work perfectly without a hitch but if the energy it got is beyond what that technology could handle, what would happen? Well, there's no need to say it right?

Back to the topic, when the darkness spreads to the small being's body, it can't go anywhere and is trapped there until nature does its magic.

However, with millions of microscopic small beings. Just like a single drop of water but with millions of them will form a pond or even a small swimming pool.

If a bottle of black ink is poured there, it will spread and turn the water to black.

This was the case here, the air around Kino gradually turned dark but she didn't pay any heed to it since her body could easily defeat any microscopic entering her body through the nose.

Fog of darkness covered both of them, within it. Only the magic circle illuminates its glow inside the dark fog.

Its opponent is full of openings and Kino didn't waste time either since she was against an ancient curse. Through the white tentacles, she flowed the aura from the air and this was rather hard and different from controlling her own aura.

The fact that she is able to control it is an amazing feat itself but using it to execute a technique and it worked, proves that she is indeed worth her title as a genius prodigy.

This was because the aura energy around her isn't coming from her but coming from the microscopic living beings, which means that she 'borrowed' the aura from those small beings and since their population could reach millions.

It was normal for many aura energy in the air when you think about it and in addition to that, it helps her a lot since it could be used for powerful techniques that require a lot of aura energy, such as make her aura twenty times purer.

As the darkness inside the shadow warrior gradually fades away. On its four limbs, you could see a white glow slowly spread and replaced the darkness.

In the process, the shadow warrior let out a nightmarish shriek, it was high pitched and disturbing to hear. Kino herself was disturbed by it but she bears it and slowly circulated her aura to make it pure.

By using the aura energy around her, it was possible but with great difficulty that is. As the process is rather slow, anxiety starts to appear in her mind.

If not for the fact that her mind got used to thinking in a situation like this, she would panic and mess up the process.

Successful albeit with great difficulty, the aura from her body seeped into the shadow warrior's figure through the tentacles.

Thus, with such a pure aura, the darkness was driven away by the upcoming stream of aura. Just like bacteria meet with their mortal enemy, the immune system. The darkness was consumed by the light.

The light earlier that was slowly spreading on its four limbs, is now becoming much faster and within seconds, the shadow warrior was similar to a warrior that was descended from the heavens.

Its figure was made of light and even its Katana that was dark and exuding such an eerie and creepy vibe was replaced by a Holy Katana. It was exuding a warm and comfortable vibe.

It even had this unique charm that it will protect anyone with its sharpness.

Then, with a pure aura, it takes over its body. It exploded but instead of a grenade kind of explosion, only a white glow and loud boom.

You can say that it was similar to flashbang.

After that, the warrior became particles before finally fading away.

"Damn it, this fight only wastes my time and energy. I didn't get anything from this! Also, the fight is boring!" She sighed and complained after the fight ended. She means, duh! She is a prodigy that appears 1 in 6,000 years.

The fight indeed had its troublesome moments, but Kino can guess the solution within seconds, safe to assume that she got bored, but hey, at least this fight could be used as a warm up!

Hmm? The fight with the centipedes in the hole and that creature coming out from the Elder's body? It's warm-up of course! Why ask?

However, this makes her pinch her chin with her fingers. Honestly, this shadow warrior is 'too' easy, Kino at least expecting black flying weapons to come at her while fighting the warrior but none came at all.

Or maybe a little resistance when the warrior was immobilized and its darkness slowly replaced by light, it was indeed strange. As far as Kino knows, a little resistance from an ancient curse is literally not 'little.'

'Little' if against other ancient beings but for a human-like Kino despite her being a prodigy, that little resistance would be hard to fight. With great difficulty, however, she could win.

At this point, a thought suddenly appeared in her mind. Her pupil shrunk a little and her facial expression changed to that of worried. She then shifted her focus to the black ball but before she did it, she said.

"It- it can't be!"



A few minutes ago, as Kino was busy with the shadow warrior, except inside its body the Elder was oblivious to what's happening to the outside world. It fought with the curse with great difficulty and as time passed, instead of going good. It was the opposite.

If an ancient curse is only powerful, then that would be okay but if it had intelligence and cunning on top of it. It was like fighting with another ancient creature on its top shape.

You see, an ancient creature after waking up. Its shape is rather bad, below average. What's more, it would be hungry and the first priority is to satisfy its hunger. Then, no doubt that the ancient creature will be in its top shape.

If the Elder fought one, it's guaranteed that it would lose. Not only did the Elder just wake up, but it also didn't eat anything after six millennia of slumber.

"Who sent you and why? I swear I'll tear your master apart, limbs by limbs. Slowly!" It exclaimed to the curse through telepathy.

The Elder must have imagined it but it feels like the black ball just formed a gleeful smile. The fact that it was a black ball with no mouth whatsoever makes the Elder decide that it was just its feeling.

"You're about to die, why would I tell you who my master is? Though, since you're so useful to me. I'll tell you what my master's purpose is," it paused for a second and shouted through telepathy.

"IT WAS FOR A REVENGE! You abandoned my master when he needed your help. You watch my master's tribe extinct by those hairless monkeys' hands! You owed a lot from my his tribe and what you do repay it?" Then, it stopped its words.

"Oops, looks like I told you more than necessary. No matter, now you know the truth." It paused. The Elder opens its mouth to say something but suddenly, the black orb inside its body multiplied at a fast rate and as the result, overpopulation.

With numbers more dominant, the light orbs defeated easily and the Elder became anxious but it kept going, struggling and using its technique to defeat the black orbs without any intention to give up.

But then, the black ball said this with a cold and sinister voice.

"Good night, old friend."