Killua was walking with his hands in his pocket while Gon was right next to him. Killua sighed, "This is such a pain, that crazy lightning freak has been following me around ever since you knocked that other guy off. This is so much work." Gon advised with a smile on his face, "C'mon Killua, it's not that bad. Besides this is great training for the future." Killua sighed, "I wish I was having as much fun as you were." Killua's attention was swayed over to Bakugou who was running with Shoto and Deku, also arguing really loudly.
Killua mumbled, "Sheesh, that guy is too loud. He needs to shut his big trap." Even though Killua mumbled those Bakugou heard them as if he screamed. Bakugou stopped running in order to yell, "What the hell did you just say you pale boy?!" Killua replied, "I said you should keep your mouth shut and focus on fighting." Bakugou shouted, "That's it, you're history! ARGHHHH!"
Bakugou threw back his arms preparing to propel himself into the air while Deku gasped, "Kaachan, you're in no condition to fight-!" Bakugou ignored Deku as he shot himself towards Killua using explosions making Deku groan, "We have to back him up or he's good as dead." Shoto nodded his head while Bakugou attempted to palm Killua who sidestepped backwards avoiding the explosion. Killua laughed, "You know, you're power suits you. It really matches your personality."
Bakugou yelled, "Shut your damn mouth, you spikey haired bastard!" Bakugou shot several explosions at Killua who outran every explosion while chuckling, "You know it's funny you say that because your hair reminds me of an explosion now that I look at it." Bakugou grunted but his movement was blocked by a wall of ice confusing them both. Killua turned his head sharply revealing Deku coming in with a kick. Killua dodged the kick but he was glaring at Deku's eyes the whole time. Deku and Killua both landed on the ground where they stared each other down.
Deku informed, "Look, we didn't mean to engage in battle. If you let us leave, we're leaving you alone. Besides it's three against two, I don't think you want to go against those odds." He's bound to accept my offer, having as many fighters is as important as living in this tournament. So there's no way he'll decline. Killua scoffed, "Nah, I'm fine." WHAT?! He's got more ego than Bakugou, we'll maybe that's an over statement.
Killua chuckled, "We're only outnumbered by one and judging by what you said that extra one isn't in tip top shape. So yeah, I do like my odds." Bakugou suddenly exploded the wall of ice while yelling, "Dammit Deku, you think I need you save my ass from a fight I'm not even losing?! Well you're wrong, I'll blow that teenage delinquent to smithereens!"
Bakugou blasted a series of explosions at Killua who disappeared before reappearing behind Bakugou who whipped his head around quickly. The muscles in Killua's hand bulged making his hand more claw like. Killua kicked Bakugou's arm away sending an explosion into the air before thrusting his hand forward. Bakugou grunted as Killua's hand skimmed his face, shedding blood. Killua quickly jumped backwards as a glacier of ice spilt both boys apart. Killua glared at Shoto who was at a notable distance making Bakugou yell, "Hey! Keep your eyes on the prize you freak!"
Killua dodged a series of explosions, ice shards and streams of fire while Deku was dodging punches from Gon. Deku kicked away Gon's punch away before thinking to himself. He's good, I can tell by the way he fights. But I have an advantage.
Deku jumped back before reappearing behind Gon who applied Gyo to his forearm which he used to block Deku's kick. The impact from Deku's whirlwind kick pushed Gon back a few feet. Gon leaped towards Deku, throwing a series of punches that Deku dodged and blocked. Gon threw a punch causing Deku to grab his arm and preform a judo like toss. Before Gon was tossed away he spun around kicking Deku in his face, sending him flying. Deku tumbled across the stage while Gon preformed a handstand before flipping back to his feet. Gon held his now glowing fist while shouting, "Saisho wa Gū! Jan!!! Ken!! Gū!!!"
Gon began running while holding his fist which was emitting a bright golden light. Deku yelled, "Detroittt SMASH!" One For All flowed through Deku's arm as he prepared to collide fist with Gon. Their fist collided with each other causing Deku's sleeve to be ripped off and Gon's arm to get bruised. A huge shockwave sent them both flying as the stage cracked immensely.
Killua slashed his arm across the air, breaking Shoto's wall of ice. Killua remarked, "You're weakness is your inability to fight at close range." Bakugou was running towards Killua who chuckled, "And you're just stupid."
Killua did a backflip over Bakugou and while he was in midair he shouted, "Thunderbolt!" Killua threw a streak of lightning at Bakugou shocking him so intensely he was stunned. Killua came down with an axe kick but Deku clashed with a kick of his own. Deku grunted overpowered Killua sending him away. Killua twirled before he landed on the stage next to Gon who laughed, "Sorry about that, I didn't think he would be that fast."
Killua glared with his cold eyes as he watched Deku provide aid to the groggy Bakugou. Killua chuckled, "Yo moss head, you can go. We'll be on our way." Gon gasped, "Killua, are you crazy?! We have an advantage on these guys, we're just gonna give it up?" Killua nodded his head as he explained, "Yeah, I can see it in his eyes. This isn't where his story ends, c'mon let's go." Killua and Gon both jumped away leaving Deku trying to make Bakugou regain total consciousness.
Deku asked, "Kaachan, are you okay?" Bakugou grunted angrily, "No, I'm far from it. I'm pissed the hell off! I'm gonna make that guy wish he was never born!" Shoto sighed, "He's okay, let's progress."
Yusuke was throwing several punches at Ulquiorra who blocked them all with a straight face. Yusuke yelled, "Whats the matter you emo punk?!" Yusuke kicked Ulquiorra who sucked underneath his leg while sighing, "You bore me, you run your mouth too much. I wish you'd just die."
Ulquiorra thrusted his hand forward making Yusuke catch his arm while grunting, "If you think I'd fall for the same trick you did to Hiei than you must be a dumbass!" Yusuke tried to headbutt Ulquiorra who kicked him away with disgust in his eyes. Ulquiorra sighed, "You even fight like a fiend, you truly are trash."
Ulquiorra flipped Yusuke off of his arm causing Yusuke to slid across the stage. Yusuke stared at Ulquiorra with determination in his eyes. Don't worry Hiei, I'll avenge you.
*Hey loyal readers, part 2 of the 3 day upload. I was supposed to upload so much earlier but my charger was acting dumb. So yeah um was the trash talking good? And like always please vote and comment who you want to see fight. I'll hopefully see you guys tomorrow. 2/3 completed.*