Sanji backstepped away from the slash of a sword swung by Erza who grunted, "Alright you pervert, I know your weakness." Sanji ducked underneath another sword slash while joking, "You don't say huh, well show me then."
Erza stopped swinging putting some distance between her and Sanji who simply stood there with his hands in his pockets. Erza explained, "At first I was completely against this idea but I knew it work 100%, so behold! I'll throw away my warrior's pride just this once for the greater good! Requip!" Ezra's armor turned into particles a bright light began shining towards Sanji who's mouth slowly opened. Sanji stammered not able to sputter out a single word. The bright light disappeared revealing Erza who was blushing heavily in a new, revealing armor.
Erza was wearing a long light apron tied behind her neck and back, worn over her bare chest giving a great view of her side breast. She had on pink panties, exposing her butt, long black stockings. The stockings reached up to her mid thigh, she had no shoes just the stockings. She was wearing a maid hat and gauntlets but the most noticeable feature was probably her sword. It had a gold colored blade, a dark yellow guard and it had writing on it that said "Come on Boy".
Sanji's entire body glowed red as steam escaped from his ears. Sanji exclaimed, "I'M COMING SWEETHEART!" Sanji took a step forward but suddenly his nose released a stream of blood that propelled him off the edge of the stage. Sanji screamed as he fell into the darkness causing him to crash into the bleachers with heart eyes. Erza's armor disappeared as she was back in her normal Heart Kreuz armor. Erza weeped, "Why couldn't Lucy do it?! I cant believe I was persuaded to go through with that, but if it's for the greater good. Then, I guess it can be overlooked." Erza continued to weep as the battle royale raged on.
Saitama dodged a flying piece of rubble and continued walking until he spotted an opportunity. Saitama gasped, "Hmph, those three kids are all bunched up together. If I just punch the stage and leap back fast enough I should be able to get all three of them. Piece of cake!"
Saitama dashed forward with his arm cocked back ready to deliver a punch as he planned. Saitama was moving so fast that Deku barely had anytime to whip his head around to witness All Might clashing fist with Saitama. Deku gasped, "All Might!" Shoto and Bakugou were just as surprised making them speechless.
All Might grunted with a smile on his face, "These are my students if you must know, so I won't allow you to eliminate them while I'm still here!" Saitama smiled as he laughed, "Wow, you're super strong! This might actually be fun." All Might followed through with his uppercut, sending Saitama into the air. All Might squatted before leaping into the air, leaving a powerful gust of wind behind him. Deku's hair blew around in the wind as he watched his teacher provide an example of power. If he doesn't end this fight quickly he'll be past his limit, c'mon All Might I believe in you. We all do.
All Might punched Saitama who didn't block, instead he was sent flying down towards the stage which cracked before sinking in. All Might was confused as he landed on the stage where he preformed a few bunny warm up hops. Saitama's body was sunken into the crater as he laughed, "Wow, I haven't been hit like that in awhile. That was great!"
Saitama lifted himself out of the stage before dusting himself off of rubble. All Might began thinking to himself as Saitama began walking towards him. My punch had no effect, I know I'm getting weaker but he didn't even block. What is his quirk, no time to find out I guess!
All Might cocked his arm back while yelling, "Texas SMASH!" All Might punched the air releasing a mass amount of wind pressure towards Saitama who chuckled, "Hmph, this tournament is gonna be sweet!" Saitama punched the stream of wind splitting it in half surprising All Might greatly. The stage is taking more damage than he is! This amount of power is unreal, I guess the only way to defeat such a foe is to go beyond!
All Might lunged forward with his arms crossed across his chest while shouting, "Carolina Smash!" All Might hit Saitama with a double hand chop across his chest sending him backward. Saitama held his ground as he began running towards All Might who was also running towards Saitama. They both clashed fist creating a shockwave of wind which blew all over the place. All Might and Saitama switched fist having the same result as the first time. All Might began throwing a series of punches at Saitama who did the same thing. Their punches were so powerful against each other that fighters across the stage had stopped to witness such a display of power.
