The Name

Later on, the door opened horizontally. They entered the room and were welcomed by the gate in the form of a ring. Its length was average adult height and width around three meters.

Cables like snakes were connected and scattered in random patterns on the floor. They had to walk carefully so they wouldn't trip over and make fun of themself.

"What a mess," Luo said as her gaze examined the room.

"A pity the device can't be used as much as it should've," Lycrus sighed and approached what looked like a tablet. It was located few inches from the door.

With a tap, the tablet turned on and it greeted him with a soft chime.

"Welcome, please scan your retinas to continue," a robotic voice said and something that looked like a monocle rose from the tablet.

From there, the green axis slowly moved down from up, scanning his two eyes. At the same time, the clone approached the gate and touched it.