The Mode That Hyped him

"Ouch, that hurts…" A voice of a young man groaned as he rubbed his head to ease the stinging pain on his head. His upper body slowly raises in the process.

"Tornado, you finally wake up!" The voice of a cute kid entered the young man's ears. He turned his head to the source and saw a floating child coming his way with open arms.

"Asitana-" his words cut in the middle as the floating girl hugged him tightly. Lose with words, the young man didn't say anything but to stroke her hair softly.

"I- I thought I lost you! I- I thought I would be alone again!" Her words were stuttered and her tone is that of a child that met her parents after getting lost in a theme park. Tornado didn't know what happened to her while he was unconscious and could only nod and stroke her hair.

"It's okay, everything is okay. You can let go now."

Asitana nodded and slowly loosen her hug. Tornado felt good when that happened, now he can breathe easily. Asitana's hug was just too tight and if not for the fact Tornado uses a skill that is always used underwater, which allows you to hold your breath for more than five minutes.

He would die! Anywho. Seeing her eyes all watery, Tornado is about to ask what happened to her but the words won't come out. Strange he thought but he didn't force it out.

It was either because of his instinct or his subconscious mind that didn't allow him to ask such a question.

"You feel better?" He asked and at the same time, adjusted his posture from a person that just rode a moto GP bike to a professional racer.

Asitana nodded as she wiped her tears off and she was embarrassed about it, "sorry," she apologized.

"It's okay, I wouldn't ask any questions until you trust me enough and decide to tell me more about yourself." He twisted the throttle twice just to hear the voice of the engine made, it was like a melody in his ears.

Asitana nodded and looked at Tornado in the eyes. She raised her left eyebrows a little and asked perspectively.

"Weird… Tornado, are your eyes purple from the start? Is it because of the dim night that my eyes perceive it as purple?"

Tornado heard her questions, a strange one that is. Couldn't help but to slightly tilt his head.

"What are you talking about? My eyes are always black." He then used the rear mirror and observed his face. Facial face that could be considered handsome, sharp eyebrows despite his carefree personality, your typical Asian nose, and finally, his eyes.

It was dark purple, it carries this strange and unique charm if anyone looks at him in the eyes. Even the surge of want to see it even longer raised.

Asitana for example, she just looked at it and wanted to keep it that way for another five minutes, no that would be too short. An hour! Tornado who was about to check his eyes noticed that the floating child looking at him with this look was similar to someone who looked at something beautiful and can't shift its gaze.

Feeling disturbed, he snapped his fingers in front of the floating child.

Snap snap.

"Hey, Asitana. Hey!" He shouted by each snap.

With loud snaps and words entering her ears, Asitana startled for a moment.

"Y-yes! Ah, sorry," she scratched her head in embarrassment, "Asitana dazed because of your eyes. It was so pretty."

'Pretty?' He muttered but the little girl somehow caught his words.

"Un, it's so pretty! If there are some bad people looking at your eyes, high possible chances are. That they will pull out your eyeball and sell it at a high price!" She said excitedly and Tornado flick his finger to her forehead.

"Ouch!" She rubbed her forehead to ease the pain, the flick left a red mark on her forehead.

"Don't think of anything weird or setting up a flag!"

Anywho, hearing that his eyes were pretty and could be sold at high prices, Tornado couldn't help but raise his brows slightly and his curiosity increased at the same time.

He averted his gaze to the mirror from Asitana and since it's night already, even a dim one, it was quite hard to see his eyes in this darkness. He wondered for a moment what tools would suit them best and one thing caught in his mind.

"Asitana, do you want to have a selfie?"

"A selfie? What's that? Can it be eaten?"

Forming a weird smile on his lip because of Asitana's words, he said.

"No, a selfie is taking a picture by yourself." He pulled out his phone and opened the camera app.

Tornado is those types of people who wouldn't mind taking a selfie and he's confident with his look. Just to be clear, this game syncs your real face.

It's also safe to assume that Tornado is quite popular in his high school years thanks to his above model facial expression but because of his carefree attitude that always drives most people away, his popularity sank down quickly but he didn't mind it.

He even considers it as a good thing. Anyway, enough with the unnecessary information.

"Come here." He grabs Asitana's right little hand and pulls it to him, on his shoulder to be exact. It was like a father and a two-year-old daughter who sit on its shoulder but this one is floating.

"Uhm, what should Asitana do?" She asked with a confused face as she turned her head to Tornado.

"Smile for the camera and make a pose! You ready?"

"Eh? A pose? What pose should I make?"

"Any pose you like!" He answered and continued, "you ready then?"

Asitana isn't sure if she was ready but she nodded anyway. However, not many poses come into her mind, and because of that, she sits there just like a shy girl with a face looking downward.

"Three… Two… On-" Tornado's words cut in the middle as the girl who was floating on top of his shoulder out of the blue hugged him. This startled him and him even about to shift his gaze to Asitana but decided not to.

The flash turned on to indicate that the picture was taken.

Take a look at the picture, it was him who only made a simple smile and a little girl hugged his head while looking at the camera with a peace sign and a cute smile. It was natural and cute at the same time, normally.

If a person takes a picture for the first time, their expression would be silly and stiff but it looks like Asitana isn't one of those people.

Tornado was amazed by this but more importantly, his eyes! He quickly zoomed and usually, if a picture is zoomed too close, pixels would make their debut but instead of that, this had no pixels whatsoever.

It was clean and with this, Tornado touched his eyelids as he looked at the purple eyes in the picture.

"It really is purple…"

Then, in the process. He noticed something strange.

As you know, in this game players can access a bunch of stuff. Like equipment, perks, and much more. Players need to command their brain so these things appear and if one closes their eyes, the main menu will appear immediately.

The main menu is for general settings and shows your signal strength and even your friends who are online and who're not. These are the brief, if explain more about what's in the main menu, even two chapters wouldn't be enough.

His right eyelid is the one he touched and there, he can see the main menu and when it pops up in his view, the sound effect of a jingle could be heard in his brain.

In the main menu, everything is nothing but normal but as he locks his eyes on something that was below the signal strength, he's surprised.

His heartbeat went faster as the second passes and hoped that this was not a dream! If it is, it's too good to be one and he doesn't want to wake up!

What he sees is a mode, a new mode and this mode shouldn't exist in a multiplayer open-world game but here it is. That mode is.

[Story Mode: Unlocked.]