Erza flipped away from Meliodias who appeared behind in a flash while laughing, "No hard feelings right?" Erza requiped into her "Clear Heart" armor, clashing swords with Meliodias before replying, "All's fair in war!" Erza leaped backwards making Meliodias smile as he stood across from her. He has a move that can reflect any magic back at his opponent two times as hard. It's true because I've seen it with my own eyes. I have to be sure to only use physical attacks.
Erza rushed towards Meliodias slashing her sword causing him to dodge. Meliodias swung his sword forcing Erza to block using her sword. Erza spun quickly slashing her sword in a circle making Meliodias smirk as Gilthunder thrusted his sword forward. Gilthunder pierced Erza's blade, deflecting it away from Meliodias who laughed, "Trust me, we've thought this out." Gilthunder had lightning sparking around him as he quickly slashed his sword forcing Erza to also begin rapidly swinging her sword. Sparks were flying all over until Gilthunder dodged Erza's blade before preforming an upper slash. Erza did a backflip kicking Gilthunder right in his chin. Melodias jumped up slashing his sword at Erza while she was in midair. Meliodias was stopped by a wall of ice created by Gray who yelled, "I won't allow you to gang up on my friends!"
Gray gasped as Estarossa threw a punch that Gray blocked, bruising his forearm. Gray chuckled, "You pack quite a punch, but if that's all you got then you're done for." Estarossa grinned as he began thinking to himself. Ah I see, the commandment doesn't work on him because he bares no hatred for me. Interesting. Estarossa chuckled, "All I've got, no. I'm just getting started." Estarossa grabbed a sword from his chest making Gray grunt, "Ice-Make: Freeze Lancer!" Gray summoning large ice spikes that flew towards Estarossa who dodged each one with caution. So he plans to keep me away huh? Well then, I'll just charge at him. Full throttle!
Estarossa dodged the last ice spike before running towards Gray who sighed, "Ice-Make: Block." A huge block of ice fell from the sky in between Gray and Estarossa, creating some spacing. Estarossa slashed the block of ice in half causing Gray to gasp, "Ice-Make: Arrows!" Gray summoned a bow made out of ice before firing several ice arrows at Estarossa who deflected each one with his sword. Estarossa was right in front of Gray who yelled, "Ice-Make: Shield!" Gray summoned a lotus shaped ice flower but Estarossa thrusted his sword through the shield. Gray barely managed to dodge, causing his cheek to be skimmed by Estarossa's blade. Gray's eyes widened when Estarossa abruptly grabbed him by the neck.
Estarossa chuckled, "I'm not really good at knocking opponents off the stage, I'm more of a torturer. So just tell me when you're willing to submit." Estarossa instantly punched Gray in his stomach making him cough up spit. Estarossa released his grip on Gray's neck causing him to fall to his knees where he began gasping for air. Estarossa kicked Gray who caught his leg, quickly freezing his leg. Estarossa punched Gray in his face causing him to tumble across the ground. Estarossa appeared behind Gray, booting him up into the air. Gray coughed, "Ice-Make: Ice Impact!"
Gray created a big ice hammer which fell downwards to Estarossa who smirked as he allowed the hammer to hit him. The impact of the hammer created a crater in the stage as Gray fell on the stage. Gray stood up breathing heavily as he searched for Estarossa. This guy, he's so strong. My attacks barely have any effect on him. Where is he? Gray turned around revealing a black hound made out of darkness running towards Gray. The hound leaped into Gray's face before it bursted into a wildfire of black flames. Estarossa was walking through the flames while explaining, "Don't feel powerless against me, my power far exceeds yours. You can end this suffering if you just jump off the stage for me. What do you say?"
Gray was holding his arm revealing parts of his skin being scorched. His breathing was inconsistent as he panted, "Ice-Make: Ice Geyser!" Gray was lifted into the air by a pillar of ice where he created an ice bow. Gray yelled, "Ice-Make: Super Freeze Arrow!" Gray fired an arrow which was traveling at high speeds due to his height advantage. Estarossa smirked as he grabbed the arrow with his bare hand. Estarossa lectured, "Give it up boy, you could never defeat someone of the demon clan." Estarossa shattered the arrow causing Gray to smile as he asked, "You're a demon huh? Well then I guess destiny put us against each other. Ice-Make: Sword."
Gray created a sword made out of ice before leaping off of the ice pillar, landing on the stage. Gray dashed towards Estarossa slashing his sword forcing Estarossa to dodge while asking, "Is this bravery or stupidity?" Estarossa slashed his sword but Gray clashed using ice sword while answering, "I don't know but I do know I can beat you!" Gray headbutted Estarossa in his head before creating another ice sword while yelling, "Ice-Make: Ice Bringer!" Gray slashed his swords in a x motion pushing Estarossa back some. Gray threw both swords at Estarossa who quickly dodged both flying swords. Gray lunged towards Estarossa while shouting, "Ice-Make: Cold Excalibur!"
