Chapter 10: Brains Over Brawn

Pain was watching the battle field with his gleaming eyes as everyone continued fighting. Pain saw someone who caught his eye, it was Deku and he was laughing. A child does not belong in a tournament such as this one. I'll ease his pain.

Pain lifted his right hand, aiming it at Deku while saying, "Almighty Push." A concentrated blast of air was sent towards Deku who stopped laughing in order to jump backwards. The air continued to expand into a giant ball shocking Deku who flinced in fear. Suddenly ice pushed against the giant ball of wind allowing Deku to land on the ground safely.

Deku gasped, "Todoroki! Thanks a ton." Shoto landed next to Deku while informing, "You have to be more careful Midoriya, we can't afford to lose." Deku nodded his head while Pain landed on a broken rock where he lectured, "Children such as yourselves don't belong in this tournament." Pain lifted his hand while continuing, "Allow me to help you." Abruptly Bakugou appeared behind Pain attempting to palm him with an explosion in his hand while yelling, "Die you emo bastard!" Pain turned around placing his face inches away from Bakugou's creating tension. Pain used his Rinnegan to send Bakugou flying far away while scolding, "A nuisance belongs off the stage."

Bakugou could be heard shouting, "Is that all you got you pierced freak!" Deku gasped, "Kachan!" Bakugou was using explosions from his hands to boost himself towards Pain who closed his eyes. Bakugou began spinning around forming a tornado around his entire body. Bakugou screamed at the top of his lungs, "Time for my first elimination! HOWITZER IMPACT!" Bakugou collided with the rock Pain was standing on creating a enormous aforementioned explosion. The explosion was so powerful it created a large smokescreen making Todoroki cough, "He over did it, I think he killed him."

Bakugou arose from the smoke while yelling, "Show yourself emo bastard! I know you're still here!" When the smoke cleared the Six Paths of Pain could be seen standing together in a group. Deku was sweating when he insisted, "Wait, there's six of him now? No, that can't be right because they all look different."

Quick note to y'all uneducated fools, the Six Paths Of Pain is a technique we're Pain splits up into six different versions with different abilities. Each of the Six Paths of Pain can be used to perform any technique that Nagato himself is capable of, however, he limits each body to one branch of the Six Paths Techniques, the exception being Yahiko's body (the Deva Path) through which he performs a number of miscellaneous jutsu; the King of Hell and the creatures summoned by the Animal Path are part of his shared vision. Nagato refers to each body by the Path it embodies and has them serve specific purposes, be it offensive or defensive, reconnaissance or repair. Each of the Paths has its own importance in a fight – the Naraka Path's ability to restore all the other Paths making it the most valuable – and therefore, Nagato will sacrifice other Paths to protect those further up the hierarchy. So it goes like this. . .

Deva Path-Main

Asura Path-Mechanically

Human Path-Soul Stealer

Animal Path-Summons

Preta Path-Absorbtion

Naraka Path-Interorogation

I'll call them by their path names, except for the Deva Path one. I'll refer to him as Pain, okay continue reading😁.

Pain mumbled to the other paths causing them all to nod their heads making Deku muse, "I wonder what they're plotting." Animal Path slapped her hand on the ground summoning a giant bird with a drill nose. The bird screeched before diving head first for Deku who shouted, "I'll get the lady, Todoroki you stop the bird!" Todoroki stomped his foot on the ground created glaciers of ice in front of him causing the bird to collide with the ice. Todoroki palmed the air releasing a wave of fire with melted the bird who was stuck in the ice. Deku was running towards the Animal Path who pulled a black pole from her robe. Deku attempted to kick to Animal Path but she dodged easily allowing her to thrust her pole forward. Deku flipped backwards while thinking to himself. I may only be using 8% of One For All but she dodged my kick with such ease. Something isn't right.

Deku instructed, "Try to dodge this. Full Cowling !" Green burst of electricity sparked around Deku as One For All coursed through his body. There's no way she'll be able to dodge this! Deku moved like lightning, appearing behind Animal Path with a spinning axe kick. Animal Path effortlessly dodged Demi's kick by spinning around him preparing to stab him in his back. Deku grunted as he preformed a flipping kick which knocked the black pole out of her hand. Deku barely stuck the landing when suddenly his eyes widened at the sight of the pole inches away from his face. Deku used the speed of Full Cowling to dodge the pole in the knick of time.

Deku tumbled backwards as the black pole penetrated the stage. Pain could be seen lowering his arm making Deku gulp in fear, "He could've killed me. I-isn't that against the rules?!" Bakugou could be heard yelling as several explosions went off. Bakugou swiped an explosion at Preta Path causing him to absorb the explosion with his hands. Bakugou roared angrily, "Quit absorbing my attacks and take em' like a man! Arghhh!" Bakugou swiped another explosion that Preta Path absorbed easily. Bakugou was grunting until several missiles flew at him. Bakugou used an explosion from his hand to take off into the air, avoiding the multiple missile explosion.

Bakugou scolded, "You just blew up your own partner dumbass! Heh heh! Huh?" The smoke cleared revealing Preta Path absorbing the explosions from the missile attack. You gotta be kidding me-! Suddenly Bakugou was pulled towards Pain by the All Mighty Pull making him grunt in resistance. Bakugou flew into the hands of Naraka Path, choking him with one arm. Naraka Path insisted, "Quit now or know true pain." Bakugou grumbled, "Shut your damned mouth you emo freak!" Naraka Path stated, "You have chosen your fate and it is pain!"

Naraka Path unleashed a black pole from his sleeve making Bakugou's eyes widen in fear. Suddenly Gran Torino could be seen bouncing off the air eventually trying to kick Naraka Path but he released Bakugou in order to dodge the kick. Gran Torino slid across the stage while asking, "You okay kid?" Bakugou coughed as he stood up, "No, I'm pissed off! Grghh!" Gran Torino sighed, "Well that's too bad, because we're retreating from this battle. We don't know what his quirk is but it has to be extremely powerful and dangerous though. That's why we need to retreat, and fast."

Pain lectured, "You can run but you can't hide from, pain." Gran Torino chuckled, "We'll see about that. Let's go kid!" Gran Torino jumped into the air where he began bouncing off the air while Bakugou instructed, "I'm gonna be the one to eliminate you, so just you wait!" Bakugou put his arms behind his back, preforming an explosion which propelled him into the air. Pain watched as Bakugou escaped before explaining, "Let's try to stick together from here on out, it seems to be working in our favor. All of the Six Paths Of Pain nodded their heads as ominous music began to play.

  Goku punched Lucy's head, sending it flying backwards causing Luffy to shout, "Gum Gum Bell!" Luffy retracted his head like a whip, hitting Goku who blocked by crossing his arms.

  Todoroki punched the air summoning flames that he poured on Gray who ran through the flames while yelling, "Ice Magic: Zero Sword!" Todoroki grunted, "Get past this!" Todoroki created a wall of ice that Gray easily broke through with the blade of ice in his hands.

  Genos blasted plasma energy at 17 who air dodged the blast allowing Frieza to fire a death beam at Genos who immediately began sprinting away.

  Gremlin was watching the battles heat up with anticipation making him ask, "So Zeno dudes, you guys enjoying this tournament?" Both Zenos nodded their heads with excitement as they exclaimed in usion, "Yes! Yes! I can't wait to see Goku transform!" Gremlin continued to watch as explosions occurred all over the stage. A masterpiece.