The Considerations

Luo averted her gaze to Yura who walked next to Tornado. Later, she looked at Tornado's back. On closer look, his back was wider than she expected.

[Yura, what are you talking about? You can access the internet from your head and hack my phone? How is that even possible?]

Hacking into things needed specific apps, network connection, etc.

[I have my means. It doesn't matter. Anywho, let's end the conversation here. He'll be suspicious of us.]

[Not like the conversation that important.]

[For both of us, indeed. For him, however, a different story.]



As they walked on a straight corridor with a dim light on the ground, Tornado explained what he saw.

"I saw a vision that a monster will be rampaging a city and that thing is powerful enough to turn this continent to ashes. I have no proof so it's up to you to believe my words."

How many powers did he get from the spirit? Yura thought to herself.