Chapter 18: Let Your Youth Explode!

Vegeta dodged Nommu's punch before kicking him in his gut while yelling, "I'm tired of you! You brain dead freak!" Vegeta fired a series of ki blast at Nommu who crossed his arms, blocking the barrage of attacks. Vegeta appeared behind Nommu, booting him into the air. Vegeta flew up to air, grabbing Nommu's legs while grunting, "Get out of here!" Vegeta threw Nommu down towards the stage which cracked amongst the pressure. While still in mid air Vegeta cupped his hands together in front of him as a yellow orb spawned in between his hands. Several amounts of ki were being prepared when Vegeta yelled, "Final Flash!"

Vegeta released a bright yellow beam of energy directly at Nommu who was blasted threw a hole in the stage. Nommu fell into the darkness causing him to collapse on the bleachers. Vegeta powered down to base form as he descended to the stage. Suddenly All For One arrived in front of Vegeta who asked, "What do you want faceless bastard?" All For One chuckled, "Nothing really, I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory against my creation." Vegeta grunted, "That mindless monster was yours creation?" All For One explained, "Well I can't take all the credit, but yes I programmed it to attack you and you only. Now you lack the energy you need to strive on in this tournament. After watching you in the tournament of power I saw that you had this unmatched determination. So what better way to do that then exert your energy?" Vegeta grunted, "You bastard, you've planned this since the beginning!" All For One agreed, "Indeed I did, I wish you the best of luck because the next phase of my universe's plan is in action." Vegeta lunged at All For One while grunting, "I won't let you!" All For One stepped backwards into a black liquid portal avoiding Vegeta's punch. Next phase? Wait does that mean they're after Kakarot?!

Might Guy was standing in front of Jiren who had his arms crossed and his eyes closed. Guy laughed, "Hmph, Jiren the Grey. It's an honor to be in the same tournament with you. I came to test my Taijustu against you, what do you say?" Jiren opened his eyes when suddenly Guy dodged a bullet made of air. Guy turned his attention to Toguro who was walking towards Guy while informing, "Silly ninja, Jiren is far beyond your prowess. The only one who can fight him is me, at 120%. If you disagree then I'll eliminate you right here and now." Guy smirked as he explained, "I got one better, let's have a competition. First one to damage Jiren gets to fight him one on one. Deal?" Toguro looked at Jiren with his shades still on before saying, "You're on."

Guy kicked Jiren who dodged by stepping back, uncrossing his arms. Guy laughed as he threw a barrage of kicks at Jiren who continued to dodge with ease. Toguro punched the stage splitting Guy and Jiren apart. Toguro flicked several fingers bullets at Jiren who continued to dodge while keeping calm. Toguro threw a punch at Jiren who dodged before punching Toguro in his gut. Toguro slid across the ground while laughing, "Ah yes, I expected nothing less from you!" Toguro threw a series of punches that Jiren continued to dodge until suddenly Guy had came back with a green aura surrounding him. Guy had opened the Sixth Gate of Joy as he kicked Toguro in his neck. Toguro slid away from Jiren who was now dodging a barrage of fast punches from Guy. Jiren grabbed Guy's fist causing him to preform a back flip freeing his arm. Guy attempted to sweep Jiren who flipped away.

  Toguro abruptly punch Guy who stopped his fist with a defensive kick. Toguro grabbed Guy's leg while chuckled, "It didn't come to my mind that I can do what you did." Guy spun around hitting Toguro with a roundhouse kick, not fazing him at all. Guy yelled, "Leaf Hurricane!" Guy kicked Toguro with the force of a whirlwind sending him flying. Guy ran towards Jiren who blasted a red ki blast. Guy twirl kicked the ki blast away causing an explosion somewhere nearby. Guy began rapidly punching the air while shouting, "Morning Peacock!"

  Guy began punching so fast that he created hundreds of fireballs which were sent towards Jiren. A huge explosion occurred then Toguro punched Guy who spun around his fist. Guy kicked Toguro in his gut but it did nothing making him flip backwards. Toguro appeared behind Guy, axe handling Guy into the stage. Guy's eyes widened as Toguro attempted to stomp on him causing him to roll out of danger. Guy flipped up to his feet then suddenly Jiren released invisible eye blast which sent Toguro flying far away.

  Jiren complimented, "I don't know you're name I wish to fight you, you have high spirits. And I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't care if you were eliminated without a proper fight." Guy laughed, "Like music to my ears, my name is Might Guy! It's time for the blue beast to run wild! I'm gonna let my youth explode!!" Suddenly Guy crossed his arms while shouting, "Eight Inner Gates! Seventh Gate of Shock!"

  Guy uncrossed his arms releasing a blue aura that surrounded him with ridged edges. His aura was expanding summoning strong gust of wind that Jiren stood in the midst of. He's no Goku, but he's no push over either. Guy suddenly appeared in front of Jiren throwing a punch that he barely dodged. Guy swung with his other fist forcing Jiren to step backwards as he dodged the punch. Guy kicked his leg upwards nearly kicking Jiren then he quickly attempted a sweep kick. Jiren leaped backwards while Guy preformed a handstand pop off kick that Jiren also dodged. Guy landed on the stage before quickly rushing to Jiren who dodged his dashing speed. Guy did a backflip hoping his kick would land but Jiren leaped back again. Guy prepared a hand sign while yelling, "Take this! Hirudora! Afternoon Tiger!"

