Chapter 22: Warrior’s Pride

Erza grunted as she observed her current situation, a drastic change in battle. Gray was just eliminated by that man who is about to do the same thing to Juvia. If she could control her emotions, then she should be fine. Natsu on the other hand. Natsu was delivering blow after blow but Ban continued to block each punch with a smile on his face. Natsu is holding is own against that man so no need to worry there. Gajeel is in slight trouble but he should be fine. I should worry about defeating these two enemies so I can save Juvia!

Erza requiped into her Flight Armor allowing her to keep up with Gilthunder's lighting fast speed. Gilthunder preformed a downwards slash that Erza blocked with one of her swords. Lightning sparked around Gilthunder as he appeared behind Erza who blocked his surprise attack with her other sword. Gilthunder began slashing his sword rapidly forcing Erza to grunt each time she parried his sword, sparks flew everywhere and the intensity grew by the second. Erza leaped backwards only for Gilthunder to lung forward slashing his sword forcing her to deflected his sword. Gilthunder spun around before delivering a downwards slash causing Erza to use both swords to block. He's so fast, and persistent! Gilthunder lead Erza's swords downwards allowing him to roundhouse kick her into the air. This is my fastest armor but to him this is child's play! Erza's train of thought was broken by Melodias appearing above her preforming a downwards slash. Erza barely managed to block as she was sent towards the stage creating a small smoke screen.

  Erza ran out of the smokescreen causing Gilthunder to be right on her tail. Gilthunder thrusted his sword causing Erza to flip over him. Erza swung her swords while she was above Gilthunder who quickly swung his sword deflecting Erza's attack. Gilthunder thrusted his sword sending Erza tumbling across the stage. Erza sprung up to her feet when suddenly Meliodias appeared behind her while yelling, "1,000 Divine Cuts!" Erza gasped, "Sonic Claw!" Erza and Melodias both dashed past each other with the sound of swords clashing rapidly. They both stood there for a second when abruptly Erza fell to her knees as cuts appeared all over her body. Seconds after her body bursted into black flames causing her to requip into her "Flame Empress" armor. That was bad, I just took a major hit. If I take another one of those then I'll never save Juvia.

  Erza mustered the strength to stand up as the black flames continued to burn around but her armor kept her safe. Erza gasped when Gilthunder yelled, "Chase of the Lightning Beast!" A dark cloud appeared in the air then dragons made out of lightning flew towards Meliodias who laughed, "Full Counter!" Meliodias swung his sword multiple times hitting each dragon towards Erza, double times the attack power. Erza's eyes widened as the attack caused a huge explosion.

  As the smoke was slowly fading Meliodias laughed, "I never thought about using my Full Counter to reflect a friend's attack against an enemy. Glad we practiced that at home huh Gil?" Gilthunder smiled when he answered, "Of course, but now isn't the time to relax. Our opponent still intends to fight." Erza was walking forward in her "Lightning Empress" armor. Gilthunder explained, "Looks like she has an armor that can nullify certain magic, interesting." Meliodias chuckled, "Is that so huh, well then I'd like to take a crack at her. Makes sense assuming that's her Lightning Nullifying armor." Gilthunder insisted, "Very well, do be careful Sir Meliodias."

  Meliodias laughed, "I should probably just end this battle right now but where's the fun in that, eh?" Erza sighed, "Even in a two on one, I would still come out victorious. Because I am a member of Fairy Tail and I'll say it again and again if I have to!" Erza requiped into her "Armadura Fairy" armor. I can't use any attacks or he'll just send them back but I can still win this! Erza charged at Melodias spinning around slashing her winged swords. Meliodias used his sword to block each attack until Erza stopped spinning. Erza began rapidly swinging her swords making Melodias swung his sword with efficient speed. Sparks were flying everywhere as the two stared each other with muderous intent. Meliodias slashed Erza's wrist allowing him to kick Erza in her stomach. Erza groaned as she slid across the stage holding her stomach. Out of nowhere Gilthunder ran towards Erza while yelling, "Lightning King Iron Hammer!"

  Gilthunder thrusted his sword forward as lightning struck Erza from the dark cloud floating above. Erza could be seen blocking Gilthunder's sword with her long spear while she was in her "Lightning Empress" armor. Erza pushed Gilthunder away making him object, "You can keep your lightning armor on, I still have a speed advantage!" Gilthunder jumped up and slashed his sword downwards summoning more lightning. Erza slashed through the lightning that was aimed towards her. Almost instantly, Gilthunder lunged forward while yelling, "Thunder Clap Strike!" Gilthunder thrusted his sword forward, clashing against Erza's spear pushing her back quickly. A trail of broken rubble followed behind the two warriors as they crashed into a gigantic piece of rubble. Erza was blocking Gilthunder's sword as she stared him in his eyes. Erza spun her spear swinging the staff downwards causing Gilthunder to appear beside her. Gilthunder elbowed Erza in her cheek but that didn't stop her from blocking Gilthunder's sword slash. Gilthunder appeared beside Erza yet again attempting another surprise attack but again she blocked using the blade of her spear. Gilthunder kicked Erza away creating some distance in between them but that was temporary. Erza and Gilthunder leaped into the air where they began clashing blades, Gilthunder having a significant speed advantage. He's faster, but his attacks do little to no damage. Erza suddenly dodged Meliodias' flaming black sword by ducking underneath. Meliodias began swinging his sword forcing Erza to either block or parry. Gilthunder quickly punched Erza in her face sending her flying. Erza stood up then she quickly barrel rolled out of the way of Gowther's purple arrow. Meliodias slashed Erza's back spilling some blood on the stage as she stumbled forward. Gilthunder slashed Erza's chest, slamming her into the ground.

  Erza breathed heavily as her armor shattered making Gilthunder sigh, "You were a fine warrior but against Meliodias and I you stood no chance. Farewell." Gilthunder lifted his sword summoning a bolt of lightning downwards. Erza could be heard murmuring, "Not yet." The lightning struck Erza creating a hole in the stage and a huge smokescreen. Gilthunder stood near the edge of the hole in the stage looking down. Erza could be heard asking, "What's the matter, find something down there?" Gilthunder gasped as he turned around revealing Erza to be in her "Nakagami" armor. Her power is soaring by the second, when did she dodge my attack?! Forget it, I have to eliminate her.

  Gilthunder shouted, "Your new armor won't make a difference as long as it doesn't nullify my lightning, then I win!" Gilthunder slashed a wave of lightning at Erza who used her spear like sword to cut right through the wave of lightning while insisting, "Nothing can save you now! Nakagami, Starlight!" Erza slashed her halberd hitting Gilthunder straight across his chest. His metal armor cracked before shattering as he was slammed through the stage. Gilthunder shouted as he fell into the darkness, "I'm sorry Sir Meliodias!" Gilthunder collasped into the bleachers while yelling, "How could I let my guard down in the heat of battle?!"

  Erza stood there as her armor disappeared causing Meliodias to sigh, "Aw man, that sucks that you were able to eliminate Gilthunder but that won't stop us from eliminating you-." Meliodias stopped talking when suddenly Erza fell forward, falling through the hole Gilthunder created. Erza had lost consciousness as she fell into the bleachers. Meliodias chuckled, "That last armor must've used up a lot of magical power, well works in our favor anyway. That just leaves a few more left. Heh, heh, this is getting fun."

*Hey you loyal readers, yeah it's me again. I told you the grind is something fierce, we got a double whammy this chapter. Watching Gilthunder fight is so satisfying, I totally recommend you all watch Seven Deadly Sins. It's a great show. Please vote and comment who you wanna see fight.*