All Might grunted as he began moving forward while continuing to throw calculated punches, "There's no way you can keep this up forever, everyone has a limit I just have to push you past yours!" Saitama punched All Might in his stomach pushing him back a few feet as blood escaped through his teeth. The impact of that punch also ripped All Might's costume making him roar as he threw a punch at Saitama. All Might's punch sent Saitama flying causing a trail of the stage to be destroyed and smoke was flying all over the place. Saitama punched a hole in the stage, stopping his movement allowing him to begin running forward. All Might uppercutted Saitama upwards but this time he punched All Might back forcing him to block. All Might had his back on the stage until he kicked Saitama into air. All Might popped back up in order to sliding stomp on Saitama, grinding him into the stage which was falling apart by the second. All Might grabbed Saitama's arm and began swinging him around while screaming at the top of his lungs. Saitama flew through the giant pillar in the middle of the stage causing it to tip over and crash. The massive pillar flew through 25% of the stage causing chaos. Fighters were forced to scramble over to the over side of the stage.
Deku was jumping on broken rocks while Bakugou was using explosions to propel his self into the air. All Might went well past his limits, he's bound to be running out of energy!
Hit used Time Skip to move from falling to the surface of the stage. Jiren leaped off a pebble sized rock in order to reach the stage with ease. Minato threw his kunai at the stage allowing him to teleport up there. Obito fell into his own warped space allowing him to safely land on the stage. Yuno was riding on a gust of wind while Asta was climbing the broken stage using his swords. Kenpachi was holding onto his Zanpakutō which was lodged into the stage, hanging there while yawning. Ulquiorra was standing on the air looking at all the destruction that was just caused. Kurapika pentrated the stage with some of his chains allowing him to raise up to the stage. Hisoka did the same but he used Bungee Gum. Toguro (Elder Brother) extended his fingers to the stage pulling himself up with ease. Kuwabara slashed a portal like dimension which he fell through allowing him to fall on the stage. Nastu emitted fire from his feet, boosting him into the air while Gray created a staircase made completely of ice. Luffy extended his rubbery arms, gripping the stage while Rob Lucci used the air walk technique. Melodias had a demon curse on his forehead as he grew black wings which he used to soar into the air. Galand stabbed his spear into the stage, stopping him from falling. Medusa used a vector plate to boost her up while Stein stitched his hand to the stage. Tornado were coated in green aura allowing her to float while scorning, "That bald headed bafoon ruined the entire stage. If he's not dead, I'm going to teach him a lesson."
All Might collasped on one knee as steam began emitting from his body. Oh no, I'm out of time. This can't be good. All Might reverted back to his true form causing him to start panting heavily. Saitama pushed a big rock off of him before laughing, "Wow, we made a really big mess. We should end this before everything is destroyed. Wait what the heck happened to you?! You used to be all muscular and now you're all scrawny. Welp, whatever. Let's end this." Saitama leaped towards All Might, breaking the other half of the pillar.
All Might clenched his fist as Saitama got closer. NO, NOT YET! All Might's right arm grew back into his muscle form as he shouted, "I can tell you're no villain, you're heart is pure. There's no doubt about it but, I can't afford to lose just yet. I will show why I'm the symbol of peace!" All Might cocked back his arm while shouting, "UNITED STATES OF SMASHHH!"
All Might punched Saitama in his face with a massive force of impact. All Might screamed as he slammed Saitama's head into the stage using his fist. Amongst contact, the area where the punch landed completely caved in, falling apart. All Might had a smile on his face as he and Saitama fell towards the darkness in slow motion. Heh, this is good. I got him and I couldn't continue fighting. This is the end, go far young Midoriya. Go beyond.
Saitama suddenly laughed, "Good punch man." All Might was shocked until Saitama jumped off of All Might's falling body, giving him a boost. All Might fell into the darkness, landing into the bleachers while Saitama barely managed to land on the stage. Deku was in total shock as he watched Tornado scold Saitama. He got hit by the move that put an end to One For All. And he doesn't even seemed to be harmed, how is this even possible?!
Gremlin remarked as he watched the stage fall apart, "Well that's no good, this won't be interesting if everyone keeps falling off a declining stage. Only one way to fix that." Gremlin's hand glowed green causing the stage to slowly begin rebuilding itself. When that was done Gremlin used his other hand which glowed purple causing the stage to start expanding. There, now let the show continue!
*Hey guys guess what, I did it. I uploaded three times in theee days. For some that may be cakework but I'm the master of folding so yeah I'm proud of myself. During that All Might fight I listened to "You Say Run" for about 2 hours. It just fat the mood so perfectly. Anyways that's it for today, please vote and comment on who you want to see fight because fighters are dropping like flies. 3/3 Complete! 🌟 *