Chapter 8: The First Elimination

  Gohan was flying at Toguro blasting several ki blast that bounced off of Toguro's body. Gohan twirl kicked Toguro in his head before throwing a punch, all which Toguro took no damage. Toguro scolded, "I see you're still not strong enough to do harm to me, I'll eliminate you myself!" Toguro flicked several air bullets into Gohan's gut before kicking him across the stage. Toguro appeared behind Gohan, booting him into the air. Toguro jumped up and punched Gohan down the stage, cracking it causing a smoke screen. Toguro landed on the ground where he saw a blue light shinning in the smoke. The same technique as before, pathetic. Suddenly red beams flew through the smoke making Toguro deflect those beams with his hands. The red beams that were deflected caused serval explosions. Gohan yelled, "Kamehameha!" Gohan fired a blue blast at Toguro who scowled before a huge explosion occurred.

Gohan breathed while Frieza landed next to him while chuckling, "Ohohoho, this man is problematic." Gohan panted, "You got that right, as long as we damage him that's all that matters." Toguro swiped the smoke away before ripping off his damaged shirt. Toguro sighed, "That Attack ripped my shirt, congratulations you've accomplished nothing." Hit suddenly appeared in front of Toguro, striking him in his chest with a shockwave attack. The muscles in Toguro's chest bulged reflected the shockwave allowing him throw a punch. Toguro's fist fazed through Hit's body then Hit suddenly twirl kicked Toguro in his neck from behind. Gohan teleported in front of Toguro in order to land a nasty uppercut. Toguro headbutted Gohan into the ground before quickly grabbing Hit's leg and tossing him away. While in midair Hit used his time skip allowing him to begin flying towards Toguro who cocked his arm back. Toguro threw his punch that Hit fazed through completely shocking Toguro greatly. Frieza grunted, "Take this muscle boy, Death Saucer!"

Frieza tossed two pink saucers that flew towards Toguro who punched the stage created a wall to shield him. The two saucers easily cut through the wall making Toguro side step backwards towards Hit who asked, "Where are you going?" Toguro gasped but then smirked as he quickly vanished, reappearing in mid air. The flying saucers fazed through Hit's body, going after Toguro while he was in mid air. Gohan abruptly axe handled Toguro in his face, pushing him closer to the saucers. Gohan yelled, "All those attacks we performed together ultimately come together in the end!" Toguro lectured, "Wrong!"

Toguro's muscles began bulging, rippling through his body. The saucers got stuck in Toguro's skin shocking everyone. Toguro exclaimed, "You're turn!" Toguro grabbed the saucers from the borders of his arms before tossing the saucers at Frieza. The saucers disappeared do to Frieza's command but he let his guard down. Toguro stomped on Frieza's tail making him grunt, "Why you!!" Toguro flicked several air bullets into the stomach of Frieza making him cough up spit. Toguro punched Frieza in his face while he was stunned sending him flying across the stage. Gohan gasped, "Frieza!" Toguro appeared behind Gohan while explaining, "You should worry about your own safety, Gohan."

Gohan immediately turned around only to be punched clean in his gut, sending him flying. Toguro landed on the ground where Hit was waiting for him. Hit admitted, "Hmph, you're strong. I'll admit but to fight you now would be pointless." Toguro agreed, "Stole the words right out of my mouth. Although I do hope to see you around the endgame." Toguro walked away leaving Hit by himself, standing alone.

Saitama and Genos were walking across the stage filled with explosions and people fighting. Saitama exclaimed, "That Jiren guy was so cool, he hit me with these invisible eyeball attacks and I couldn't defend myself! And his punches, his punches rivaled that of mine! Finally someone who can actually make me work for the win!" Genos' eye whirred as he yelled, "Look out Master, Incinerate!" Genos blasted a flying destructo disc away then 18 could be found flying towards him. Genos commanded, "Master don't worry about her! I'll take care of her immediately!" Before Saitama could even move his mouth Genos blasted towards 18, blowing a gust of wind causing Saitama to cough a little bit.

