Chapter 9: Pest

Luck flipped backwards landing next to Yami who was stretching his arms while asking, "So we lost Magna huh?" Luck's hair was covering his hair when he replied, "Yes sir." Yami sighed, "Welp, there's no use mourning over it right? It's time we do what Magna did and push past our limits, you with me kid?" Asta clenched his fist while exclaiming, "Of course, let's go avenge Magna with an elimination of our own!" Charlotte gasped, "Wait what about a plan, if you go in recklessly you'll be in the stands with Magna-!" Yami asked while gripping his sheath, "I call the clown dude!" Asta shouted, "I've got your follow up!"

Yami and Asta began running towards Hisoka who smiled in a creepy manner. Yami slashed his sword causing Hisoke to side step away before throwing a card at the back of Yami's neck. Asta swung his large sword hitting the card away with ease. Yami thrusted his sword towards Hisoka who flipped over him while laughing, "Oh my, two against one. That's not quite fair now is it?" Yami was rapidly swinging his sword at Hisoka who dodged each attack with precision. Yami laughed, "All's fair in a battle royale right?" Hisoka chuckled, "Right you are. Bungee Gum." A pink string of Nen was connected to Hisoka's finger and the hilt of Yami's sword making him grunt. Hisoka yanked his finger back sending the sword flying into the air, leaving Yami defenseless. Hisoka proceeded to stab Yami with a card until Asta slashed Hisoka's bungee gum in half shocking the jester. He cut through my Bungee Gum? But how? Asta yelled, "Arghhhh!" Asta spun around with his big blade forcing Hisoka to flip backwards avoiding getting cut. Yami abruptly slashed Hisoka's chest from above making him dash back. Hisoka felt his chest while smiling as Yami gloated, "Heh heh, take that you freak." Asta was running towards Hisoka who was thinking in his head. That boy is hiding something but I can't put my tongue on it, I'll have to retreat for now but I'll be back. Asta slashed Hisoka who turned into a pile of flower pedals. Asta gasped, "Wait what, he disappeared? I could've sworn I hit him. Oh well, what's next captain?"

Hisoka was hiding behind a rock with a large cut on his shoulder. That attack confirmed it, the boy uses some type of anti magic. He didn't cut through my bungee gum he just dispelled it. And when I was about to escape his sword broke through my Nen seconds before I could disappear. He's interesting indeed. Hisoke licked his lips seductively as pink aura surrounded him. I can't control myself!

Goku flipped up to his feet where he began dodging punches from Z (Zephyr). Goku punched Z in his chest causing him to slid across the ground. Z laughed, "Ohhhhhh, you punch hard. I bet I can punch you harder!" Z punched Goku with his large metal arm causing Goku to slide even further away. Goku grunted, "I don't have time for this, huahhh!" Goku powered up until he transformed into Super Saiyan 1. Z chuckled, "Ah yes, I've been waiting for that transformation!"

Z held out his mechanical arm when suddenly it began shooting several bullets towards Goku who frowned before teleporting. Goku reappeared on the ground running away from Z's barrage of bullets. Z chuckled, "Stay still boy!" Z fired a golden beam which Goku backhanded into the air where a large explosion occurred. Z punched the ground while yelling, "Smash Tornado!" A gust of wind and broken pieces of the stage formed into a tornado which blew Goku away. Goku caught golden aura before flying through the tornado punching Z who clashed with metal arm. Z applied black haki to his left arm then he tried to punch Goku who caught his fist. Z chuckled as his metal arm claw opened up, grabbing Goku's arm shocking him. Z slammed Goku against the stage stunning him for a mere second but when he recovered he screamed powering up into Super Saiyan 2. Goku's golden aura allowed Z's grip to burst open allowing Goku to punch Z in the face. Z groaned as he tumbled into a wall which shattered amongst contact. Goku powered down losing his frown when suddenly Vegeta landed beside Goku who chuckled, "Ah Vegeta, what you been up to lately?" Vegeta powered down to base form while replying, "That damn brain freak has been chasing me ever since I fought that faceless freak. I'm about to knock it off." Goku laughed while powering down to base form, "I haven't gotten a break in a while myself hehe. Wait that guy looks so weak we should probably eliminate him."

  Goku was pointing at Escanor who was in his frail body, cowarding behind Merlin. Vegeta scoffed, "He's not worth our strength, he'll be eliminated soon enough." Goku nodded his head until he saw Melodias walking towards them. Goku and Vegeta got into fighting stances making Melodias chuckle, "I didn't come here to fight, I just wanted to warn you. Escanor could probably one shot you guys if he had the powers of the sun. So if something happens I warned you." Vegeta grunted as he crossed his arms, "If you say so punk." Melodias waved his hand as he trailed off with his other hand in his pocket. Goku wondered, "How is the sun gonna pop up around this part of space. I can't even sense Earth."

  Jiren was floating in the air, meditating with red ki around his body. Toguro asked, "Not now, but sooner or later. We will fight, Jiren the Gray." Jiren did not move a muscle making Toguro continue walking around as explosions happened all around him. This tournament is mine to win.

Hey guys, yeah I folded. But I'm back, or at least I think I am. Sorry if the fights you wanted didn't happen. The request just didn't fit in the right moment but it definitely will happen. I'm thinking of a new book but who knows. I should have another chapter out by this week (no promises). Please vote and comment👌