Gray created a massive blade of ice which he swung at Estarossa who caught the blade, cracking the stage underneath his feet. Estarossa sighed, "I see you still don't understand your situation, allow me to remind you." Estarossa quickly thrusted his sword into Gray's stomach, impaling his stomach. Estarossa grunted when Gray shattered revealing it to be a ice clone. Estarossa turned around to see Gray running towards him with red ice blades jutting from the back of his forearms. Gray grunted while running, "Ice Blade: Seven Slice Blade!" Gray preformed an assault of seven different slashes that Estarossa either dodged or parryed. Estarossa cocked his arm back making Gray quickly cover his body within a cocoon of ice covered with spikes. Estarossa punched right through the ice cocoon hitting Gray who tumbled across the ground. Gray flipped up to his feet where Estarossa punched him in his chest. Gray coughed up blood as he slid across the stage.
Gray grunted, "Ice-Make: Crescent Blades!" Gray began firing a series of crescent shaped projectiles at Estarossa who rapidly swung his sword slicing the projectiles away. Gray yelled as he continued firing applying pressure to Estarossa who slowly became annoyed. A smokescreen surrounded Estarossa finally making Gray stop his barrage of attacks. Gray shouted, "Ice-Make Unlimited: One Sided Chaotic!" Gray was surrounded by a large number of big ice swords. Gray commanded the large swords to fly towards Estarossa who cleared the smoke by waving his hand. Estarossa's eyes widened when he saw the incoming attack right in front of him. Hmph.
A huge explosion occurred sending Gray flying from his own attack. Gray tumbled across the stage before laying on his back where he breathed heavily. That'll teach that demon bastard. Another explosion occurred but this time it was an explosion of black flames. Gray got on one knee to see Estarossa surrounded by darkness and some of his clothes were ripped apart. Estarossa was smiling when he explained, "That attack of yours was pretty cool. I'm glad I released my darkness when I did. Who knows what would've happened if I didn't. I'm sorry to say that I must end this now."
The darkness around Estarossa formed into a giant black axe which he grabbed with one hand. Estarossa swung his axe causing Gray to gasp as he was hit by the wave of darkness. Gray had a big cut across his chest as he flew into a piece broken rubble. Estarossa sighed as he stabbed his darkness axe into the stage while sighing, "They never know when to give up."
Gray was layed out on several pieces of the broken stage, blood was coming out of his mouth and his breathing was even more inconsistent. Juvia gasped as she saw her beloved Gray on the brink of death. Juvia ran to Gray's side while panicking, "Gray, don't worry Juvia is here now!" Gray coughed, "No, leave here now. He's coming to finish me off. He's too strong, you can't win." Juvia objected, "No way, Juvia will not standby and let the love of her life be eliminated by some jerk."
Estarossa could be heard asking as he walked towards Gray, "What's this, a farewell to your teammate before I eliminate him?" Juvia exclaimed, "Hands off of my Gra-, huh?" Juvia was confused when she realized she couldn't move a muscle, only small shivers of movement. What's going on with my body? Estarossa explained, "It's my commandment, anyone who bares any hate against me is refused to right to be able to move. Now I will go on as planned. Liberation." Estarossa summoned seven different black swords as he knelt beside Gray. Juvia grunted as there was truly nothing she could do to stop this from happening. Juvia gasped, "What are you going to do to my Gray!" Estarossa's eyes were cold when he answered, "Stabbing him until he submits defeat, there's no other way."
Estarossa lowered the first sword into Gray's arm, slowly causing him to experience excruciating pain. Blood spilled on the stage as Gray grumbled in agony. Juvia began crying as she pleaded, "Please stop! This isn't right, Gray please give up! Juvia can't watch this any longer, PLEASE STOP!" Estarossa gasped when he noticed the tattoo on Gray's right arm. His power level is rising, what is he?! Gray opened his mouth releasing a massive beam of cold air point blank at Estarossa. What's this power?! A hole was blasted through Estarossa's chest and his body was completely frozen. Gray weakly stood up while sighing, "Oh crap, I didn't mean to kill him."
Estarossa shattered the ice surrounding his body as darkness coated his body. Estarossa laughed, "Kill me?! Fat chance, farewell!" The hole in Estarossa's chest regenerated as he charged towards Gray who mumbled, "Ice Devil's Zeroth Long Sword." Gray created ethereal long sword which he grabbed with his only good hand. Gray yelled as he swung his sword clashing with Estarossa's blade. It's now or never! Gray spun around dropping his blade as he prepared to punch Estarossa with everything he had. Gray landed a nasty punch which replayed three different times from three different camera angles. Blood leaked from Estarossa's nose when suddenly he cackled, "Full Counter!" Gray's eyes widened when suddenly he was sent flying by Estarossa's magic. Gray flew into the darkness causing him to collapse in the stands.
Juvia gasped while Estarossa wiped his nose, "Gray-Sama! What did you do, Gray's punch landed! I seen it with my own eyes!" Estarossa explained, "I used my magical ability, 'Full Counter' which allows me to reflect physical attacks back at my opponent twice as hard. No use telling you though because you're next." Juvia still struggled to move making Estarossa ask, "Do you still have hatred for me in your heart?" Juvia grunted as Estarossa has a cocky grin on his face. All is going according to plan. Victory will be ours.
*Hey loyal readers, like I said before I'm back and I'm trying to make up for all the time I've missed. This chapter was so fun to write because a whole lot of research was conducted for Gray and Estarossa. I'd love to see this fight animated for sure. Please vote and comment who you wanna see fight. (Still got some request I need to finish)*