Genos kicked 18 who blocked with her arm making Genos think to himself. Hmph, she's not human! Could she be? There's no way." 18 threw a punch hitting Genos in his chest, sending him flying. 18 laughed, "Hmm, so you're a cyborg huh. Well that makes this part easier for me then." 18 summoned two destructo disc that she threw at Genos who's eye whirred again. Genos blasted himself downwards avoiding the disc that began following him. Genos began sprinting extremely fast causing 18 to begin spraying ki blast at him while he was running. Explosions occurred behind Genos who palmed the air, blasting yellow plasma beams which clashed with 18's ki blast. Genos tried to flying kick 18 who slid underneath him in slow motion. Genos spun around quickly trying to kick 18 but she countered with a punch. A shockwave of wind surrounded the two of them then Genos yelled, "Lightning Eye!" Genos widened his eyes flashing a blinding light which hit 18 causing her to cover her eyes. Genos shouted, "High Voltage Fist!" Genos' arm began crackling with electricity as he punched 18, shocking her violently. Genos prepared to kick her off until 18 powered up sending Genos flying. 18 was surrounded by white aura then she panted, "If I wasn't an android you would've won but sense I am, prepare to lose!" 18's white aura grew larger making Genos punch the ground in order to stop himself. She's no cyborg, but she is something.

Saitama was picking his nose until Melodias flew past him making him cape blow around. Saitama gasped, "Woah, so fast!" Hiei ran past Saitama while insisting, "Move it baldy!" Saitama yelled, "Who are you calling baldy, ya short stack!" Hiei disappeared making Saitama turn around revealing Hiei coming down with a sword thrust. Saitama clenched his fist preparing to throw a devastating punch until Sonic appeared in front of Saitama blocking Hiei's attack with his short sword. Hiei grunted before flipping backwards while Sonic bragged, "Step back Saitama, he's mine. No one is faster than Sound O' Sonic!" Sonic started moving at undectable speeds forcing Hiei to do the same thing.

Saitama whined, "Aw man, no fair. I was about to show him some power-!" Saitama dodged Melodias' punch which hit the ground, destroying it completely. Saitama leaped into the air where Melodias jumped after him in hot pursuit. Melodias tried to headbutt Saitama who blocked with his arms. Melodias lifted his head revealing the demon mark on his forehead. Saitama gasped as he was instantly kicked down to the stage. Melodias grew large black wings which he used to fly down extremely fast. Melodias grabbed Saitama's head then proceeded to drag his body across the stage. Saitama groaned in a muffled voice, "Okay that's enough." Saitama punched Melodias in his stomach so hard his demon mark disappeared. Melodias flew into the air where Saitama chopped him back downwards while explaining, "Sorry 'bout that."

Luck was chasing Killua both at the speed of lightning, sparks coming off their shoes. Killua warned, "Leave me alone!" Luck chuckled, "I'll leave you alone when you're eliminated!" Killua smirked, "Have it your way. Do it Gon!" Killua disappeared revealing Gon to be running straight towards Luck who was shocked. Luck attempted to move but his feet were stuck to the stage thanks to Hisoka's 'Bungee Gum'. Luck was sweating while Gon shouted, "Saisho wa Gū! Jan!!! Ken!! Gū!!!" Gon was running with a glowing fist that he was about to use to punch Luck who flinched until Magna swung his flaming bat clashing against Gon's punch. Luck gasped, "M-Magna?!" Magna grunted, "Save my thanks for when you eliminate that other kid. Tell Yami, I'm sorry!" Magna grunted slowly pushing Gon back causing him to scream overpowering Magna completely. Gon's punch had so much impact that Luck was free but Magna was knocked off the stage. Magna collapsed into the spectators while sighing, "Ungh, dammit. Sorry guys! Don't get tripped up because of me, keep fighting." Asta shouted loud enough for the whole universe to hear him, "MAGNA DON'T WORRY. I'LL AVENGE YOU!" Yami yawned, "Guess it's time to push pass my limits." Gon breathed heavily as Killua laughed, "Good job Gon, you have the first elimination. But there's more where that came from right?" Gon answered, "Osu!"

*Aw snap, someone finally got eliminated. I couldn't have this drag on any longer without someone getting eliminated. So if you were a Magna fan, sorry but not really. Again remember if you have any requested fights better tell me before the character gets eliminated. Please vote and comment and I'll upload the next chapter. Thanks for reading!*