  Guy released a shockwave of wind pressure in the form of a white tiger causing Jiren to create a barrier of ki. A bright white light shunned a smoke flooded the area. When the smoke cleared Jiren was lodged inside the stage, his eight gates technique turned off. Jiren however slid a great distance before stopping. Jiren asked, "Are you still alive, Might Guy?" Guy's eyes widened causing him to slowly stand up while panting, "I've never been better, but it's time to show you my true power." Jiren looked intrigued as Guy took off his vest while lecturing, "The end has come for the Leaf's Blue Beast. . . It's time for the Red Beast to emerge!"

  Guy started running towards Jiren as streaks of red aura surrounded his body. Guy's hair turned red and wavy as he was submerged in red aura. Guy yelled, "Open! Eight Inner Gates! Gate of Death!" Jiren stared at Guy who was then a backflip before yelling, "First Step!" Guy punched a shockwave of wind pressure that Jiren attempted to block but the power was greater than he expected. Jiren was consumed an air cannon block of wind. Jiren was surrounded by a red coat of ki while Guy screamed causing Jiren to fly into the stage. A giant crater was created as Guy was still in the air. Jiren was buried alive by heavy amounts of wind which blew across the entire stage. Guy prepared to preform another punch but suddenly his arm became fractured. The sound of his bone cracking made him groan in pain as he lowered his fist. Guy descended down to the ground while holding his arm in pain.

  Jiren was latex out on the stage trying to recover from such an attack. I should probably avoid getting hit by anymore of those. I'll take the offensive. Jiren leaped into the air making Guy follow by kicking the air behind him making it look like he was walking on air. Guy started circling Jiren stood in midair awaiting Guy's next attack. Guy suddenly punched another shockwave attack while yelling, "First Step!"  but then time Jiren surrounded himself by a red circular barrier of ki. Jiren when suddenly Guy was behind him as he yelled, "Second Step!" Jiren was uppercutted by a force of wind but Guy didn't stop there. He began moving in different spots while yelling, "Third Step! Fourth Step!" Jiren's barrier expanded causing a huge explosion that he leaped out of. Guy was on his trail causing Jiren to create a barrier of ki but this time Kakashi appeared on a patch of sand. Kakashi grunted, "Kamui!" Suddenly Jiren's barrier was   distorted allowing Guy to punch Jiren in his stomach. Jiren flew towards the stage breaking the stage severely. Guy landed on the ground where he began panting from exhaustion. Jiren stood up revealing his uniform had been damaged. Jiren complimented, "Might Guy, you're a fine warrior. Let us end this."

  Guy got into a running stance making Jiren confused as Guy's red aura began to flare up. Guy roared, "Charge!" His red aura bursted causing sparks to appear all over his body. His aura began to become a dragon head that stared Jiren in his eyes. Guy bellowed, "FLOW!" Guy started to sprint towards Jiren causing the red dragon to take form as it inches closer to Jiren who cocked his fist back. Flames ignited on Jiren's fist but as Guy got closer those flames were blown away making Jiren gasp. Guy leaped up while yelling, "NIGHT GUY!"

  Guy prepared to stomp his foot into Jiren's stomach but the unpredictability Toguro pushed Jiren out of the way in his 120% form. Toguro shouted, "SILLY NINJA! JIREN DOESN'T DERSEVE TO BE HIT BY A PUNY MOVE SUCH AS YOURS! ALLOW ME TO ENDURE YOUR SAD EXCUSE OF AN ATTACK!!! AT 120 PERCENT!" Guy kicked Toguro in his gut making him instantly cough up blood among impact. Guy's kick drove Toguro off of the stage along with himself. Toguro's muscle armor shattered and so did the bones in Guy's right leg. The dragon finally faded causing Toguro and Guy to fall into the darkness.

  Toguro's frail, skinny body collasped in the bleachers where he coughed up blood. Hiei groaned still holding the hole in his chest, "Did you get what you were looking for?" Toguro hesitated before answering, "Yes. That was the most exciting attack I've felt since Urameshi and his Spirit Gun. But a last, I believe that ninja is dying." Hiei looked over to see Guy layed our him his skin burnt and charred.

  Hiei looked away out respect when suddenly Naruto could be heard gasping, "Bushier Brows Sensei! Are you alright?! Here let me help you!" Naruto touched Guy's chest using the Yin seal on his hand saving Guy's life. Hiei gasped, "He risked his placement in the tournament to save a friend? That's absurd." Naruto laughed, "Not exactly." Naruto poofed turning out to be a shadow clone. Hiei yelled, "Is that even allowed?!"

  Gremlin shrugged his shoulders while the Omni Kings cheered in unsion, "That's allowed, now continue on with the tournament!" Hiei grumbled as he looked at Jiren was shook by the attack that he was spared from. I was right, he's no Goku. He's his own man, Might Guy. I'll never forget you."

  *Hey guys, this chapter was so fun to write. Might Guy is awesome, shout out to Donniedrako15 for making this fight happen. Please don't forget to vote and comment who you want to see fight next. Oh do you think Naruto should be eliminated even though it was a clone? Tell me in the comments*